There has been very little speculation over the future of Gareth Bale in the media at the moment and if the press are to be believed, it seems that while Luka Modric may be moving on this summer, Gareth may be set to stay in order to further his footballing development.

Stories are emerging today that seemed to back that up albeit the quotes are attributed to a source rather than the player himself.

‘Gareth wants to stay for next season,’ so said the insider at the club.

‘To say he is happy at the club right now is a bit of an understatement.’

Not much to base a whole story on but if it is to be believed, we’ll be getting another season from the Welsh wing wizard at the very least.



  1. Good news, bale is younger than modric but is showing more maturity with his behaviour regarding speculation about his future.

  2. If Bale has said he’s staying he could just be bowing to the inevitable because he probably reckons Levy will do the same to him as he did to Modric last summer.

    So he (Bale) will save a lot of time and energy by just agreeing to stay another season.

  3. Believe nothing until you hear it from his mouth, instead of an unnamed source.

    We should all by now, know better than to believe what the Daily Mail says!

    I hope he does stay, but the words have to come from him!


  4. I hope it is true gareth is going to stay and hope we sign damaio & remy because either we are speaking to both in hope of getting one of them maybe both and we are also talking man city for ade , i think we cant afford ade and he will probably go back to them to be sold elsewhere . Can you imagin if we had all three and defoe we would have the best strike force in britain easily , It would be a matter of just keeping the strikers happy with rotating which will be very difficult.

  5. It is time for DL come out and let the players know that he decides thier future as long as he holds the contracts.we are building not breaking.Luka Modric is undoubtable a top class craftsman,but a player with less skill and more heart could easily get you the same results ,for instance Joe Allen??. If Modric has to go then let be outside of the premier league if possible , if not then take nothing under 50 million,add that to the sale of Defoe,Bentley,Jenas,Bassong,Corluka,Gallas,Rose,Gomes and bring in a new keeper Lloris?? a left back, JV and
    L. Damiao. should be change to put into a new stadium .Gio dos SANTOS should be motivated to produce his best form

    • Why Defoe? What has he done wrong to be sold and what has Dos Santos done right to warrant a place at Tottenham? Defoe 17 goals having started like 8 games at max- Dos Santos- nothing!

      • It may be a little late . but are you saying Defoe score 17 goals this season , from 8 games . he is selfish and not a team player with short legs to boot . Mind you you are right about Gio, he has done nothing because he has not played

  6. The only downside to the speculation is that it was reported by The Sun and the Daily Mail (the latter just reporting what was reported by the former, journalism at its very finest).

    Until we see quotes from Bale himself on the matter I think it’s best to just ignore the drivel these rags pump out on a daily basis.

    The last interview I actually listened to from Bale was where he said he’d have to consider his options if we didn’t get into the CL….

  7. i just hope all the rumours about levy trying to get are transfer businessdone early is true as if we could add vertonghen, damaio, remy supposedly in talks about these three already! add another keeper and keep hold of bale and either keep ire replace modric we will vertonghen very strong next season. as we also have hudd to come back. and will have caulker back from swansea. very exciting just hope levy actually gets it done this time!!!

  8. Exciting headlines, tenuous source… but how many of us have clicked on the stories in eagerness to allay our fears?…

  9. I hope it’s true as well, but it’s not terrible surprising.
    Bale chose Tottenham over Manchester United when he first came here because he wanted to be a part of the first team. Why we he change that attitude now, when he’s not only guaranteed first team but he’s considered our star (or one of them, at least) players?
    He could move to Barcelona or City or wherever, and play 1/2 or 2/3 of the games, or he can stay where he’ll play just about as often as he’s fit and effectively and possibly even have a team built around him as we look for CMs who can feed him through balls, and forwards who can finish off his crosses.

    It’s not like this is his last chance to make a big money move — it’s young still and is getting better every season.


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