It’s a depleted side that will step out on the park to face Cheltenham in the FA Cup tomorrow but we do know that Michael Dawson and Aaron Lennon will play at least.

Elsewhere, injuries and loan departures mean that Harry will pick from whoever is available, while looking for a chance to rest some of his more influential players

It’s great to have Michael coming back, he’s been out quite a while now,” said Harry Redknapp about tomorrow’s likely skipper.

“He’s worked hard to get back to fitness and is looking forward to playing.

“Aaron looks fine as well, he trained yesterday and he’s ready to play as well, which is great.”

Harry also ruled out Scott Parker, Sandro and William Gallas while hinting that the likes of Modric, Bale, VDV and Adebayor would be rested.

“We will change it around,” he added. “That’s no disrespect to Cheltenham, but we’ve played the same players and we can’t keep playing them. We need to use the squad.

“But we will still field a team of international players, we want to make sure we get through.”

That leaves a tricky prediction and it’s hard enough to remember the fringe players that are still here. Overall, our predicted starting XI looks like this but what do you think?



  1. I think your suggested team would be fine when we have the ball, but is too soft in the middle of the park. I suspect Livermore will play to provide some more bite, or possibly even Kaboul in the defensive midfield role.

  2. wow…thats quite attackive, dos santos and kranjar will get pushed around easily, id play;
    corluka dawson bassong rose
    lennon livermore kranjcar pienaar
    Dos Santos Pavlechenko

    then rest lennon half time for carroll, replace pienaar for Falque, and Dos Santos for Souli

  3. I think it will be:
    Corluka, Dawson, Bassong, Rose
    Lennon, Pienaar, Kranjcar, Falque
    Dos Santos, Pav

    Decent subs bench of:
    Cudicini, Kaboul, Walker, Livermore (if recovered, or Carroll), Bale, VDV, Defoe,

  4. My team would be





  5. As per your line apart from Cudicini(gomes) Corluka(walker) Livermore (if fit) or Carroll for Dos santos , with later or Defoe up front with Pav

  6. harry’s team 442
    charlie daws bassong rose
    azza carroll niko peanut
    defoe pav

    my team 352
    charlie daws bassong
    azza niko carroll peanut gio
    pav jakeSuli

  7. Would possibly rest walker for Corluka..

    good point above, with Parker, Sandro, Hudd & possibly Livermore out, it’s a good opportunity to play Corluka in the middle, in case we need some steel in the middle for future games this season with other players out. It would balance out playing Kranjar in the middle also. Then maybe GDS / Townsend on the wings, or Lennon. Defoe / Pav up top. Should be plenty enough to win the game.

  8. I’ve seen Cheltenham play this season and they’re big and strong, so we’ll need enough muscle and power around the place. Therefore we’ll need a midfield ball winner and some strength up front. Matt – Townsend (sadly) has gone to Leeds on loan.

  9. I’m thinking:
    Corluka/Walker, Dawson, Bassong, Rose/BAE
    Lennon, Kaboul/Livermore, Pienaar, Kranjcar
    Dos Santos, Pav

    Defoe on the bench because he has played recently but not as much due to the minor injury he had & sub appearances. Kaboul is definitely worth a look in the DM role to protect the back four (even if Livermore is fit imo). Let’s have a look at Gio up front or just behind Pav.. if it doesn’t work out we have Defoe on the bench. Carrol can also come on 4 Kranks or Piennar. I feel Niko desperately needs a run out, he’s quality but looked slow & heavy against WBA.. if he doesn’t do a job.. sub him! We should have more than enough for them with this team & being at home. COYS!!!

  10. ————– Gomes —————–
    Corluka — Dawson — Bassong — Rose
    ——–Kaboul ——- Livermore ——
    Lennon ——- Kranjcar ——- Giovani
    ————- Pav —————–

    and bring Coulibaly at some point

  11. Cudicini





    Subs: Walker, Livermore, Ceballos, Coulibaly, Pavlyuchenko, Pritchard, Gomez

  12. ——————-Cudicini———————–


    ——————- Kaboul———————



    Subs: Walker, Livermore, Ceballos, Coulibaly, Pavlyuchenko, Pritchard, Gomez

  13. —————-Cudicini————–






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