There is good news and bad news in the Spurs defence for tomorrow as Younes Kaboul looks set to return while BAE misses out for the rest of the season.

“Younes is okay, he trained well today, so that’s a big bonus for us,” reported Harry “Ade also trained and he’s fit as well.”

Adebayor is said to have had a hamstring injury for the QPR game and whether that is true or not, Harry’s comments seem to suggest that the Togolese will come back in.

Danny Rose is likely to deputise for BAE but would a better option be to drop Gareth Bale back?

Overall, this is our, (admittedly unlikely) team to play Blackburn but what do you think?



  1. Great shout – plenty of quality to keep possession, sufficient height and power with the three centre backs to deal with blackburns aerial threat, and two strikers capable of occupying their defence.

  2. The year Benny got injured was the year we finished 4th he got injured and Bale came in the rest is History. We would be home by now if because Ady and Defoe where our best combination and the sad thing they have hardly started together. What need to score first and then get another one if possible if not defend and attack on the break. the problem is i don’t think Harry will risk this team . My team based on better Fitness would be Gomes Walker Gallas Kaboul Bale Lennon Van Parker Modric Ady Defoe .We need to score before deperationn Tempo and work rate kicks in about 15 20 min or the game will be harder to win

  3. Cant see HR playing all of our 3 fit centre backs in the same game!

    When Gallas pulls up after his usual 30 mins and ledleys knee takes 8 days to go down we’ll be left with half fit Kaboul for Bolton on Wed!

    Oh, it’s ol tho cos we can play Caulker there! Oh, no we can’t. How about Bassong? Oh, he’s on loan too. We could move Corluka there…… you get the message! COYS

  4. Redknapp failed with Tevez bid!
    Redknapp failed with Mata bid!
    Redknapp failed with Damio (?) bid!

    Why keep telling us all of the players we could have had!!

    Remember Bullseye?? Look at what you could have won!!

  5. Never thought of that formation but it looks good with those players. But, and it’s been said, can’t see Harry trying it.

  6. HR needs to stop talking about loosing players to other clubs and focus on finishing the season. He’s encouraging offers for modric and bale. how are we going to recruit new talent when our manager says he cant keep our current stars


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