The name of Jan Vertonghen has appeared a fair amount in these pages and one thing that did seem fairly certain is that the Ajax skipper was likely to be leaving his club at the end of the current season.

There had always been other clubs linked with the Belgian international however and earlier this week, the suggestion was that Arsenal were ready to make a move. Part of the lure allegedly was the presence of compatriot Vermaelen in the club’s ranks.

The Daily Mail seem to have broken this story but while its headline suggest that talks have been opened, there’s nothing in the body of the piece to back this up. However, it does state that Vertonghen is now entering the last year of his contract and in a similar way to which Gary Cahill’s fee was reduced as a result of being in a similar position, it’s thought that as little as £7 million is needed to secure the Belgian’s signature.



    • MESSI is too!!! honest,, i know a bloke who know’s a bloke that knew a bloke that heard some bloke tell some bloke who knew some bloke that this bloke told…

    • How do you knows about GANSO? as i saw this on a site the other day and if its true he will be a very good signing……

      • Ganso for Modric would be good but I cant see it as Redknapp has never heard of him…..

        He has heard of Owen Hargreaves though which is more of a Redknapp signing….cant wait for him to make his debut and score one for Harry to jump up and punch the air, state in the post match interview that he is a triffic player and then for old Owen to get injured in training and miss the rest of the season whilst Ganso goes on to have a marvellous career with Arsenal and is named the Ballon D Or winner

        I hope Redknob pisses off

        Martinez, Rodgers, Pep, Jose, Riijkaard, AVB anyone as long as it isnt Moyes.

  1. Squad 2012/13 – Providing we get Champions League

    Manager = Roberto Martinez

    GK = Lloris, Freidel, Cudicini
    RB = Walker, Naughton/Corluka
    CB = Kaboul, Dawson, Caulker, Vertonghen, Uvini?
    LB = Bale, BAE
    RM = Lennon, Giovani, Moses/Hoillet
    CM = Sandro, Parker, Huddlestone, Livermore, Carroll
    LM = Pienaar, Kranjcar, Townsend
    ST = Llorente, Damio, VDV, Coulliably

    IN = Lloris (£12m), Vertonghen (£8m), Llorente (£22m), Damio (£20m), Moses/Hoillet (£5m)

    TOTAL IN = Approx. £70m

    OUT = Modric (£45-50m), Bentley, Jenas, Gomes, Rose, King (coaching role), Gallas, Bassong, Saha, Adebayor,…

    Starting XI:


    Walker Kaboul Vertonghen Bale
    Sandro Huddlestone
    Lennon VDV Giovani

    • LM looks a little weak there — although Niko w/ Bale at LB would be a great pair.
      Also, I could see selling Modric (as you suggest) if we did get 45-50m for him, but you’ve not really replaced him. Carroll might be good, but not a replacement for Modric (at least yet).

      I could also see getting either Llorente or Damiao — but not both. Get a cheap, young prospect instead.

      I’d choose two of the following — all can play either wing and as a backup CF as well as being cheap and fairly young.
      Isaac Cuenca — RW, LW (2.6m)
      Cristian Tellos — RW, LW, CF (4.4m)
      Marko Arnautovic — CF, LW, RW (5.7m)

      To replace Modric, 1 of:
      Miralem Pjanic — AM, LW, RW (10m)
      Ganso — AM, LW, RW (16m)
      Christian Eriksen — AM, CM, LW (11.5m)
      Younes Belhanda — AM, CM, RW (7m)

      All of this is pretty fantasy football, but these are the types of players I’d be interested in.
      And for the manager, I just want someone who would rotate the squad.

      I pulled the prices from:

  2. Yes king CAPON Daniel levy is in talks with Arthur Daley for the aquasition of a old no.69 routmaster. Talks have come to a stalemate as old tight spud levy is not willing to pay for the respray from red to LILLY CHICKEN WHITE. COYI

  3. He would be perfect honestly great defender, quick and can play a bit…….Ajax fans rate Vertonghen much more highly than his ex team mate Vermealan.

    I would really lke it to happen I just have a feeling he will go to Arsenal.

    I guess every player is waiting to see if we get champions league football or not which is why its imperitive that we win tonight……if we do Hazard, Vertonghen, Remy and Lloris could be on the way…………we lose and say helloo to Hoilett, Shawcross, Fletcher and Kasper Schmeichel.

  4. Redknapp can now concentrate on continuing to build our squad to a level where it has the quality of backup required of a top four side, which we currently don’t have.

    11 players need replacing asap. King, Gallas, Gomes, Corluka, Bassong, Jenas, Bentley, Gio, Nelsen, Khumalo and Pienaar.

    In another year Friedel will need replacing too.

    • I agree have been saying this for a while now i his first touch is poor. Ade and rose have been poor Im worried :-\

  5. If we get Jan, it will go a long way in my belief we can compete with the big boys in signing the top players.

  6. Lets try for a couple more. Goal diff on arsenal could be important. Someone wake me up. Am I dreaming!

  7. I don’t think any European talent (Vertonghen, Hazard etc) will decide on a team until they know who’s in the CL next season.

    Vertonghen looks promising, hope we sign him!

  8. If not Vertonghen, then Ogbonna or Rakitskiy, both of whom I assume will be on show at Euro 2012…

    Also feel like Gael Bigirimana from Coventry, although not a defender, should be watched as he’s won the Championship Young Player of the Year. Apparently a bit of a utility man, and perhaps another option in the future as a holding midfielder which will be useful once Parker’s hung up his boots…especially now as Coventry have dropped down to League One…

  9. …and may as well have a pop at signing Jordan Rhodes. And Wilfried Zaha.

    Also should be looking at Nathaniel Clyne and Chris Gunter, especially if a swoop is made for Walker.


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