Tottenham have been praised for their style of football by some of the best managers in the game.

“They’ve played the best football this season,” commented Sir Alex Ferguson. David Moyes said he’d actually pay to watch this current Spurs team play.

We have had some excellent performances. The first half against Fulham springs to mind, while the game at Norwich was probably the most comfortable away performance I’ve seen as a Spurs fan.

The highlight was the mauling of Liverpool. The giants from Merseyside could not cope with the pace and industry of a Tottenham side who were finding their feet after the wake up call given to them by the two Manchester clubs.

The movement, the passing, the finding of angles and space with the physical attributes that this current team posses are a joy to behold and a blend which has been rarely seen in recent times at The Lane.

The best team we’ve had since the eighties and arguably the best team since the sixties. The plaudits continue from Fleet Street.

But history has shown the team that play cavalier football usually succumb to the longevity of league football. Pure footballing teams like Newcastle under Keegan and Arsenal in recent seasons, have failed to sustain a title challenge, while more mechanical teams like Arsenal under Graham, Dalglish’s Blackburn side and Mouriniho’s Chelsea, have ground out results to surpass more entertaining sides.

Obviously you can counter that with teams such as Arsenal and Manchester United, who in the late 90’s showed it could be done with a style and panache which was light years ahead of other teams. But even those teams, full of beauty and grace, had a workmanlike mentality and a never-say-die-spirit which brought them Premiership glory.

So the 1-0 wins against inferior teams who ‘park the bus’ should be embraced with open arms, with the understanding that winning the League will take more than beauty. Do Spurs have it in them to ‘win ugly’? Or will this be a familiar tale of a glorious failure?



  1. No, because the players are only playing in the Premier league and not in any cups or European competition so they only have to play 38 games. If they can’t manage to play so few games then we need to get rid of them.

  2. The Champagne wont lose its fizz if Harry keeps the cork in and stops doing what he does best flogging the media for all its worth. When you are constantly being asked can you win the league the pressure builds and our players start over playing referees start flashing red cards injuries mount from desperate teams space starts too be squeezed. This is what has happened too City and can happen to us this is what Harry should do aim for the top and we will finish third but start demanding we win the league and we will struggle for fourth.The key is to stop dropping players in form like Defoe we got away with it by Lennon and Ekotto wonder bum assisted shot. This wont happen every week and Ady and Van are firing blanks Ady plays better with Defoe and playing 4411 will lose us games on the run in . We have had the luck with injuries happening too our last three teams Sunderland West Brom and Everton and we have scored four goals and conceded none. We need too improve our attacking or suffer draws or defeats Ady has not scored for three games and Van one since October . The two players who can solve this are Huddlestone and Defoe i hope Harry told him he would play against Wolves. If he hasent his head will be wrecked do this and we can keep our Fizz and make a big bang when its opened. Coys

    • Defoe in form? He is scoring some important goals, but I would not consider him in form. Dav mate. You are talking about “solving” something. When we are joint second, with our best record since the double-winning side in 61 – an identical record to Man U after 20 games…..What is there to solve? We have earnt 6 more points than the top two since we lost to City. If this is a problem then MORE PLEASE!

      • I agree with Tony. It is not luck that in the last 18 games we have gained more points then Man U and City.

        As far as Defoe, I also believe he is in form. The reason why is that when he comes in it shifts the team which is exactly what a sub is suppose to do. And he has scored, compared to last season he is 100% better.

  3. How long before davspurs pops up with his drug based bullshite again? We have the energy, the guile, the pace, the power and now the closest ive ever seen to the belief. We are so bloody close it hurts! COYS

  4. We are not the team from last year or the year before. We might have 80% of the same players but we have gained so much more power in every match. No team is perfect and there will always be horrible games that might seen like the end. Perfect examples are our first 2 games against Manchester’s. Then again look at Man U and their horrible lost against Man C. Yes they lost but I don’t think a lost like that destroyed their chances of winning the title. Look at Madrid. They look unstoppable in la liga and in UEFA put them against Barcelona and don’t play like Champions.

    This is why I love the premiership. Long tournament and nothing is decided until May.

    The key is to win all of the bottom half of the table games. When it comes to games against top 5. They fear us now and should. We will go in as underdogs but a true underdog has no fear of losing, only of not trying hard enough.

    Even if they end up in 4th at the end. I believe this has been the best season yet and I will be happy.

    One more thing. Harry if you already know you will be leaving us in summer. Don’t say a word until then. Anything sooner will be devastating.

  5. I do not agree one bit with davspurs. Defoe on form? We got lucky we had Lennon and Ekotto score. Probably the same sort of fan that says they want spurs to buy Cahill and Nathan Dyer for a title challenge, and probably wanted modric out in the summer. Fickle

  6. This Spurs team is capable of winning the title. Just need one more striker and a young Hoilett in case Lennon and Bale get injured. We have best midfield in Europe behind Barca and Real Madrid. A STRONG defence although injuries hit often, and a decent striker.


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