It’s not been the best of weeks for Scott Parker but after his sending off at the weekend, our midfield signing’s mood will have been lifted with news of the latest in a long line of awards.

Despite only cementing his place in the national side last season, Scott has picked up the Vauxhall England Player of the Year as voted for by England supporters.

“It’s a great honour – just looking at the names that are on the trophy it’s quite an achievement. It’s been a good year for me at international level so I’m delighted the fans have picked me,” Parker said.

Scott has already won four out of the five monthly player awards on the Spurs official website and if he stays fit, could possibly add the PFA trophy to the Football Writers’ accolade that he won in 2010-11. Spurs player of the season? – A little early to say but it looks a distinct possibility.



  1. I really can’t understand the hype that surrounds Parker. Yes he is a valuable player and his resilience and determination have benefitted the team.

    But it’s important to remember that in the last two seasons at least Spurs have consistently fought back when they have gone behind and Harry & Co have instilled this quality in the team prior to his arrival.

    But the real problem with Parker is his contribution on the ball – He is Spurs version of Javier Mascherano and his passing style can be described as short, back and sides.

    Spurs player of the season has been Modric who consistently has the talent and moral courage to pick the ball up off the back four and get turned even when being closed down and play it forward.

    You disagree? Just consider Spurs at Stevenage and it’s clear to be seen.

    Modric has been outstanding this season and easily Spur’s player of the season. Parker is a trier and a competitor but if you want to succeed you need more.

    I would go further and say if Modric was available to England and England would be real contenders for the Euros. Imagine the forward talent in forward positions (and I include Gerrard) being supplied consistently by Modric. Paul Scholes (Rooney has the talent but doesn’t play in midfield) is the only English player in the last capable of dictating play from the centre of the pitch. Gerrard and Lampard have failed to deliver in three tournaments to date – Incidently the fact they were preferred by Ericsson led to Scholes retirement.

  2. couldn’t agree more with the above comment- he is the slow cumbersome but brutish braun , that is absolutely nothing with out the brains – technique and brains of modric..

    but living in the ‘false economy’ that is english football, why would u ever expect players of actual ability i.e. gerrard, to ever get a platform to perform on. England is geared / fixated with name brands – big contracts and ratings- real countries of football around the world have always known the truth and if u have ever been lucky enough to leave this little house of cards, sorry island of ours, u would too. Parker is emblematic of the culture here…try hard and that should be good enough. Really ..tell that to : Pele- maradonna -platini- socretes-hence why players such as gazza and gerrard are merely phenomenons
    here …a fit sandro pisses on parker( fact

    but as long as we have a modric to make him look the part and benefit from his desire and tenacity , who cares, good luck to him


  3. I really can’t agree with the above comments. He’s been outstanding as far as I’m concerned… he works harder than any other player on the field and is a huge asset to the side. Modric is the other contender – he’s ridiculously good for our attack and Parker is ridiculously good for our defence. He screens the back four (not our strongest area…) superbly; I think it was King who said that he does half the work he used to now that Parker’s in the squad.

    My Spurs player of the season, no doubt.


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