According to our old friends at the Daily Mail, Spurs have opened talks with club captain Ledley King over a new contract to replace his current one which expires at the end of the season. The report also suggests that the player will reject a pay as you play deal although it seems to offer no claim that this is the type of contract that the club is offering.

At the beginning of the campaign we were told that Ledley would qualify for a new contract if he managed 20 first team appearances this season. At the moment he is just over half way but in his games for the club thus far, he has continually proved what an immense and influential player he still is.

Further news will doubtless appear in the course of the next few days and weeks but has Ledley already done enough to gain a new deal at the Lane?



  1. He has played in 12 games so far this season… 8 more to go and guaranteed extension… I would give it to him anyway…. His record in those 12 games is P:12 W:10 D:1 L1 (ManCity away)… says it all really!!

  2. A dieing breed, a true club man who needs to be kept on and not just for the playing days but also to offer him a coaching roll for his loyalty to Spurs, Good on yer Leds


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