It will doubtless be an emotional build up to the game at White Hart Lane tonight and when you remember the events of last Saturday, it helps to put football into perspective once again.

Will either team be affected by the occasion? Tottenham’s Scott Parker is adamant that Spurs are ready to get some momentum back into their season.

“I think we’re all in the right frame of mind to play,” Parker said. “The game before was obviously quite tragic and something that you obviously don’t want to see. But with Fabrice’s recovery it has probably helped us a lot, and I’m sure it’s helped Bolton as well.

“Obviously, it was a little bit tricky after what happened but I think the lads are fine now because we hear Fabrice is doing pretty well, which is pleasing.”

Spurs haven’t won in their last five league games but Scott believes that the point at Chelsea has given the side some renewed confidence.

“The way we played at Chelsea has given us a big lift going into what is a big game for us,” Parker added. “We know it’s a cup quarter-final, with a Wembley semi-final against Chelsea if we win. So it’s a big game for us.

“Confidence is good after Saturday’s result, so we will look to go into that and win that. There’s a big prize on offer. We would like a trip to Wembley and not just for the semi-final – we’d like to go to the final so we are looking forward to it.”



  1. I fancy us to do the business tonight. The game on Saturday was a bit of a turning point in that we created much better scoring opportunities than against Utd and Everton and the swagger looked like it was returning. The Arsenal game certainly knocked us and put the players under pressure to get back to earlier form. Yes there have been other factors (Harry for England, the injury to our young player, followed by Muamba) but I think the main thing has been for the players to forget about the media hype and pressure about the title, 3rd spot etc and just get back to enjoying the game.

    Hopefully Lennon will be back tonight and with Defoe back up front with Ade, it is a chance to bench VDV for the game against Swansea. My team for tonight would be:
    Cudicini, Walker, Kaboul, King, Rose, Lennon, Modric, Parker, Bale, Adebayor, Defoe


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