Spurs assistant manager Kevin Bond revealed that Aaron Lennon and Jermain Defoe remain as major doubts for Monday night’s clash with Liverpool. Both players have been struggling with hamstring injuries and while the timing of the game gives them an extra chance to recover, it looks as if both will miss out.

“Aaron and Jermain are being treated, both are extremely doubtful for Monday but obviously we’ll give them every chance,” Bond said.

“The medical staff are working hard to see if they can get them there.”

Kevin also revealed that Kyle Walker should be fine for the match and although Sky Sports intimated that Rafael van der Vaart would be OK for Monday, Bond wasn’t so sure.

“Rafa went off with a calf strain and it’s a bit early to say what his prospects are for Monday. Kyle Walker should be fine,” he added.

With Sandro back on Monday night, the Brazilian should step into to Lennon’s boots but if both VDV and Defoe fail to make it then it should mean a Spurs debut for Louis Saha.



  1. friedel

    walker king kaboul bae

    sandro parker

    kranjcar modric bale


    id play that if lennon and defoe are crocked. leave saha on the bench. could be a big impact player

    • Exactly!

      Kranjcar (despite a couple mistakes due to being out of form) looks dangerous on the attack.
      If he and Walker can come to some kind of understanding (Niko cuts in while Walker overlaps out wide) they could work really well together.

  2. VdV indicated on Twitter that he’d be ok. He usually gets it right. I think we’ll need Sandro and Parker together to win the midfield battle and Harry may fancy a Norwich away-style 4-2-3-1 with Bale, VdV and Modric in front of Parker/Sandro.
    If Lennon’s fit, however, he must play. Liverpool haven’t been able to handle him for about three years and we’re always more balanced at 4-4-2 I feel.
    The Reds have been playing well though and will fancy it. Would be satisfied with a draw tbh but I know we can beat

  3. I’d rather have Livermore than Sandro if I’m honest. His put in some great performances recently and Sandro’s only just fresh back from injury and it could be worth him coming back in gently as in a sub for Livermore at about 70 minutes


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