Having got the team for the last round completely wrong this one may be a little easier to predict and Harry has already said that he will look to field a strong XI when Spurs take the field at Broadhall Way on Sunday.

“It’ll be a very strong team,” Redknapp said.” Rafa’s still injured, we’ll have to see how he is next week. William is a week or two away, Younes will train today and we’ll see how he is.”
With Younes struggling and Ledley King due a rest, it was always on the cards that Ryan Nelsen would start and Harry hinted that this will happen.

‘I’ve got one or two I’d like to play. Ryan Nelsen has come in, the lads have said that he’s trained great this week. I’ve always been a big fan of his, I think he’s a great competitor,” Harry added.

Carlo played the last match in goal and could well start again on Sunday behind Walker, Nelsen, Dawson and possibly Danny Rose.

In midfield, Harry played a strong line up in the last round, even though Bale was injured. Will he bring the Welshman in for this one or keep him on the bench?

Up front, Louis Saha was an unused sub in Everton’s last FA Cup tie but Harry may conceivably look at giving Defoe a run out.

Here’s our starting XI but what do you think?



  1. Agree with most of it but I would play benny at lb and rose at lw. Also, would play Saha with Defoe and give Adebayor a rest. Krancjar would be on the right and bring Lennon on to give him some time playing rather than throwing him straight in.

  2. Woooahhh !! miles out my spurs brothers, you cant risk following to get injured- benny ( rose) modric ( are you mad?? ) parker (ditto!) – sandro/livermore and what about bentley, is he fit again?

  3. I think your right that’s pretty much how the line up will be but I think its a bad idea, against watford defoe and lennon both picked up injuries and have only just come back, I wouldn’t risk any of our big player my team would be…………. Cudicini, nelsen, dawson, khumbalo(not sure how its spelt), rose, kranjcar, livermore, sandro, giovani, defoe saha. Rest king kaboul walker bae lennon parker modric bale and adebayor for the arsenal game.

  4. Saha isnt cup tied as he never played for Everton in the FA Cup. As for not playing players to avoid injury. This is the FA Cup. A Cup which you will scream if we go out of, which people scream about teams like Utd, Liverpool, Arse discrediting by fielding weak teams. Stevenage have lost 1 in 20 and I do not wish to go out to them or anyone. Yes use the squad but resting everyone to avoid injury?? You will stop them playing altogether next.

  5. This game should be completely up flat-track bully Defoe’s street. We need Parker in there to put in a solid performance. I would rest Bale. Lennon is a must because he needs to get playing time before the Arsenal game. Saha on bench. Benny does not often get injured or tired, but if the game gets safe – we should sub some players to get a rest.

  6. i’d rest Scottie and Bale for this one… give JD & Lennon due playing time then bring on Saha, and possibly Rose if its going well :

    walker dawson nelsen benny
    lennon livermore modric niko
    defoe ade

  7. Cidicini
    Defoe,Saha(or Ade if cup tied)

    Subs Gomes, Modric, Bale, Khumalo, Santos,Lancaster,Luongo.

  8. Cudicini;
    walker nelsen dawson Bae;
    Lennon kranjcar Livermore gio
    Defoe Saha
    For godsake throw gio in,he Atleast deserves this much man!

  9. no one questioning Cudicini? He’s been doing good this far in the tournament, but I can’t stop thinking that one single goalie misstake could be fatal in a knock-out cup like this.

    Take no chances: pick Friedel.


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