The rumours that had been circulating for 24 hours were finally confirmed late last night with the announcement that Spurs manager Harry Redknapp would be leaving the club.

The official website includes this quote from Chairman Daniel Levy,

“This is not a decision the Board and I have taken lightly. Harry arrived at the Club at a time when his experience and approach was exactly what was needed. This decision in no way detracts from the excellent work Harry has done during his time with the Club and I should like to thank him for his achievements and contribution. Harry will always be welcome at the Lane.”

The news has been met with a predictably mixed reaction together with a host of speculation as to who the next manager will be. Whether it’s Moyes, Martinez, Benitez (!!) or anyone else, they have a tough challenge ahead of them.

Whatever your views on Harry, Tottenham’s last 3 league finishes have been 4th, 5th and 4th again and surely the new man will have to improve on that for this decision to make any sense?



  1. Think it is a good thing.

    From 2 points in 8 games to the Quarter final of the Champions League was a great run.

    But the last half of the last two seasons tactically we were poor.
    Being 10 points clear of the Gooners, winning 2-0 then losing that and going on a poor run losing to Norwich at home and a poor QPR showed his lack of ideas.

    Don’t forget Martin Jol got us 5th two years in a row and we should have been 4th both years.

    In Levy we trust (He always has a plan)

          • Harry was the only Spurs Manager who made Spurs beat Arsenal & take us to Champions league. Bye Harry & good Luck all the best.

      • As a NON-Spurs person, I am shocked at the arrogance and stupidity of Levy. Redknapp has performed very well. Shame on you, Levy, for being such a greedy pig. I doubt any manager would have done better than Redknapp, and I hope, for your sake, that Tottenham get relegated next season.

  2. How bad can you get? Any aspiring manager will drool over this assignment. Sell Modric, Bale and VdV for funds to get new forwards. Also, deadwood like Jenas, Dos Santos and Bentley can go.
    I think David MOYES must be thinking with the squad of 2011/12, he would have 2nd or 3rd tied up instead of fighting for an Europa spot with resources like Everton. If he can make Pienaar play like a super star, why can’t Redknapp use him in the 1st team when our players were injured.

    • I don’t think Moyes will achieve better unless Levy gives him Major money to buy talent. Cos M.City, Chelsea, M.Utd are always champions league qualifiers and premiership leaders cos of “Money”.

  3. It was the best thing for the club. I think what most Spurs fans are forgetting is that not only did we let slip a 13 point lead over Arsenal, we could have put it in the bag with the Villa game having drew. He was unreliable in getting results when we needed them and tactically flawed at times. Its about time we bring in some extra funding to buy the calibre of player / manager we need to compete.

  4. Levy has made a big mistake. I don’t think the new Manager i.e Moyes or Martinez will achieve better than Redknapp. The 3 Main players will also leave – Modric, V D Vaart, Bale.

      • nice to see some people have a brain – everyone thinks players like bale and modric can just leave like that even tho they have long contracts and will cost huge money even if levy did want to sell one of them

        • it depends on what manager we get in to be honest if its moyes or mertinez they will want to go but get pep and they will stay (i know a very long shot) but you never know.

  5. If Levy doesn’t have a replacement already lined up then it is a stupid decision, but then Levy certainly isn’t stupid…….

  6. Sorry Harry is gone and according to another site will be sad to go.Is this the same Harry who was taking on a jet not so long ago for the England job.However they could not find the runway so it did not happen.Harry has played us this year.Remember the court case and how much the support meant to him afterwards.Then when England came calling it was thanks and see ya.It did not happen so it was ok then i will take that big contract you were offering me before i did not get that other job and sorry i was to busy with it to get third place but lets start again.
    Harry was good for us and we were good for him but now its over so lets move on.Thanks Harry and enjoy your time off and good luck but please spare us the hard luck stories.We could have had the best finish ever had you just kept your eye on ball and rememberd who stuck by you and loved you when the nice people at the revenue and customs came calling.Spurs were never going to go down when you took over they just needed a leader and you were the man at the time.We gave you a shot at something big but you wanted more.Had you done the right thing at the time and said no to England then Daniel would have gave you the money in January and we would have finished third of that i am certain.
    So thanks and good bye.

  7. I can’t see past Moyes for this next chapter, i think the board are looking at long term with the youngsters and fringe players getting a chance. Moyes has a decent aye for a player and usually gets the best out of a limited squad. My biggest fear is that we wont be able to attract the big names and the ones we have will leave. My choice even though controversial id love to see Cappello his club football is up there with some of the best managers in the last 30yrs. He has a point to prove and will attract big players to the club and keep the likes of Bale/Modric etc….

  8. There are so many great young players at Spurs like Cebellos, Pritchard and Carroll. The new manager needs to develop this talent and give them opportunities in the first team.

  9. I think this could be the beginning of the end for Levy and co at spurs,, this could well turn out to be the worst decision they have made sacking Redknapp,, (goodbye Bale, Modric, VDV)… People seem to forget where we where before Harry come to spurs,,, Moyes and Martinez are good managers but not right for spurs.. Let`s just hope Levy surprises as all with Harry`s replacement if not time for Levy and co to go…. COYS.

  10. 1. Levy probably made plans when HR was looking like he’d land the England job so probably has already made plans for a new manager.
    2. MJ took us to 2 5th place finishes before that so why can’t another decent manager improve with the better squad we have now?
    3. Harry was exactly what we needed at the time but bad tactics were sometimes an issue during the easier opponents and he really does open his mouth and say stupid things at times.
    4. He’s age must also be a factor and the distance he lives from the ground.

    I’m not sweating yet, but we have to be smart and quick to not unsettle too many players.

  11. good ridance i say he has spent millions and mill where ever he has been only to win 1 cup (i think) .hes left clubs in finantial melt down while lining his own greedy pockets and he twiches like a cunt

  12. Facts are Harry made his bed, he left us for another bird but it turns out she didnt want him. He comes running back to say he loves us but we all know he doesn’t, they are just words. So in the words of Beyonce…..

    “So go ahead and get gone
    Call up that chick, and see if shes home
    Oops I bet you thought, that I didn’t know
    What did you think
    I was putting you out for?
    Because you was untrue
    Rolling her around in the car that I bought you
    Baby, drop them keys
    Hurry up, before your taxi leaves

    Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking
    You’re irreplaceable”

  13. Im so sad harry has gone he did a brilliant job at spurs and he would have done even better if daniel had given him enough money to spend on players especially strikers , the new manager wont do well unless he is given money to spend but daniel does not like to buy new players unless he can sell old ones which is bad news for us . Man U have bought Shinji Kagawa & Nick Powell Chelsea have bought Eden Hazard & Marko Martin Arsenal have bought Lukas Padolski & are looking to buy Olivier Giroud Spurs have bought 0 , we are going to get left behind in the title race . I dont understand why some spurs supporters cant see that daniel is the problem he only cares about himself and making money without spending it , what we need is someone new to take over the club and throw money at the new manager to buy the best players he can get, but if spurs dont make top 5 you know who to blame his name is levy.

  14. AVB will be best for spurs he is young tactical and has won things he also has a attacking style – he flopped at chelsea because the old gaurd run that club lampard and terry plus chelsea had not got the players to play his style

  15. Pep guardiola should be our next manager as they need a manager that can now lift spirits with jus his presence and guardiola would be able to attract players knowing spurs have the potential to be league champions some day also guardiola would have good contacts which will in turn be beneficial to spurs.

  16. Also has Levy actually thought of the players we possess they need to be shown the direction and ideas Levy has in mind so there’s no player exodus

    • I agree with you jason i think pep guardiola would be a great manger for us because of his experience with top players and winning trophies and i think there is a good chance he may contemplate coming to spurs because we are not a champion team like barca and no one would expect him to win the league in his first season at spurs so he wont have the pressure he had at barcelona he might just like being in a position to build an up and coming team into champions.

  17. AVB, Loew or Blanc. Big enough names internationally, and all play solid football, even attractive, but are tactically astute enough, and much more so than Harry. Definitely need someone under 60…

    • Interesting that you should be here Mr Troll (nice name), you chose to hate Spurs over Loving your own club (Dickhead) why not sign your name as I-Love-A-Limp-Canon or My-Club-Is-Pikey-Trash!? Fakkin Goons there’s no educating those fools!

    • its no use, u dickhead! pep would spit at this joke club! do u really think pep would low himself like desperate no value manager to take up this shitte club??????????

      Keep on dreaming!
      oh and keep looking UP!!!!

  18. With harry being fired from spurs it gives those players who possibly might want to leave the club a good excuse to turn to BALE , MODRIC , VAN DER VAART , we could lose our best players , and players we possibly had lined up may not want to join us now LOIC REMY , LEANDRO DAMAIO ,DEMBA BA , LARS HUNTELAAR , GASTON RAMIEREZ , and many more we have been monitoring .

    • What if these players were sounded out before the HR sacking? It is possible as Levy done all the legwork on most of these signings really and could well have infromed all parties (except HR) that a firm plan is in place to replace HR as this was on the books when we all thought HR was off for the England job, why would we lose our best players (excluding Modric who wants to go) they’re all on lengthy watertight contracts, makes no sense.

  19. Harry was the author of his own misfortune.

    When he thought he had the England job ‘in the bag’ he claimed in his own words: “It’s not a distraction, not at all”.

    Spurs then went on to surrender a 10 point lead over Arsenal and made the club a laughing stock.

    Harry’s complacent response was to say that the speculation over his future had nothing to do with the teams slump in form.

    He then stated: ” They don’t care whether I am the manager next year”

    His position changed when he was passed over for the England job and was angling for an extension of his Spurs’ contract when he contradicted his earlier position by stating: ” It’s not a case of me …….it’s about players’ knowing you’ve only got a year left on your contract and knowing that it doesn’t work. I think it’s a case of: ‘Well, he might not be here next year’ ”

    The worse thing about this whole unedifying episode is that he used our club as a ‘stepping stone’ for the England job and when this did not work out he expected the club to reward this disloyalty with a contract extension.


  20. Once again the media have completely misreported the facts when dealing with Harry. Daniel Levy offered Harry a contract extension in the week following the court case, and of course the resignation of Capello. Harry turned this offer down, not because it was a poor offer (the rumour mill had an increase of 25% depending on CL qualification etc) but because it was generally thought that the compensation package required to release him from a 3 year contract would have priced him out of the running for the England job. I’m sure this also played a factor on why Levy offered the extension, working on the belief that if Harry was going to go, Spurs should be suitably rewarded. Once Harry did not get offered the England job however, it appears Levy now held all the cards and that is where the rift grew as he felt Harry had shown little or no loyalty.
    Put simply, we have a surplus in transfers over the past 3 years of £16.5 mill (including Nico’s recent sale), add this to the money we earned from the CL and Levy did not want to give that to a person whose loyalty to the club was questioned by the board. My worry would be if they appoint looking at a long term plan (ie Martinez) and the fans want and expect to improve instantly on last season. Add to that the media frenzy around Harry, and the knives will be out if we do have a slow start to the season.

  21. latest reports is AVB is flying in to London. would be a good choice!! he also plays the formation we all want to see at spurs (4-2-3-1) i hope this is true!!

  22. Its fun being watching you spurs fans screw up your only real chance to get above arsenal this season, support a corrupt manager as he was accused of tax evasion and later the same cunt screwed you up over his propective england job.

    Moral of the story:

    A perfect match between a rogue club and more so rogue and farudulent Arry, maybe you guys should have fired him way back when he screwed you over england , the double standards you Spurs Fan have .


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