Speaking on Absolute Radio before the weekend, Spurs manager Harry Redknapp said that it was unlikely that he would be bringing in any new faces to White Hart Lane this winter.

Rumours have persisted in the press, most of them suggesting that Tottenham will be looking for a new striker at the very least, but Harry claims that the current form of the side means that there is no need for reinforcements.

“I haven’t got anybody I could stand here and say ‘Yeah, we want to get him’,” Harry said.  “It’s so difficult, where do you play them?

“You’ve got people like Sandro can’t get in the mid-field, he’s in the Brazilian team, so it’s not easy.

“There’s no one out there I… I mean, there’s players but you’re not going to get them, the top players, but I don’t really see where I’m going to improve us too much with the players that might be available.”

Harry also attempted to end the David Beckham rumours once and for all,

“I enjoyed having David here when he came and trained, and he’s a fantastic professional, great buy, but again it would be difficult,” Harry added

“I couldn’t bring David in and say ‘Well you’re going to play every week’ because it would be difficult.  I’ve got Aaron Lennon playing well, we’re not short there really, so it would be a problem.”

So Harry is adamant but that won’t stop the rumours continuing. Overall, is he right in his assessment or should the club be scouting for reinforcements in January?
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  1. I feel we need to ship out Bentley, Jenas, Pav and Bassong permanently. I would like to see the following as their replacements:

    Cahill (As a 3rd choice)

    That would push us closer to a good top 3 finish.

    • I agree with all of the suggested ins and outs but they can wait till the Summer. We definitely need a class centre forward because if we pick up an injury in that department, we are very light.

  2. no. the time for buying will be the summer. if harry is still with us. you wont get an upgrade on what weve got in jan. with dawson and the hudd and kranjar to come back. if our starting 11 stay fit we are going places and fast!

    • So what happens is Adebayor gets injured? If Pav goes, which i hope he does, then we are in trouble. Lets not make thewsame mistake again and not build on what we have when in a great position. I found it mindnumbingly pathetic how we didnt buy when we got in the cl and didnt buy.
      Redknapp pisses me off when he goes on about not signing anyone. Pav has to go therefore a replacement is needed, end of.
      Please let it be Damiao or Cavani.

  3. While clearly no fan would be in favour of Spurs paying Beckham or using a squad berth for a player of his age, I do think that Pienaar is not good enough to really push Lennon for his place, so I could handle a new RM coming in to compete for that spot as I think all players need to be under pressure to perform. I’m very happy with Lennon and by no means want to see him forced out, just having to compete, which right now he doesn’t have to. I don’t think our team desperately needs improving anywhere, but if the coaches felt there was an option which would do so, I’d be in favour of doing so, as always. We could possibly do with 1 more quality left sided player although hopefully that will be Rose. I think he still has it all to prove though.

  4. In my mind, Adebayor ain’t staying – we cannot afford the wages. So we need to sign a striker in Jan – not to be 1st choice immediately, but to find his feet and be ready in August. Someone like Wickham would have been ideal, but too late. But the new guy needs to possess a similar workrate to Adebayor or Wickham – because it helps our play. Adebayor is scoring, but his finishing is reminding me of Crouch, and needs to improve. There will be games where he will only get 2 chances, and needs to bag them with greater aplomb. His all round play is worth being put on our max wage, but the current poor finishing not making it tempting for us to pay him any more.

    • TonyRich, I kind of agree with you there. Although, we have seen him finish some great goals for Ars*nal, so we know he is capable. I am just pleased that even his un-aplombed (if there is such a word) efforts are going in.

      But, his assist rate is fantastic. 6 assists in 10 games. Our top assister actually and 2nd in the prem only to David Silva.

      • We also saw Crouch do some nice finishing for Liverpool & England. We saw none of that at Spurs. Also when Keane returned to us, his finishing deserted him too. Robbie Fowler went from lethal to “could not hit a barn door”. Any more examples? When you lose it, you lose it.

        • Dont think he’s lost it though. Quality finish v Villa (1st goal), both goals v Liverpool and his goal v Wolves. I think he gets complacent with his finishing at times though.

          • Class, Tony. I used to think, ‘You’re just a black Peter Crouch’ when watching him play. Kinda felt embarrassed now knowing how skillful, quick-footed, fast and energetic he is. But glad someone else saw it, :p CK is right, though. He scored in abundance in one spell at Arsenal which shows he can do it. One blogger be-moaned his 3 in 9 start for Spurs, not too bad, I argued, given his overall contributions. 7 in 11, is it? Give him a break. He’s so too desperate to prove so many people wrong. What wouldn’t he give to beat City to the title in a Spurs shirt? Epic.

  5. I think he means we wont add to what we got unless we sell some players first. IMO out will be Gomes, Bassong and Pav and in i would personally like Scott Loach (Watford), Gary Cahill (Bolton) and Damiao (Internacional), Maybe a short loan for Pienaar for match fitness?

  6. If we miss Parker or/and Ade we’ll be back in last season’s poor situation.
    Therefore to buy a proper replacement for one or both of those players during January’s window would be an act of precaution.

    • I personally think Sandro is a great under-study to Parker. We’re not Manchester City and can really have two World-class XI…

      Lets face it Sandro would probably fit into most First Premiership XI at the moment and hes warming our bench most games.

      We are a little light on the wings, but BAE and Ade are the most likely players we would miss most if injured.

  7. what is harry talking about? we’re very short on the right wing…

    we should sell pav and replace him. if we lost adebayor that would dramatically change our team. as great as we’ve been recently, we are relying on him staying fit for every match this season. I want top 4 this season but would also love to win a cup, we need multiple options!

  8. Our First XI is currently perfectly balanced, solid keeper, strong defensive five (Parker & Back Four) and a fluid and pacey front five.

    There is no immediate pressure to buy any players, as I see little out there that would improve the First XI without breaking the bank…

    However, I would add Corluka, Gomes and Dos Santos, to lets get them shipped out and off the wage bill. Maybe leave Corluka until the end of the Season, Naughton will make a passable under-study to Walker.

    There are definite needs to the squad though Medium to Long-term…

    Left-Back (Danny Rose has deputised well, but not sure if he really is a strong enough to give BAE the necessary kick up the ass he needs from time to time)
    Centre-Back (Kaboul has established himself as No.2, but like Dawson you wonder if he could cut it as the No. 1 in the absence of King and Gallas)
    Big Striker (Manu, will he stay, will he go, will he be fit for the whole season, how long until he has one of his famed “moments”, but we need a Striker who can hold the ball and link play)

    • Come the end of the season it could be a lot cheaper to buy Michel Vorm and his performances recently have been top notch too. Both Vorm and Krul are looking as competent as anyone in the league right now imo.

  9. HOUR always says we won’t buy and normally gets something done. Striker and a centre back would do. Maybe an up and coming youngster as well. Cahill and leandro would be perfect for CB. Ship out bassong to qpr and that’s it. Leandro will have half a season to bed down and get used to the english game with no real pressure as we have ade till the summer at atleast.

  10. Do we need signing? hell yeah. we are short in many departments. LB if BAE gets injured. Dawson out long term. King and gallas are brittle players. we need a decent CB. And if pavy leaves we are short there.

    • As of this moment we have Rose, Bale + Gallas if BAE takes a knock. They have all spent long periods playing this role in their careers to date and all been very good at it imo. Plus maybe Naughton in an emergency. As for Daws, come Jan’ I doubt long term will still be the case. King’s putting an impressive run of PL games together although I don’t think he or Gallas can realistically expect to remain 1st choice beyond this season, especially when we do make the top 4 come May. But fo this season we have the strength in depth to cope as proven when wining without both Modric AND VDV this week (and Hudd still not fit to come into the side).

  11. Gary Cahill is the only player that would improve us who i think we can get realistically. Players like Cavani and Leandro are not coming, stop dreaming.
    We really don’t need much else. For RW we have Lennon, Gio, VdV and Kranjcar. I bet Walker can play there too.
    If we keep buying established players for the sake of it then what’s gonna happen to the development of Carroll, Kane, Souleyimane, Rose, Townsend etc? These are quality youngsters and they need to see some action. If we have injuries then they come in. We’ve got hundreds of centre backs at the club and Caulker on loan so probably don’t even need Cahill.

  12. Now is the perfect time to buy because after the European Championships certain players will be worth double what they are worth now. I want us to buy any of these brilliant players all can play wide or off the front Lars Bender/Marco Reus or Lukas Podolski all on low wages all will go to Barcelona or Real Madrid bayern or City if we dont snap them up Germany’s next crop of young players I would of added Gotze but his price tag would be far to big whilst all the other 3 are gettable at fairly low clubs and on lowish wages……

  13. I remember the last time we didn’t bring in the 1, maybe 2 additions we needed. We finished 5th when we should’ve come 4th. Major additions are not necessary of course but a couple of places could be strengthened.

    Forward: If Manu gets injured, we’re very short on options. We need another player who can hold the ball up.

    Right/left wing: Other than Lennon and Bale, we have no real quality on the wings. Hoilett looks a real threat.

    Centre back: Kaboul is very inconsistent, would love to see Samba at the Lane. No nonsense and totally dominant in the air.

    I doubt Levy and Redknapp will make the same mistake twice and they are (once again) using the shrewd approach. Would be chuffed if I saw at least 1 improvement come in, signings in moderation help boost the dressing room i.e: Parker.

  14. I don’t think any players will join Spurs in January (or maybe one if we get a cracking deal)
    I think Levy’s first priority is to built a new stadium and save money where he can. I have to agree with him if this is the case

  15. We need another striker who can hold ball up incase Ade gets injured everyone thinks Damiao & I’d be happy with him but think Jose rondon of malaga could do well in England,
    I’d like us to sign seamus Coleman from Everton as competition for lennon can also cover rb allowing corluka to be sold in summer
    Another cb don’t know who thou think cahill is overated maybe Tasci of stuggart or maicon of porto but if we wait till summer maybe Aggers from lvpool if they don’t make top 4.
    Players out Jan & summer bassong gio pav corluka Livermore gallas
    In Jan Coleman Damiao Tasci
    Summer in rondon malaga banega valencia

  16. With squad limitations the reality is you need to sell first. I ser corluka wants to leave and I expect Pav, gomes, gio and bassong to be off too. We need to find good players who would be happy to not walk into the starting 11. Would Cahill leave to sit in the bench..

  17. agree with you abe, that is the point. Who will join us in Jan who will either sit on the bench and act as cover or make it into our starting team ahead of any of our current first x1. We’re spurs, we’re not city and this is the reason i tend to believe harry on this one. We absolutely need to sell players but January is not the best time to do this. If we do manage to sell Pav and a few others are Kane or Coulibaly ready to step up? I’m convinced Ade will stay in june if harry stays. He is the perfect striker for our current team and signing him needs to be the number priority. Yes he misses more than he scores but don’t forget the assists. He has 8 assists so far on top of 7 goals. Say no more.

    • I dont think Coulibaly was registered in time to play any official games but i think there is a chance to register him in jan, would love to see this lad unleashed in the prem.
      We need a striker, Pav is useless and will go so we definitely need a new one.

  18. Our squad is too big, we already are at the 25 man limit and several players will be overage next season. Meaning there will have to be more out than in again until we reach a stage where the squad is about 22 players with the rest being under 21’s.

  19. Sell pav for whatever we can and buy Damiao. I thought the whole reason we didn’t get to have him in the summer was Inter not wanting to sell him in the middle of their season. He will not be cheap, £30m I reckon, but we’ve desperately needed a proper striker since Berbatov left. Remember the season we qualified for the CL we had Gudjohnsen helping out a lot too. Please Levy stump up the cash, he’s Brazil’s number 9, scores 1 goal per game and we have a special relationship with Inter – why not use it!

    I would be very happy to have Tim Krul at the club but I’m happy with Friedel and Cudicini until summer, unless an exciting young keeper wants to come in January on a good deal. We could do with selling a few more too as others have suggested above (Bassong etc) but only if the price is right.


    IN –

  21. We need extra players in every area, except in midfield. Our reliable goalkeepers are 40, but we can wait until summer. In defence, King is very injury prone and Gallas (who is also getting older) also. This season, Dawson was not half as good as two years ago. Kaboul is not concentrated enough, it happens over and over again, and Bassong is not good enough. An extra defender is an absolute priority. We cannot afford the wages of Adebayor, so he will leave. If we keep Pav, we can wait until summer, otherwise we will have to sign a good striker now already (Ade can also get injured).

  22. with Defoe not getting games, no striker will join unless Pav leave.
    would love to see him go and a strong replacement brought in but i have to laugh when spurs fans say Cavani.
    City broke off negotiations because he wanted so much money – do your research – we have no chance of him. Llorente, Leandro damiao maybe. Cahil and Hoiliet imo will do fine until end of the season


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