The man at the centre of much of our transfer talk at the moment is Ajax defender Jan Vertonghen and much of the media is suggesting that White Hart Lane is his preferred destination.

Firstly, the 25 year old hinted that an offer from Spurs was already in,

“I owe much to Ajax, I have always given my whole heart and soul for them. My appreciation for the club and the fans is great,” said Vertonghen.

“It would be terrible if my departure would be a long and distorted situation as Ajax would keep asking for a great price ’till the bone’.

“Of course I want Ajax to become financially better, but the amount Tottenham are willing to pay, maybe with a little bit extra, is very reasonable.”

Vertonghen then went on to speak highly about our club, even if he hadn’t been paying much attention to our transfer dealings in January,

“Tottenham is a fantastic traditional club who play football in a way I like,” he added.

“Ajax was the perfect club for me, but Spurs will be very close in nearing that already. They buy young, eager and offensive-minded players.”

Hints almost of a done-deal but doubtless there will be a long way to go in this saga.





  1. Also herd we are in talks about Lloris……. So I think he does and why wouldnt he with the thought of this line up!!!

    ———————-loris hopefully———————
    ———————-Top class striker————–

    i have only put in parker in case of an injury!!

  2. We can’t be sure until it’s set in stone. Hazard’s been picking a new club every week, I don’t think Vertonghen will be the same but I wouldn’t be surprised if another team beat us to the signing with a bigger pay package.

    • Spot on stevie j! Vertonghen has been a bit like hazard changing his club every other day spurs tend to get used by agents as leverage to get da best deal for their clients n its our own fault really! We need to start keepin our dealings quiet n talk when a signing is completed tired of being endlessly linked wid players n then it coming to nothing!!!

  3. So Robbie – No VdV, the player Vertonghen has discussed coming to spurs with? Although in certain situations I would agree with your line up – Maybe swapping Lennon / VdV depending on the fixture.

    I actually wouldnt mind Bale better a run out at LB this final game, would be the only way of using that formation and using Bale, Modric, VdV and Lennon at the same time, along with the 2 holding mids in Sandro / Hudd / Parker.

    • Good shout matt instead of buying Eriksen you could maybe put vdv in there with a free role? i like that as VDV is one on my favorite players and seems like he loves our club!!

  4. Fingers crossed. Young highly rated centre-half with the ability to stay fit?! We won’t know we’re born.

    • It has always been that way with BAE!!! He isn’t a loyal player only plays football for money…… Don’t like the sound of another. “gentlemans agreement” though.

  5. Seriously Spurs get all deals done ASAP,and get a media ban on Arry!
    None of this I like this player go get the ones we need to compete at the top of the premier league,no more messing about GET IT DONE! COYS

  6. Don’t sell Bale,don’t sell Modric,don’t sell BEA. Pleeeeez get Vertongen and a striker.Lorrente hopefuly,sign Ganso or Elm or Erikson since Hazard won’t be joining. Vertonghen and Kaboul with Walker and BEA will be the best defence spurs had in years.Caulker 3rd choice King cup games or easy home games.

    • Benoit’s our leftback! That’s a really great way to talk about one of your own. You question Benoit’s loyalty to spurs? He’s done one interview and you’re already calling him a cunt, a muppet and a fuckwit. Take a look at yourself, and ask yourself why a footballer, or anyone for that matter, should show you loyalty when you show them none. Why don’t you go back to your chelsea forums where you fit right in, you plastic trolling internet warrior, and stop dissing spurs players.

      • Lmfao. What a fucking mug you are. Maybe you would like to lick his balls for him. You aint got a clue have you and your gay comments make me sick. Im more Tottenham than a fag like you could ever be.
        Yes im fucking questioning Ekottus loyalty. Read what he says you thick cunt.

        • he’s just laughed it off pledging his future to spurs. french mag l’equipe are notorious bullshitters. good 1

  7. Llorris would also be an outstanding signing to replace Brad for next year.a top goalkeeper.Kyle Naughton and Danny Rose can rotate along with Dawson and King and Gallas. Sell on Nelsen and Bassong. Don’t see the point of keeping Saha as we have Defoe unhappy already. But Adebayor on a permanent is not enough for our attack. Lorente, Cavani. We need something big.. Please invest mr.Levy COYS

  8. Go all out for Leighton Baines / Naughton has proved he can play well at LB for Norwich in a couple of games….

    Good shout on Erikson id also like to have Victor mosses think he will be a top top player in a season or two.

    • Spot on Dawid. Benoit’s a switched on bloke and he just wants a pay rise, parity with the other first team regulars. As anyone would in any job where they earn less than colleagues who do the exact same job and the exact same hours. Unfortunately spurs guvnor thinks he’s a muppet and a c*nt for this. Perhaps the ‘guv’ should set an example to us all, by turning down his next payrise?

  9. We need to bring in Hugo Lloris or Rene Adler to replace Brad Friedel and cannot stress this enough. There are talks of Redknapp wanting to bring in Rob Green as an understudy to Friedel…….hmmmmm he is how old and useless? If this goes ahead the old dog seriously needs putting down!!!!!!!

  10. In Levy we trust ! If Benny thinks a “bigger” club is eyeing him up he’s dreaming. Can be good but also a liability hoofing the ball back into danger areas rather than finding touch, cost us a few times.

  11. Fuck BAE he’s trying to get a move to psg more money and champions league every year the only teams in england that can offer that is city and united and they already have very good left backs who don’t give away stupid penaltys all season long. I suggest we get de ceglie from juve young, quick and great prospect for the future.

  12. Your team has been playing out of their shoes this season. However, miss champion’s league and u will be back to your mid table status come next season. Which good player in his right mind would want to play in a team fighting for eighth place. Remember where u first read it.

    • Agreed. I’ll definitely give u that. Arsenal is a so called ‘one man’ team. But give me one season after the invincibles that we haven’t been so. First it was Henry, then everyone thought that was it when he left. Then came Fabregas and then Van Persie. There will always be a one man at Arsenal. Our secret lies in the manager. While u constantly move from one mediocre idiot of a manager to another year after year, AW has always been there to give us the consistence. Hope u took up Wishere’s bet earlier this year mate.

  13. We’ve been underacheiving this season where as your only good player has been overacheiving so when he leaves u in the summer and u have podolski to replace him then ull be fighting for 8th, while we carry on improving 🙂 remember where u read it first.

    • Agreed. I’ll definitely give u that. Arsenal is a so called ‘one man’ team. But give me one season after the invincibles that we haven’t been so. First it was Henry, then everyone thought that was it when he left. Then came Fabregas and then Van Persie. There will always be a one man at Arsenal. Our secret lies in the manager. While u constantly move from one mediocre idiot of a manager to another year after year, AW has always been there to give us the consistence. Hope u took up Wishere’s bet earlier this year mate.

      • Hey killa, ya wan me to Service your Arse Anal as well?
        Bring Wenger as well. I will Rotten to bring his dad and uncle as well, we can have a right orgy xxx

        • Maybe we are who we are because we are not a one man team as well. It’s always nice to have a super star in my opinion. I also tend to think their one man is the manager.

  14. Fucking deluded CAPONS(Cockrels with no balls) Vertonghen and Hazard are using you for the patsys you lot ‘ave always bin. The Twitcher wants another WESTHAM reject. Never mind CAPONS your get your cup final back next year COYI!

    • Hey Chim, where have you been the last two days. My Arse Anal needs greasing, for you to put yo likkle wille up me pussy lip bum.

      • Wooo! Rotten, i will be over to feed you me likkle pikey willy. Let me finish 1st taking the piss out of the spuds.
        Make sure your dad and uncle is dare as well.. Me pikey bum needs servicing as well

  15. Who’s that east London pikey ? Like your gonna get past Birmingham or Blackpool ! Looks like Millwall will still be kicking you around Green st next season.

  16. Somebody pinch me this report is far to good to be true, a top class defender wanting to sign for a more than reasonable fee of 7 mill. I fear this quote is just to allow City to swoop in for 8 or 9 for they are weak at the back end.

    • I think this is more about playing time than about salary and just Champs League. Spurs have CL potential, but what we offer is definite playing time. Something he is not guaranteed at ManU and Arsenal.

      • I hope, but Vertonghen as pedigree, his not a defender whose had one hell of a year at a small club. His stock is at an all time high he might just want to cash in.

  17. Here’s the scary thing. If he does prefer us, then he will want to wait till May 19 to cut a proper deal with us if we finish 4th. If Arsenal finish 3rd, they have the advantage if they really want him. Here’s hoping they think they are set with Kocielny and Verm in the middle, backed by Mertesacker. You never know right?


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