Tottenham’s dismal run of form has led to some predictable stories in the press linking Luka Modric, Gareth Bale and Sandro with a move out of the club at the end of the season. With the prospect of Champions League football starting to slip, some reporters seem to have made of their minds that Bale and Modric at the very least will be on their way.

Current manager Harry Redknapp has spoken today about the situation and is adamant that both players will still be here next season.

“When they came to the club, Tottenham weren’t in the Champions League, and were nowhere near getting in the Champions League,” Harry said.

“They play for Tottenham. They’re at a great club. There’s no reason they should want to leave. If we don’t make it this year, we’ll try again next year. There’s not too many clubs they could go to better than Tottenham.

“Gareth Bale and Luka Modric have both signed long-term contracts. Gareth has had a fantastic time for a young player at Tottenham. He needs to stay a few more years yet and keep developing.”

Redknapp also claimed that the club has the potential to win the Premiership

“We’ve progressed so much in the last four years, we’ve got to keep that going and push on even more in the table and look to win a Premier League. It’s not impossible,” he added.

Of course, it may not be Harry in charge next season but it seems likely, if we cast our minds back to the Modric to Chelsea affair last summer, that Daniel Levy will be in agreement with Harry over this.



  1. Comical Harry at his “best”. Why doesn’t this clown hail the performances of Modric since January while he is at it? Selling Modric for big money (and investing it well for once) is the second best thing Tottenham can do, the best is… sacking Redknapp

  2. Would anyone like me be happy with Capello replacing Redknapp? For me it would be a no brainier he is a fantastic club manager proven. Has a major point to prove in this country. Has respect from all over the football world would help bring in big names and keep our biggest talents.

  3. Sell Modric for 40 million. Use the money to buy two decent strikers. Bring in Joe Allen to replace Modric. Bring in Brendan Rodgers as the new manager. Start playing the youngsters like Tom Carroll, Alex Pritchard, Cristian Cebellos etc.

  4. That’s wright sell ya best players and stick with kids, all you spuds are good at playing with see ya in the 2nd division COYI!

    • Oh I forgot, me, Rotten and Wenger, would like to be in the changing room with your kids. Oh and Rottens Uncle and dad .

  5. Joe Allen to replace Modric.

    If we are going to replace Modric then lets at least look for a goal scoring, forward bursting central midfielder…..

    Our lack of goals from central midfield is astonishing, a lack of attacking intent in this area is one of the main reasons why we often struggle to break sides down.

    Replacing Modric with Joe allen is pointless. Huddlestone can keep the ball ticking over. line up with him, a true attacking, direct centre mid, and a dm, as a three in midfield.

  6. Capello is a good manager no doubt… But I am unsure as to if he would be a good fit for us. I also have reservations about some of his team choices and to have dropped Lennon from the team when the whole of the England team were useless was almost pointing the finger, when there were others with a higher pedegree who were far worse. Lennon proved him wrong in the CL in the following season by doing over his.

    Talking of Lennon, have you seen his stats this season compared to Walcott? The assists, pass / cross completion and minutes per loss of possession are very telling and essential for a winger.

  7. If we were to replace modric Joe Alan is not the answer Stevan Jovetic ( Fiorentina ) is fantastic and has scored 14 goals from midfield still young and has an amazing engine.

  8. Modric has been really poor in 2012, so has the team but his performance has really dipped. He could be injured or just going through a bad patch, only the management team will really know.

    Now if his heart is just not in it and/or we start getting the BS we got last summer (me love Chelsea money) then sell him for 40-45m abroad.

    Harry has got to go, the form at the back end of last year was crap, he has to be accountable. Compo money from the FA would be a blessing.

    Last 12 games of last season.
    P – 12
    W – 3
    L – 3
    D – 6

    Note we won the last two games of the season against Liverpool and Birmingham when CL was gone.

  9. Chronic and Totspurs – sensible comments at last.

    How can anyone suggest sell Bale and Modders and play the kids instead – laughable.

    we have 25 players we are allowed to name in a squad, yet Harry uses about 15/16.

    What we should have done in January window was got rid of likes of GDS, Jenas, etc. for low value and invested that money in high salary loan players. Short termist I know, but it would have kept the books balanced and we could have invested the guaranteed CL money on permanents in the summer.

    Out club doesn’t learn from history we made the same mistake in the Jan window when we were in the CL and going well in the PL.

    My only positive spin on it is that we need to balance the books for the new stadium and then we can kick on.

    Oh well, always next year.

  10. We need to keep Modric & Bale the real problem is harry , when we started our losing streak all harry kept saying was theres no need to panic we were 3rd in the table , you have to have that champion attitude if you lose two games on the trot you need to do your very best to make sure you dont make it 3 , spurs are not good enough to take it easy the squad is not big enough . We need to spend some big money now especially if we dont get into europe because thats all we have to offer good quality players to join us , lets learn from the past mr levy and spend the money or regret it later .


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