Not since the days when Jurgen Klinsmann used to lead the line at Spurs have we ever wanted to cheer on Germans quite so much. 4th place is secured but Saturday’s Champions League final will be even more agonising to watch than our league run in – and that’s saying something!

Tottenham finished the season in a manner in which the campaign got off and running – a 2-0 win with goals from Adebayor and Defoe – and Harry was delighted with fourth place overall.

“It’s been a fantastic season,” Redknapp said.

“To finish fourth in a Champions League place, we can’t ask for more than that. To finish above Liverpool and Chelsea, to be right up there, one point behind Arsenal in the end, it’s been a fantastic achievement.

“We played some amazing football this season and to finish in the top four is great for us.”

Harry was then asked if he would be cheering on Bayern next weekend,

“I’d be a liar if I said otherwise,” he added.” Tottenham is my team. I just want us to be in the Champions League next season.”

Had we not embarked on our recent poor run of course, there would be no need for an extended, nail-biting season but top four is still an achievement. Saturday however will be agony…



  1. With regards Adebeyour if he dug his heels in and said he wanted to go on loan to us again next season same deal but we pay Man City a loan payment covering most of the money they would be paying for his wages. Would they be happy with that? We can keep our wage structure in line with what the club wants. Man City get rid of a player they don’t want competing against they biggest rivals Man Utd/Chelsea and not allowing him to play against them in the two games. Adebeyour stays where he is on the same money wage wise, the loan fee say £4m covers the money Man City pay him every week £100,000 makes sense to me he is then a free signing at the end of next season.

  2. Under Redknapp, nothing’s underperformed, everything’s overperformed. Any result is a great result, even a loss is a positive spin or the occasional “one of those days”. Now wouldn’t it be great if I can tell my bosses the same thing day in day out.

  3. Had we not been robbed against Stoke, we would be 3rd. I know every team gets bad decissions but that match was a total stuff up. Crouch handled the ball for his goal, Ade scored a legitimate goal & was given offside, Shawcroft handdled on his line & pulled Kaboul down in the box. Foy missed them all. We lost instead of getting 3 points. That 1 game is now the reason why we aren’t yet assured of Champions League next season.

    • That Spurs v Stoke game was a farce.

      Chris Foy is a disgrace of a referee. He must be a Stoke fan. How could he have allowed the Stoke goal against Bolton yesterday. The Bolton goal keeper had the ball in his hands and the Stoke player knocked him to the ground. The ball was subsequently knocked out of his hands and into the net.

      The Stoke v Bolton game was so rigged. How can Chris Foy keep getting away with it. Bolton should never have been relegated. It is shocking.

      • All these are pivotal, but Chelsea, Newcastle and Arsenal all have as many poor decisions go against them as well. We deserve where we are.

  4. Villarreal relegated they are now looking to offload both Nilmar and Rossi id be happy to see what deals we could do especially Rossi

  5. Nope, u came fourth because u went on a poor run of form. Going more than five games without a win cost u that. One game is just a scapegoat. Just like Arsenal would suggest had they not had a bad start, they would have been second. Both excuses are ridiculous.

    • I tend to agree with you this time. I respect the club for what they did. We underestimated Arsenal’s quality because everybody was unknown, too new, or hurt. Arteta proved world class and continues to be underrated, I wish we had a player like Song and Kocielny, two beasts in the middle. No questions about the keeper anymore, and of course RvP.

      However, I do believe we match up well on some areas. Whenever we play Arsenal, we are way way too open, and I think that kills us at times. If we play smart solid defense, counter attacking football, we should beat Arsenal most of the time, yet we keep playing them toe to toe. We can’t do that. We may think we have better quality this year, but the table is proof otherwise, even if it’s just one point.

      Still, I can’t believe Arsenal fans to be so high on their horses to look down on us. It’s ONE pt mate! And we are truly your rivals even if we haven’t won as many, or are as prestigious. Your rivalry with us only gets better if Spurs get better, win more, build up a trophy case like Arsenal. Otherwise, if were your rivals, and we suck like you say? Then you guys are really poorer for that.

  6. Spurrs fans, I’ve held myself with dignified restraint this season. But now u too will agree that we, the respectful bunch of Arsenal FC (and we are few), have earned the right to gloat. So here is my gloating with all regards:

    MIND THAT GAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Thanks for putting it kindly. It was an exciting year for us, and a draining one at that. Forgive me if I didn’t have time to sit down and respect what your club has been through as we had our own drama all year long as well. I am recovering from several cardiac arrests this Spring, I do not want another season like this again. Either we win big, and keep winning, or lose big and never factor in anything. Oh my poor heart.

  7. Really tough on Spurs not to finish above Arsenal for once in probably the best chance in a generation. And possibly the best for another generation. Will be even harder to take than 2006 if Chelsea win the Champions League. Still, even then it wouldn’t take it away from Harringay that they host the second best team in London.

    • I have grown used to it. Oh well.

      Still, I once in a while think… here I am. I am at the moment where I truly believe I can shed myself of this burden of being a Spur fan for life, perhaps even root for them dreaded gunners. And then I meet an Arsenal fan, and I am reminded why I much push on in my plight. For one day, it will be my destiny to finally, and rightfully, throw it all back in their faces.

      Just kidding.


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