The name of Mauro Zarate has featured before in these pages but stories are gathering momentum today over a proposed loan move for the striker who is already playing on loan at Inter after failing to nail down a regular slot at parent club Lazio.

The player’s agent is certainly talking up the possibility of a move this month.

“There is a lot of interest in Mauro,” said Barry McIntosh.

“Spurs are among the clubs interested in bringing him back to England. He made a positive impact at Birmingham previously and his reputation has continued to grow.”

That positive impact at Birmingham consisted of four goals in fourteen games back in 2008 but even that is better than his career record overall. Admittedly, he has played some games on the wing but throughout his career he averages around one goal every four games.

The report goes on to suggest that the stumbling block may be Zarate’s £120,000 a week wages and some Spurs fans may be forgiven for hoping that this fact alone could scupper the deal.



  1. i like him. could play the wings as well as cover for lennon. i’d say its as good as signing hoilett. loan to buy. no harm done.

  2. Talented player. Looked good in his spell at Birmingham in the prem too so might be worth a 6 month loan deal with option to buy. Decent age too.

  3. He was useless for Birmingham and cant cut in Seria A which id really a poor imo… stay away not work the excess baggage charge if he even flies over for a trial!!! opps did i just say trial lol

  4. we must look at this forrest kid up at celtic he will do a better job than lennon in his final delivery then free up cash from lennon to purchase a top striker

  5. At his height (5′-9″) he can’t be cover for up front. He might be good for a backup to VdV/Lennon but Niko is that already. Why don’t we give Kranjcar more of a chance? We replaced VdV with Piennaar against City — really?
    We have cover for midefield (Niko, Hudd, Livermore, Sandro, Townsend, Rose…) but will need cover for goal, CB and forward.


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