Having spent most of this season warming up the White Hart Lane bench, Jermain Defoe could have been forgiven for thinking that his chance of playing for England this summer had gone. However, he is on the plane and with Wayne Rooney suspended for the nation’s first two group matches, JD has every chance of making the starting line up.

Jermain was obviously delighted at the call but in the absence of a lot of match time, he puts a lot of the credit down to gruelling fitness regimes through the season.

“I’m delighted because I knew last summer I had a massive season coming up and I worked hard on my fitness to be as sharp as possible,” he said.

“I think that work has paid off.”

Through the January transfer window there had been rumours that Defoe was looking at a move that would give him first team football and a chance to force his way back into the England plans. He has got that slot now regardless of his time on the pitch at the Lane but with Spurs thought to be lining up another striker as well as a possible deal for Adebayor, will Jermain finally be off before the summer ends?



  1. I couldn care less. He only scores the odd goal and contributes fuck all else to the team hes so frustrating to watch and hes very selfish. He has done his bit for spurs i think its best for all partys now if he leaves.

  2. if he calls that fresh, then i’d dread to see him stale..

    most over rated player in a spurs shirt, since the last time we signed jermaine defoe. If we sell him, he will in no doubt find his level at a mid-table club.. great custodian , but just not good enough at any real level.

    Good lucj to him during the tournament, though im sure he’ll have more quotes in the media to offer than goals in the competition. thats if past experience counts for anything

  3. ASnyone who is saying Defoe is no good is idiotic! The guy is our 10th top goalscorer of all time! He only scored a couple of goals less than Adebeyor despite playing far fewer games (and most of his appearences were in the final 15 mins). He also scored far more than VDV. If we had played Defoe more we would easilyu have finished in the top 3. Defoe is a lethal finisher and a reliable goalscorer. If we sell him we will regret it. If he starts every game he would get 25-30 per season.

  4. Also, Defoe is best off at Spurs. If he had been playing for Norwich or Fulham etc he would have been overlooked by Woy. The fact that he plays for a top 4 club meant he was given the nod despite a lack of game time.

  5. Why are people complaining of
    walcott’s inclusion in the squad
    over lennon? Truth is lennon
    always flatters to deceive, true
    or false? He may take players
    on with his shuffle style
    dribbling but it hardly results in
    any end product.
    Walcott(all competitions) Goals
    11 Assists 13
    Lennon(all comps) Goals 3
    Assists 5
    Downing(all comps) Goals 2
    Assists 1.
    Fact is walcott is a good player
    but sky has poisoned people’s
    perception of good and bad.

  6. JD will be fresh, and he has a good chance to do well because he has experience coming off the warm up lines. That is something we fail to value sometimes.

  7. Ungrateful arseholes the lot of you. Who do you think that Spurs could sign that would put up with 10 min cameos of the bench all season and yet still score 11 league goals? The answer is no one.

  8. defoes has served our club well .Thanks
    Now fuck off! Time for a upgrade.Fed up with this tunnel visioned greedy migit.He scores yeah so do others.

  9. Defoe is a pure goalscorer. I know he isn’t the best, but he still has a purpose to help us beat up out the bottom half of the table.

  10. @ prick – rick . @spam- sam. Calling people names is so not arsehole like or idiotic is it… you pair of wet numbskulls !! see that was so difficult wasn’t it..mugs! if someone has an opinion different to that of your own, then;

    a/. judging by your behaviour , id say thats a good thing.
    b/. it shows that we all have and are rightly entitled to our own opinions…now fuck off back to nests you pair of tweeting tits !!

  11. Well done JD. If HR had put him on against Villa we would probably be 3rd. He may not be every ones cup of tea but he can score goals. That’s what football is about, isn’t it? Hope he does well at the Euros and gets a decent run at WHL next year.


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