It’s back to the second string tonight in a game where Spurs need to grab at least a point in order to ensure qualification for the next stage of the Europa League.

The big news is up front where officially, Harry Redknapp has declared Roman Pavlyuchenko and Gio Dos Santos to be ‘struggling’ while in reality it seems likely that neither will make it.

Harry will be reluctant to play Jermain Defoe while VDV’s injury concerns persist but pairing JD with Harry Kane seems the only real option.

At the back, Cudicini could be behind a defensive four of Corluka, Gallas, Bassong and Townsend while in midfield, Pienaar, Livermore, Carroll and Falque could be the likely mix.

That leaves Kane and Defoe up front to score the goals needed to secure a win tonight.

Here’s our team to face PAOK, what’s yours?



  1. for me we should be looking to win this match in the first half, therefore I would play Ade and defoe up front with Sandro in midfield. Kaboul lennon and bale on the bench for insurance
    Corluka Bassong Gallas Townsend (Rose if fit)
    Falque Sandro Livermore Peinaar
    Ade Defoe
    If everyone’s fit for the wekend only Ade would be playing both games (probably) and he could come off at half time if we had a comfortable lead.

  2. same team, but with sandor in instead of livermore

    sandro needs game time and carroll should do well alongside him – livermore hasnt really done much to show he has a spurs future especially being 22 already – i think his future lies elsewhere

    • I disagree Livermore is a player similar to Parker neat and tidy with a big heart, he is slightly more attacking but Parker took 10 years to develop into the player he is, the best holding midfielders have always peaked later in there careers than wingers or strikers.

      Livermore has to stay and play I would have him with Sandro and Carroll on the right, Falque on the bench he isnt our player anyway and will go back to Juve so no point in developing him.

      I would have Lennon, Ade and Bale on the bench and bring them on if we are struggling with 20 minutes to go imagine the damage they would do

    • Livermore is certainly no better than Jamie O’Hara or Kevin Prince Boateng, players who Spurs got rid of. Livermore is a useful squad player at the moment. How much time should Spurs give him? He does not have the creativity or passing ability of Tom Carroll, Cristian Cebellos, or Alex Pritchard.

      • Boateng is an amazing player at AC now. His goal against Barca in the CL was one of the best of the competition so far and he’s a regular starter. He’s a perfect example of what a peripheral player can become when given proper playing opportunities in a big team… and wasn’t he about 22 when Spurs gave up on him? I’m not saying that Livermore will reach such great heights but like Jayme said, 22 isn’t near the peak for a player in his role and we shouldn’t give up on him yet.

        • Yes I agree – Boateng looks a very good player now. He always had the skill and creativity and had little opportunity to play at Spurs. Sometimes it is best for players to move on, into the right circumstances. Livermore is a competent player but very different to Boateng. Livermore does not have the creativity or the tricks. It is a difficult one because he can be useful to fill a gap in central midfield or defence but after the Europa league group stages, he is unlikely to get a game, and so could be better off gaining experience somewhere else.

  3. I (personally) would play Modric. He has had a rest and/or illness and could do with perhaps 60 mins to retain sharpness – and bolster our team in a must win game. I would also use Ekotto instead of Townsend, who can come on as super sub for Falque or Pienaar – depending on the need (i.e Pienaar can play either side). Save Ade and co for the Wanderers – but Ade can be on the bench. Lennon on bench too.

  4. Swap Rose for Falque and move Townsend into midfield, possibly shifting Stevie P onto the right.

    Need to think about strong options on the bench just in case, but also someone who can come on for Defoe if we’re comfortable. Harry won’t want to risk him for longer than necessary if VDV is still out for Bolton on Saturday

  5. This is a tricky one because Spurs have a chance of winning this competition but do not want to have any detrimental affect on their challenge for the champions league places and even the title. Townsend is not a left back but with Rose injured maybe Bassong could play there with Livermore back in central defence with Gallas. This would free up a place for Tom Carroll to play with Sandro in the central midfield. Its a shame that Coulibaly and Ceballos are not in the Europa league squad.

    Corluka Livermore Gallas Bassong
    Pienaar Sandro Carroll Townsend
    Kane Defoe

    Subs to include, in case Spurs need them: Bale, Modric, Adebayor, Gomez, Kaboul

  6. Oops. Andrew is right. Sandro should play:

    GK: Cudicini
    DF: Corluka, Basson, Gallas, Ekotto/Townsend
    MF: Falque, Modric/Livermore/Carroll, Sandro, Pienaar
    FW: Kane, Defoe.
    Bench: Gomes, Lennon, Ade,

  7. The problem in these sort of games is scoring goals, we’ve seen very few in this competition. For this reason I’d go for a strong first half team with the option to bring on Kane etc., in the second half. We would have beaten this team in the first game if Kane had scored the penalty, lets blow them away with a strong team and then relax. If we win this game an understrenght side should still be able to win the last game and qualify, which shopuld be a priority in my opinion.

  8. Please do NOT play Ade, the one thing Spurs do NOT need is an injury to him in a game like this. Sandro with Pienaar, Jake and Andros/Falque and we are in business.

  9. I’d start with a stronger team and rotate the team as the match wears on.

    Corluka, Bassong, Gallas, Rose (or Townsie)
    Livermore, Sandro, Pienaar
    Lennon(sub:Carrol), Falque
    Defoe (sub:Kane)

  10. no carroll tonight, put pienaar in there.


    corluka gallas bassong b a-e

    falque sandro pienaar townsend

    kane defoe

    have modric, bale and ade at the ready if things arent looking good after 70 mins. must win tonight

    • That approach is what i would call typical spurs. Now Harry needs to keep the second team strong to fill in for any of our first teamers, put the first team on the bench and make sure the 11 on the field feel like they represent Tottenham Hotspurs – champions elect!!

    • Can you just imagine how we would moan if that happened. Europa is Harry chance to keep Corluka, Gallas, Pienaar, Bassong and the youngsters feeling part of the club and not as second raters

  11. Cudicini or Gomes
    Corluka Gallas Bassong Townsend
    Carroll Sandro Livermore Pienaar
    Kane Defoe

    Subs: Keeper, Lennon, Ade, Kaboul, Modric, Falque, Fredricks

    Give Sandro an hour where hopefully we will have the game won, move Carroll into the middle and bring Falque on wide. play Carroll on the right so he has the experience of Corluka behind him and Pienaar on the left to help the inexperienced Townsend behind him.

  12. Rest the big guns. It’s good for the morale of the youngsters and second-teamers, and good for their experience too. Even 45 minutes for Adebayor, Modric, Lennon, etc. will be tiring and have a negative impact on their performance in the league (which has to be our priority).

    As people are saying, letting the B-team represent Spurs in Europe will keep them engaged and happy at the club. It’ll also keep the first-team squad fitter and let them concentrate solely on the league… win-win!

    Sandro is the number-one priority to play. Super Scotty can’t keep up this workrate week in, week out (…can he?) and he’ll need a rest at some point, so keeping Sandro game-sharp is in our best interests. He’s a very promising player as well and needs the chance to develop.

    Clive’s team looks perfect to me, except I’d keep Modric home because he’s been ill.


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