Rest assured that this headline will be appearing in every newspaper and on every website next season if the French national manager does cross the channel to White Hart Lane so there’s no harm in trying to get in first.

As yesterday progressed, stories started to emerge suggesting that the club were in preliminary talks with Laurent Blanc although those reports went on to stress that no official discussions had taken place and that the former Manchester United centre half was only one of a number of candidates being considered.

Blanc has certainly been a controversial figure in management but he also has an impressive record. At the moment, France are unbeaten in 23 games and at club level, he won the league and cup double with Bordeaux in his first season.

Those facts haven’t impressed the bookies however who still have AVB as odds on favourite but the Frenchman has moved into second place. As far as the bookmakers are concerned therefore, maybe this story will ultimately draw a Blanc.




      • You shoulld be ashamed of yourself making such an ignorant statement. Levy is having to fight a constant battle with the Harry friendly press, we dont need idiots like you making such disparaging remarks. Yes Harry took us to 4th twice, but Jol took us to 5th twice with a less talented squad. I am HUGELY impressed with Levy’s forceful actions dismissing a man with an overstated opinion of himself, that tried to out muscle a great institution – Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.

  1. DISASTER !!! Avb or blanc, jesus help us next season. RIP tottenham hotspur, the last few years have been great.
    Damn shame out fans didnt know a good thing while it was happening. They are a disgrace.

      • Blanc, no doubt is a good candidate, brings a higher degree of risk. Levy needs to make sure that some kind of continuity and stability is maintained. Moyes brings that.
        Regarding Blanc:
        1) He has never managed in a top league, let alone the prem
        2) I would argue that there are many managers out there that could achieve the same as he did with the quality of players he has at his disposal with he French national side.

        • He took on a France team that was out of control and dropped all the “superstars” and turned them into a side on an unbeaten 23 match run with good quality player, he has the ability to bring in good players and work with them to make them great.. remember 60% odd of the current France team were not at the world cup in 2010 so its not like he walked into the job on the back on having the World Cup winning squad… it takes a brave man to suspend all 23 players in a role he just walked into and STILL put out a winning team.

          Not only that but took a Bordeaux team to a league title when Lyon were the most dominate side in the division with a 60% win ratio in his time there.

          Other than over archiving with a potless Everton side Moyes has not really done much worth noting, its not like his sides play free flowing attacking football, they play defensive and set out to stop the other team scoring and try to catch them on the break, hardly what we want in a manager?

          Surely it would be better to go for a manager that plays attacking, free flowing football that brings results? instead of going to Old Trafford and stick 9 men behind the ball and pray for a draw.

          Blanc and AVB are both good candidates in my opinion and i’d be happy with either. Not sure there’s a better set of men for the job? and NO Harry is not one of them… was the man to save our arses when we were in trouble, not the man to turn us into a top 4 team season after season

          • I see your points. In fact, you point out things that are well documented. We dont want someone to come in a start tearing up the place. We have a great bunch of players, we just need to keep the momentum going while the stadium issue gets sorted. The greatest managers and teams are built on solid, workmen like foundations The rest will sort itself out. Its the players that play the football no the manager I would rather see that instilled at Spurs, for long term success. I have had great value in my season ticket the last few years and love the brand of football we play. But the best teams will always pick us off. I bloody dream of getting a point at Old Trafford!!

            I think you have to appreciate that Moyes or any other manager for that matter, have to work with what they have.

          • Matt, completely agree that Moyes has done a fantastic job at Everton and is a good manager.. hell if he got the job i would still see it as progression from Redknapp… but i just see him as too much of a safe option and too defensively minded. I dont mind if we lose 3-2 after a fine display of attacking football, just worry under Moyes we would setup shop away and try to get a point. Plus is Moyes strong enough? is he strong enough to deal with big players? has he ever managed a player like VDV for example? while he may not be a trouble maker he has been around some big names and managers.. at least with Blanc you cant see him allowing players to run the dressing room.

            On the plus side.. if Rat Boy wants to go to Spain at least after lasts nights performance his value has gone up another £10 million 🙂

    • Jim – that implies Harry over achieved the past two years and without him it all goes to pot.

      I wouldn’t be so worried, we are not a one man club.

      Blanc has won more major trophies in 5 years than Harry has in 30. Actually Harry has more relegations than major trophies on his CV.

      • I don’t think anyone is denying Blanc’s record, which is exemplary. But you don’t successfully manage in the Prem on previous managerial/playing accolades and awards. Redknapp was a prime example of that as you eluded to.

    • You are a complete moron!! To do is to dare! Ever heard that you mug! Harry said the fans were stupid to think we should be in the top 4. What kind of manager is that. He has fewer brain cells than you. Good point made by James. Coys

      • Think its funny you calling people moron’s and mugs mate when you dont even know the clubs moto, its To Dare is to do, not to do is to dare you chump.

    • Well done sir you are right w have finished 4th and next season we will be in transition once again. This could be a Ramos season because any managers who comes into the premiership and thinks on paper we will batter Wigan or Reading will end up on the end of another shock results. The new Manager will find teams look beaten in the frst half then come out and shock with there eneregy and drive and trust me its got nothing to do with Martinez Moyes or Fergie. The Premiership has become one of the worse for shock results and ageing Chelsea winning the champs league never shocked me one bit. This is because i no how hard it was for Harry to get us into 4th and i no 100 percent the new Manager will suffer the same shocks Harry did unless the FA and Football in general don’t stop players topping there work rate up before and at half time. Mr Levey has made the biggest mistake of his life sacking Harry because the job has become a poison chalice with the media waiting to pronounce our season dead.

  2. They’re both great managers in their own respects. AVB was bullied out of a job. Blanc just seems the outstanding candidate by a whisker.

  3. First thing blanc did as French manager was drop the whole squad and made them prove if they deserved a place in the team.that’s what we need somebody ruthless thar will stand up to like likes of peado wenger and red nose fergusson..he also plays 4-3-3 and promotes youth..blanc is definitely my first choice

    • ………..only 2 candidates for me, Guardiola or Blanc!!! Dont want Moyes, Martinez, Oneill or Anti Virus Bollox!!! If Levy is not doing EVERYTHING he can to convince Pep Guardiola he is the man to take Spurs forward into the new Stadium and regular European football, then what the fark is he doing!!? I know people will say Pep hasnt been outside his comfort zone in the Spanish league, but Spain are current World Champions and for 2 more weeks unless they win it again, still European Champions; so there cant be much wrong with Spanish football. Signing Pep would be an absolute masterstroke after having to sack whassisname coz he wouldnt sign a 1 year contract insisting on a 3year deal Levy wasnt prepared to accomodate now after our end of season collapse! Levy cant trust wassisname anymore because the suspicion is that wassisname took a nice big bung from the Arse to lose the 10 point lead we had…..after all, if he was going to take the Engloid managers job as soon as it was offered then why not cash in now and top up the off-shore dodgy doggy bank account? I loved having wassisname as manager, I thought he was going to go on and be the main man at WHL, but unfortunately he fd it all up this year, although our mini collapse last season was also highly fukkin annoying!!!!! Only Pep, Laurent or Jose for me and if we cant get any 1 of those 3 for this coming season, then we should only sign a short-term manager until we CAN get 1 of the those 3. Lets hope Levys already got his masterplan in place, because otherwise he is going to look like the biggest cuzt in football if we go backwards now with a 400 mill stadium being built!!!!

  4. Moyes is hugely respected by his peers, players and the media. He demands loyalty and respect and gets that in spades with his Everton teams. There is a valid argument to be made that you don’t get anywhere without taking a little risk. Yet for me there is an outstanding candidate in Moyes who, like Parker and Ade did last season, will slot straight in, ready made for the job no fuss.

  5. I think Blanc would be the right choice because he is a young ambitious coach whose record stands up on its own. I dont think David Moyes would bring anything to the party that Redknapp didn’t.

  6. We are going to be in so much shit this coming season.
    There had better been a good reason for all this, as we were where we could only dream we could be – top 4 – for the last few seasons after decades of rubbish.
    Without going over the top, it’s very very unlikely the likes of Moyes, Maritnez, AVB or even Blanc could have got us where we are now.
    Not only were we winning – we were winning in style – the Tottenham way not seen since the days of Greaves, Jones and Mackay etc.
    Hope someone has a cunning plan for this is a defining moment.

    • You’re so right. Thats why i am a firm believer in maintaining evolution not revolution. Moyes is the only candidate for me. Having said that, is it no surprise that Levy seems to be looking at those who will/could be out of contract. He may want to save some of the family gold and not buy someone out of their current contract…

      Levy must have a contingency plan for the eventualities of Redknapp either being England boss or picking up soap in the slammer. Lets just hope it wasn’t Rodgers….

  7. Dont know too much about Blanc but it is a lot easier to get an impressive short term club management cv than if you were in charge of a club team over 10 years. I really dont know what happened in the board room but it must have gone horribly wrong if Levy is only now looking at candidates???
    I have optimism in AVB and I believe that with the right team he can make his managerial style work but again as impressive as it is, his management record is very short. I wouldnt be against David Moyes but only if he can adapt to our free flowing style of play and not the everton way. We should not be managerless.

    • Why? because he got the sack at Chelsea after a few months? Took Fergie nearly 10 years before he started to do anything and look what happened next!

      AVB is a great tactical manager end of. just because he failed with the bigot and fatpards gang of merry men DOES NOT mean he will do it again.

      • Yes but he did fail with the chavs,you only have to look at what they achieved after his dismissal.He was trying to change things too quickly when the senior player’s knew they still had lots to offer,and they were proved right.AVB is too young and needs to learn from his mistakes quickly I don’t think we as a club have that time at all.
        Moyes is a good coach and has done well at Everton with limited resources,he cuts his cloth accordingly and knows this league very well and the teams and the coaches in it,just because he may have been negative at times with the toffees does not mean he will be the same at our club,we have more attacking player’s at our club than he has at his disposal,also it might mean we don’t get tonked and concede five by the arse,chavs and anyone else who can play.

  8. at the end of the day any manager could come in and bomb out, you never know. even pep may struggle as he has only managed at one club and come through the ranks there, he could be a load of pants at another club.
    Moyes is probably the safest bet and as to all those saying ‘what has he done’. what had harry done before spurs apart from winning 1 fa cup that almost caused the club to fold.

  9. Blanc is looking better all the time as a prospective manager.
    I want to see a manager come in who has an immediate impact and I think this could be the guy. Ok, he hasn’t managed here before but I think he will adapt very quickly.
    ‘Le Spurs’ eh? Blanc Hart Lane. Mmmmm.

    We need someone soon, Get Benny onto it. He speaks Francais!

  10. All very interesting comments, but at the moment it is all speculation who Levy gets. Some of us will be happy and some of us not. However, we have some really good players at the club, playing attractive football, and have shown they can compete at the top level in the premiership. We need a manager with a long term future, who knows his way around Europe, and someone who Levy and the board can trust to do the job. Can I suggest–Slavan Bilic.

  11. Everyone moaning that Redknapp shouldn’t have been sacked should look at the whole picture. He lost his focus on the Spurs Job and that cost us 3rd place, his signings overall have been reasonably average, the best players at the club were already here before he came. He has left the squad with too many old players. We need someone who will plan for the long term not just for now. That’s why I think Levy wants a younger coach who will also be tactically more aware in European Football and has a wider scouting network and knowledge of the European market, rather than the over 30’s who are past it in the Premier League.

    • If we are not willing to pay transfer fees we will only get guys in their 30’s and lets be fair Levy does not seem to want to spend any money. We have spent less money than any other premier league club in the last two seasons. Do we blame Arry for that ????

  12. Blanc aint coming to Spurs because he’ll be arch rival with his french compatriot I reckon.I dont really want him anyway . .AVB iS THE MAN WE SHOULD GET!
    Fuck Redknapp and the hatefull british newspapers who have no foresight.GET Redknapps dick out your mouths.

  13. With all ENIC’s money why are we always scraping about, our owner is five times richer than the yank at Arsehols yet we see nothing, he installs a accountant (Levy) to run the club, now before u all get at me, I love Spurs to bit’s, have followed them for 45yrs + but we need somebody at the top that knows what football clubs need not what they think they need. You can still spend money and be in credit … all we are is in credit and never seem to spend money. As for Blanc – Yes to him or Capello but not AVB

  14. I’m surprised that other names haven’t been discussed other than AVB, Blanc & Moyes, I always wanted Bilic but he’s off to lokomotiv but we should still try to hijack that move if possible. After that I’d opt for Van Gal he’s had success every where he’s been just look at his head 2 head record against Ferguson he wins hands down.
    There’s others I wouldn’t b to upset about Deschamps, prandelli, fatih terim & lucian favre.
    Then there’s Luis Enrique who could b an interesting appointment as head coach & maybe sherwood as manager, it would have to b a Longterm project & have to take a few steps backwards in short-term to get the Longterm gain.
    Then there’s someone I particularly wound’nt want but given that appears levy appears to want a head coach type I’m surprised Carlos Quieroz hasn’t been mentioned, I definately wouldn’t want him on his own but if sherwood was manager & Quieroz head coach I could probably live with.

  15. Before the arrival of Redknapp you could never have imagined Spurs would turn out as good as they had and the only man you can put that down to is Redknapp – WE ARE/WERE IN A POSITION THAT MANY MANY MANAGERS WOULD WANT ONE OF THOSE “5 YEAR PLANS” TO GET US ANYWHERE NEAR TO THE BIG BOYS AT THE TOP – yet we were fighting for 3rd and even the title at one point.
    One argument that does hold some hope for us is that nobody knew Redknapp had it in him – at best top 10 safety perhaps instead getting us in amongst the big boys had lauded as the Messiah for England.

  16. French manager…..copying the Emirates……playing good to watch footy…..winning nothing….Are we becoming the Gooners!


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