As widely predicted, Jake Livermore settled in to Scott Parker’s slot in the centre of midfield last night and coped admirably with the physical presence of Everton’s Tim Cahill and Marouane Fellaini. After filling in at right back against Cheltenham at the weekend, Jake moved into a more comfortable position and his all round performance drew praise from manager Harry Redknapp.

“Jake was fantastic, absolutely superb and I was delighted for him,” said Harry.

“As I’ve said many times, you couldn’t get a better lad than Jake. He’s a fantastic boy with a great attitude and he’s a really good player.

“If you had a club full of people like that you’d have a great football club.

Mention of his name on this site before last night’s match drew an equal mix of praise and criticism and there was even the suggestion that he could develop his game to the point where he is capable of doing as good a job as Scott Parker in that area of the pitch.

Can Jake Livermore have a great career at Tottenham? Harry Redknapp is in no doubt.

“When I first came to the club people said he wouldn’t make it at Tottenham. Well, he’s good enough to play for anyone,” Harry concluded.



  1. He has merely proven that he can play at home vs a weakened Everton team – with their creative players out, and all our creative players present. He has proven that he deserves a loan more to prove himself.

  2. That reply is nonsense and very contradicting he clearly has proven that he can do a job at tottenham in certain games and what more could you want for a back up for Parker Sandro and Huddlestone.

  3. all teams need this type of player who always shows the hunger too prove himself like Perryman a club man through and through. All he needs too do is believe in himself and work hard. We need too use all our squad in the run in with cameo roles when possible too see who can move up Like Livermore Rose Walker have all done. Just like these did before them Lennon Hudds Bale who will snatch there chance Bostock Falque Soulman Coulibaly Parrett we will see . I cant wait too see Coulibaly Bostock and the returning Hudds maybe in the Cup

  4. It’s too early to say whether he will become Spurs regular but it’s encouraging we have a youth player brought up through the ranks, making appearances for our first team. There’s nothing wrong with evaluating his performance and perhaps pontificating as to whether he will ultimately make the grade but to completely write him off or to call him rubbish is just lazy, wrong and the mark of a complete div.

  5. Some of the people on here are soo negative its unreal….he played yesterday against Fellaini a player valued at 20 million and Cahill a 10mill+ player and really stood out.

    What more can he do?

    He in my opinion should be used as a squad player….he plays with excellent composure and he seems an experienced head when we had our europa run……the guy has played at RB, Centre Back and Central Midfield and done a good job on all occasions how can he not be an excellent player, lets see how Modric would cope with playing centre back.

    Honestly he should be considered a definate squad player who is used from the bench and starts when others are out.

    He is very athletic, strong, decent in the area, great first touch, excellent passer, seems to be a good dribbler……he just needs to improve his timing of challenges and positional play, but he is in his early 20’s…….Scotty Parker took 10 years to learn that

  6. I have to admit, I was shocked to see how good he was yesterday. I hope he keeps this up, so that he will develop into a vital sqad player. Also remember Tom Huddleston, he became good after pairing with Luka in the middle, which makes me think Luka brings the best out of his paired team mate.

  7. Scott Parker is 31, he’ll be great til he’s maybe 33 and then he’ll play less often or be slightly less effective (or get injured more, whatever). At that point we have ready-made replacements in Sandro and Livermore who are both young, and Huddlestone. You’ve got to look at the future and it looks bright in CM!

  8. livermore needs to be seen for what he really is a bully a piss head and a loud mouth . every one knows his just a dick head like his father


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