If the season comes to an end with the league positions as they currently stand, there will be much speculation over some of Spurs’ key players. Rafael van der Vaart however is adamant that he will be staying at White Hart Lane next season whether there is Champions League football or not.
“Even if we don’t manage to get into the Champions League that is no reason for me to leave,” VDV said.
“Any young player wants to play for Barcelona, Manchester United or Real Madrid. But that is something I’ve done, and I am now happy at Spurs.”
Last week, the Dutchman was talking about seeing out his career back in his homeland.
“I see it as an obligation to play football once again in the Netherlands,” Rafa said at the time.
“I have a feeling I have to give something back to the Eredivisie, for what it has meant to me.”
For the time being however, it looks as though Holland will have to wait.




  1. Good news. Regardless of his fitness issues and patchy goal-scoring form, the man is world class. Great when he comes deep to collect the ball and spreads it out wide, and his close foot control is superb.

    Clearly loyal too. The fact that he will stay says something in itself, as well as his thankful commitment to the Eredivisie.

  2. Absolutely right on too, once again he shows so much class considering how highly though of in the game he is. Maybe i’m old fashinioned but whether it be loyalty or just plain respect for the cklub that pays his wages these are the words i would expect to come out of all players at Spurs. I’m sick and tired of hearing how we will lose this player and that player if we don’t get champions league. Right now the players should all be saying positive things about the club, we are bigger than any player in our squad and they should be privelaged to play for Tottenham, regardless of who they are and how much they rate themselves. Take Modric, for example who i used to idolise as a footballer who all season long has remained tight lipped on Tottenham, has shown zero respect for the club, the shirt or us the fans. He’s a disgrace, don’t give me this crap about he hasn’t sulked his performances have been so poor since Xmas he should be begging us for a new contract, and why the hell should we bend over and be held to ransom because we may not get in the champions league, they are the ones that are performing at the level that deserves nowhere near champions league. Utter disgrace, glory boys the lot of them with no heart, desire and commitment to the cause. You don’t hear Gerrard, Suarez, Terry, Lampard, Mata, Cisse, Ba, Coloccini wanting to jump ship because they are not in the champions league. They will be prepared to knuckle down and ‘win’ that place the following year and will remain dedicated to the cause. No matter how big and succesful you are as a club, no matter how big or small, all players should be committed to the cause. To be honest i couldn’t careless if Modric went now, he has shown his true colours, has naff all desire, does even less during a game he can go right now for me. At the very least (and i believe Rafa to be our most gifted world renowned footballer) Rafa is saying the things that i want to hear as a life long supporter, he is and will always be a spurs legend. Top man, well said!!!

  3. That’s why I love VDV! You can see the passion in him when he plays and even more when he scores.

    If only he was fitter!

  4. Well said adspur, with regard to the commitment that all current spurs players should be voicing. I have heard far to much speculation about bale, modric and even walker. These are spurs players and even if they want away ie. modric, they should be fighting tooth and nail to get the final champions league spot.
    we really are lacking the industry in the centre of midfield, to get the ball through to the strikers or wingers in enough space to cause problems and move players out of position. parker plays the ball backwards 90% of the time, allowing teams to reorganize, when early season it was our quick counter attacking that set up most of our goals. Modric seems to just be going through the motions at the moment and playing simple balls.
    I just hope all of our player give 100% commitment in these final 4 games, which is the least we should expect from any player being employed by our club.

  5. YES VDV! I Just posted about this not long ago about what I thought about the stars leaving for supposedly greener pastures, go ahead! We don’t want anyone who doesn’t love the club, these current results is where its gotten us anyway. Ade will not be back, Bale and Mod seem to want out. Walker is smart not to talk, but we all know if the stars leave, so will he. What does that leave us? VDV will not play forever. Lennon can’t be relied upon every game yet. Parker is 31. etc… It doesn’t look good for next year if we don’t qualify for Champions League.


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