Benoît Pierre David Assou-Ekotto, or Mr Consistency to a growing number of Spurs fans always scores well in our polls but did his performance last night finally secure our man of the match award?
BAE’s most telling influences on the game came in attack with the raking diagonal ball that set up Aaron Lennon and the pile-driving second half strike that doubled his tally in a Spurs shirt.
It was the type of performance on the left that would have had the media drooling if Gareth Bale had turned it in and alongside these efforts, Benny had another solid game in defence.
Elsewhere, Michael Dawson was one of the individuals to draw praise for his manager following his return from long term injury. Other players to earn high marks from media reports this morning include Bale, Kaboul, VDV and Lennon but it’s hard to get away from the claims of Assou-Ekotto.
So is it BAE all the way for you or is there another player more deserving of last night’s accolade?

[polldaddy poll=5834207]



  1. Totally agree essexian76 I have always rated this guy as one for the future… last night he stepped up to the plate and was awesome. A&E was exceptional too but he has been for while, Jake had a really tough act to follow last night when you think of the quality that Scott & Sandro offer he started the game the well and then got better and better faultless !!!
    What a time to be Spurs fan !!! COYS !!!

  2. Livermore. 76 out of 77 completed passes. Mental.
    BAE, what can you say about the assist and the freakin goal?
    Can’t really separate them.
    Not sure where Huddlestone is gonna fit in whenever he gets fit

    • you fickle bastards.. Two days ago he was an undeveloped, out of depth, uncomposed, 5th string midfielder; Kaboul or even Pienaar was said should have been played in place of him at CM. Now he’s the second coming of the messiah. No doubt he had a GREAT game yesterday and probably deserved MOTM but, as long as we have Parker, Modric, Sandro, and Thudd fit he remains at the back of the line, albeit, one of the best lines in the world. Jake’s taken part in 10 league matches and 8 Euro matches and has had one maybe two man of the match derserving performances, Parker’s had at least 7. Not quite yet a member of the starting XI but surely a good backup to have.

      • The question asked was who was the man of the match, yesterday?, not a history lesson FFS! Livermore played last night, played brilliantly and IMHO deserved his accolades. How do you think Defoe felt? 11 goals and didn’t even get a minutes gametime, more so when Ade wasn’t exactly at his best. You can only play when given the chance, if he plays well great but it’s the team that matters and that’s the main point!

  3. I have too say, all yesterday i was defending Jake to so called Spurs supporters telling anyone who’d listen that he aint good enough for Spurs and we should have shoved Kaboul to DM! I am so chuffed Jake came out and has shown his class 99% pass sucsess!!!! I thank you…. remember we will need a replacement for Parker sooner than you realise, no man ever gets younger! COYS

  4. One Problem with Echo he repeats the same mistake he tires to beat is man twice and sometimes gets himself in trouble. But when he is on his game he is superb a Mini Hudds last night cross field pass and thunderbolt arse assisted Goal Livermore part of our future and now the present.

  5. Livermore all the way for me. It was a coming of age type performance and the biggest compliment I can pay is that we didn’t miss Scott Parker. Jake provided the aggression and drive without losing possession. He didn’t look like much but Harry has shown what a shrewd judge of player he is and Livermore is repaying the faith. Considering Parker won’t be around forever and Sandro is more of a box-to-box player it’s exciting to see such a strong performance from a youngster. We even managed to develop this one too!!

  6. Its a tough one between Jake and Benny but purely on the basis that Benny made the first and scored a sublime second along with an all round solid performance (particularly going forward) I would give it to him. Jake stepped up and had a massive game though so its harsh on him. A great example of the depth we have in our impressive squad

    • That’s a big statement! I love benny, but he’s not on Ashley cole or Patrice evra level yet. Still get caught out of position to many times still. I would even still put Jose enrique before him.

      He is a class act though and has come so far in the last couple of years. Long may it continue.

  7. A close call but my vote goes to Benny for his sheer confidence & inventiveness, besides being involved in both goals.

    Jake comes a close 2nd, whilst VDV as always, the true soul of this best ever Spurs team since early 60s… when VDV gets the ball, in whatever area of the field, there is this sense of urgency and purpose, truly inspirational… he still remains the main reason why Spurs have now firmly become a top4 side… should be captain of the team.

    • He’s been a bit inconsistent to me and his last stretch of absence didn’t seem to hurt the team’s performance. He’s a brilliant player on his day and we owe him a lot but I’d say Modric is more integral to our performance at the moment. He’s just so calm, consistent and intelligent; the team moves around him and everything runs through him. In fairness, VDV is much more convincing in his preferred position than pushed out to the right, but I’d say about Luka what you say about Rafa.

      We’re damn lucky to have both in the squad!

  8. Too early to say about Livermore but all the signs are good and last night was the best so far. Lets see how things are after this season before going over board. Right now its so great that a young Spurs player is taking his chance and it should encourage all others that at Spurs you will get a chance if you keep working hard

    Well done Jake and keep it up

  9. BAE has been due a headline performance like this for a while so he has to get my vote. There was a big buzz around Walker after the goal against Arsenal but Benoit has been exceptional all season and he’s been going under the radar a bit (in terms of non-Spurs fans and the media anyway). Hopefully he’ll start to get some of the recognition he deserves.

    I wouldn’t call him the best left back in the country yet – that’s surely Evra – but he’s right up there in the top few and is only getting better.

    Great to see Livermore developing so confidently too. I can only see him getting better with Scotty, Sandro and Huddlestone to pass on their knowledge and help him develop.

  10. BAE for me as well as jake played last night. Off the subject and hate to say it but do we owe comolli some credit for the players he bought in his time. Bale, modric, BAE, thudd to name a few. Hate the man but some of these have really turned into world class player with a lot of help from arry also of corse.

  11. we had a great game but without Ekotto’s initiative and self confidence it could had being a 1 point game instead of 3.

    He was the player of the game.

    The title player of the game has to be given to the player that created the most impact in the game.

    He made the most impact by being a direct link to both goals which gave us those magical 3 points that we now have.

    I can’t wait for saturday!


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