Statistics after the QPR game suggested that Spurs had dominated the match in terms of possession and in shots at goal. It’s a familiar story that stretches back several matches now but after having been in the top four since September, we are now out of the Champions League slots at the time when it really matters.
Manager Harry Redknapp’s post-match comments had a familiar ring to them too.
!It’s disappointing, but I couldn’t fault the way we played,” said Harry.
“We had all the possession, got in some great positions and had enough opportunities but just couldn’t score.
“I knew it would be tough. I saw them beat Arsenal at Loftus Road and they worked their socks off. They got in front that day as well and when they scored, it gave them something to hold on to.
“Give them credit, they worked their socks off, got bodies in the way, blocked shots and the keeper made his saves. It wouldn’t go for us.”
From a personal point of view, staying positive and making comments like ‘we can still do it’ is getting harder every week. Anything but a win over Blackburn could also see a string of comments about fans who shouldn’t expect to finish in the top four – remember the ones we got last year.
For now however, let’s just ‘watch this space’.



  1. oo yeah and its been waayyyy too quiet over the last few days here! COME ON SHOW A LITTLE RESPECT HERE TO “THE MIND THE FUCKING GAP” THING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. So Harry the twit says it again,he came out with the same rubbish after the everyone game,almost word for word,we have a young lad called coubillay I think it is,who we managed to sign after he was top scorer in under 17 world cup,he is scoring goals for fun,why not at least give him a go,on bench as a sub,no keep playing the supposed super stars? ,why.Our season has fell apart,they have no idea how to break teams down.bale,modric,van the man all need benching,to make them realise what we need,effort,team work,and the will to win,when will redknapp realise this,he watches a different game,we r bloody awful,no goals scored at all,throughout the season from direct or indirect free kicks,1goal scored from a corner? why,do they not practice any of this in training? Seems not,why oh why do we never go for a corner to the near post for a flick on?,so many goals come from this situation,no old wobble neck obviously can’t convey this or won,t so as much as I love this team,not the squad, I have supported since I was seven,now aged 55’they will not get any more of my cash this season,Mr Levy please sort it out,get rid of wobble neck Harry,to England,get in a boss,who has a plan b,in his locker,sell modic and bale if needed,and get capel,and a decent striker,and give youth a chance,where the hell is young Bostock,seems like a load of young kids,comes to spurs,never given a chance ,after big cash spent,then binned,what an end to a season that had so much promise.Danny

  3. Same old same old,iam sick of hearing it.Its got 2 the stage now that the bloody good samaritens are telling me 2 fcuk off!Anything less than a win against Blackburn and its the the channel 5 treatment next season,lol.4 God’s sake fix up boyz and bring Champions league football back 2 the lane!

  4. you are correct that something fresh is needed from march onwards and we would have got away with it if tom hudders and Dawson were back.
    I t seems the transfer policy is more important than finishing fourth as we play players to put onto the window. How can we demand £40m for modders if we do not play him (although as four years left on contract we should not sell for less than £45m unless modders hands in a proper request as we would have to pay up forrest of contract and he did not hand in a request in the summer hence not sold).

    As stated previously set play goals are very rare and this is all down to coaches, a corner for spurs should require five men at the half way line ready for counter attack to follow.

  5. Harry is a total f*ckwit.

    Who’s fault is it that we let Corluka, Pav, Bassong and Pienaar go in January?

    Likewise, how much could we have done with Corluka and Pienaar at the moment?

    Total idiot, and he’s cost us a Champions League place

  6. The reason its a familiar statement is because its true going back to City Utd Everton Sunderland Opr and the second half of Norwich. The only way Harry for England has affected us is some of our tapped players have excuses to get tapped and play for a move. Lets look at them first Bale he has said he wanders in the middle to protect his career well its increased since rumors of a Barca courtship starting with Danny Aleves sending messages of admiration even telling him where to play left back. This has gained momentum with Sandro another Brazilian saying both him and Bale like Barca Bales form and Sandro has dipped dramatically. Modric was alredy tapped but there is a new suitor Utd and with Harry also not signing a new contract his form has been abysmal with guilt edge misses and stray passes a plenty. The last one is also a mystery because its Madrid who have sent messages of admiration on to the message boards and his form has also started sliding backwards but not bad enough to see him crowned Young PFA player of the year. Ady was a revaluation till Harry did his usual press rant and told every other team we cant afford his wages something i found staggering. This is because why would he get us fourth or better if could be at a rival team in the summer his form and appearanceses have stalled with our form. Harry got himself in a pickle by picking a formation that meant our midfielders had to help with the scoring Bale Modric Van because Defoes head was wrecked by Harry snubbing him even when he scored winners. When teams came they packed the midfield and stopped the ball getting down the wings and when the ball arrived by Bale there was one player waiting and six or seven defenders. If we had played Defoe and Ady from the start we would have been i the top three and home and dry Now we cant score all the team are easy to stop with energizer players and high work rate. The one person who could have stopped this was Big Hudds who could have bypassed the saturated midfield and got Bale behind the defence or Lennon. But having said all that our biggest enemy has been work rate and how this work rate has infested football is down to Ukad and the FA

    • agreed we have really missed Hudders.
      I would really like to see Rat face dropped for next game

      Walker Gallas kaboul (hopefully) BAE
      Lennon Parker Sandro Bale

  7. I can’t believe anyone who says we should drop Modric. Him and VDV are the only ones getting the ball forward at the moment. What we’re lacking is a goalscorer.

  8. we need to sort out our corners other teams think nothing of putting the ball out for a corner against us we are as likely to score from one as Arry is of keeping his ead still for an hour,just think if the opposition was as scared of our corners as I am of theirs.Look at the stats they don’t lie

  9. I can accept mediocrity year after year with a mid-table squad, but to fall apart like we have since February, having been pushing for the top spot for weeks is just taking the piss!! We have a squad of top players – Harry’s obviously not the “Man-Manager” everyone thinks he is, as I’ve seen nothing since that game at the Emirates to prove he can lift them after a set-back. Modric and Parker should have been rotated much more and even a 6 year old (who can write better Harry!!) could see we needed to maintain competition for places!!! Corluka was cover for right back & centre back (he was let go), Townsend was cover for RM, Pienaar cover for LM/RM/CM (they went out on loan) and Pav (sold) was cover for Adebayor. Harry will no doubt tell us we’re idiots and that we’ve never had it so good, but we had more belief and bottle about us in the days of Alan Nielson, Ramon Vega and Steffen Freund!! Sack Harry now Danny Boy – we’ve got 4 games to salvage 4th and there’s a good chance we might not get back to this position for years after this season!! Bring in Hoddle, Roberts or ANYONE with a bit of Spurs pedigree for the last few games to give us the lift we need!!

  10. Injuries is a weak excuse, everyone gets injuries and we were told this is our best SQUAD for years. Not much evidence of that now. It’s too easy to blame Redknapp, the defeat ar Arsenal shows how fragile our players are, since then they seem scared.

  11. ARRGGGHHH still fu(king fuming with the whole situation.
    Redknap do the decent thing and p off. Enough is enough.
    Levy sort it, as he is not blameless in all this.. Levy should not have let this happen.

  12. HR need to go now, not a the end of the season when it would suit him. the players are not playing for him. the only way the players will play is if he GO just like AVB.
    as for next season i will put my wallet away if spurs don’t finish 5th. i’m sick of paying out to watch this s**t. i go to game when i can and i buy kits for me and the kids and i can’t where them, because we are i laughing stock. i’m sure i’m not the only 1 thinking like me. i feel sorry for the people with season tickets and remember the price is going up next season just to see the team lose

  13. Sick sick sick!!! Should not have lost this game. Newcastle to claim 4th!!!???!!?? No way, they still have to travel to Chelsea and have a determined Man City at home. Hope there will be atleast no better than a draw in BOTH games to have a chance now. Thats asking for a lot, even more that we win our final 4 games. We HAVE to win. Win all those and we won’t even catch Arsenal probably, so we need to win all 4 just to catch Newcastle. We all know Newcastle would suck in Champions League.


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