It’s been many years since Spurs had won at the Reebok and although that ‘hoodoo’ had to be addressed at some point, it was always a worry whether it was going to be a factor.

The end product however was arguably our best result of the season, and although Bolton are in the bottom three, their form has been decent of late and this match could easily have derailed thoughts of a final push to the top four placings.

“I thought we played ever so well in the first half, came in 1-0 up and really should have been two or three up,” said Harry Redknapp after the match.

“Credit to Bolton, they came out in the second half and were much sharper and got about us more.

“They got a goal back and for that 10, 12, 15-minute spell, you could see them getting right back into it.”

After the equaliser from Nigel Reo-Coker, Bolton looked as if they may steal the points but it was a relief to see the team capture some of the form that has eluded them in the past few weeks.

“At 1-1, they looked the team that might go on and win it, from us dominating the first 45. It looked like being a difficult last half-hour,” Harry added.

“But we then showed tremendous ability on the break and scored some great goals.

“We can hit teams on the break and we did that. We’ve real pace in Bale, Lennon and Adebayor and we finished them off.”

The win keeps us in fourth and we are now just one point away from third as we get ready to travel to Villa Park at the weekend.



  1. Im so happy today was really worried about that game last night especially with Kevin Davis in there team that bloke scares the he’ll out of me but kaboom and Gallas sorted him out! 🙂 COYFS!!!

    • And sandro was class again!! But as soon as parker is fit he will get replaced 🙁 because that’s what harry does!! Bring on a Hudd and sandro partnership next season will be amazing with hudds passing ability and sandro presence and tenacity and bursts forward what a combo!!!!!

  2. Spurs looked good again. The team had a good shape. The beginning of the second half was poor but then Spurs had a couple of great counter attacks which won the game.

    The only weakness was at left back. Rose is better suited to playing in the championship.

    • Lets be a bit me constructive when we criticise our players. There is no need to get too personal with Rose,
      He was not as bad as you make out. He did put a good shift in and was trying to much too please, which made him make a couple of silly mistakes, but nothing to warrant this.

  3. Come on, Rose did well, especially considering he’s hardly played this year. Personally i think he’s a great understudy to BAE and although not entirely home-grown, it’s great to see one of the kids coming through. One or two jittery moments but on the whole i thought he was great. And we don’t have any other options so what’s the point in slating the lad?

    • Spurs have far better young players than Rose. Even though Smith is a right back, he should be given the chance at left back. Gallas could also step in there if Ledley King returns. Rose is not good enough for Spurs and never will be.

      There are plenty of young Spurs players who should be given the chance like Alex Pritchard and Cristian Cebellos who are class players. Redknapp has ignored all the best talent at the club. He has his favourite players and no-one else gets a look in.

      • Yeah agree that we shouldn’t be slating him, he’s our only option and he’s only young. I just think he’s trying too hard to impress and maybe playing a bit desperately. Gets in good postions (like BAE) but isn’t the best crosser or passer.

  4. That result has been coming for a while now and thank god it all came together last night. With a settled and mobile centre back pairing I believe we’re a match for anyone. both rose and adebayour were weak last night. We so desperately need a top centre back and centre forward to bring us to the next level. For a striker Ade scores very few shots and very few headers. He’d be a great impact sub but there is no way he’d settle for that. I reckon ba would be a great signing.

  5. Villa season ticket holder here. Watching the quality of Modric, Bale and Van der Vaart last night makes me wonder how we are going to stop you scoring 4 or 5 on Sunday.

    Villa are woeful. Rubbish manager, sold the best players and we have the worst right back I have ever seen in Hutton. You guys must be pissing yourselves laughing selling that muppet to us. The prospect of Bale running at him on Sunday is scary.

    My only hope is that this will be 3 games in 7 days for Spurs compared to 2 in 8 days for us. Clutching at straws or what?

  6. yeah Ross…Demba Ba would be a great signing for us, but if Aguero had been playing for us last night he woulda hit the net at least 7 times!!!! Messi probably 8!!!! phuk me we need to spend on a TOP TOP striker!!!!

  7. ……hey Droid…..never forget the maxim..”Its a funny old game innit”………..I think that covers every excuse in the book for why the in-form teams lose when they do! #:) Man U v Wigan, who saw that coming?!! #:)

  8. Although again sandro played well i feel we need parker back, for example reo-cokers goal modric failed 2 track his run and sandro was no where to be seen where as parker would have been in and around that area sweeping everything up

  9. And i see the scum have crawled back into their holes again lol isit just me or does everyone have a feelin they wont win at west brom? I feel they will give hodgson a real good send off 🙂


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