Up until this point there has been no official transfer request from Luka Modric but if the player’s reported quotes are anything to go by, it seems almost certain that the Croatian midfielder is off to pastures new.

Here’s what Modric had to say about the next step in his career.

“I’m going to play in the Champions League, I want to win that competition. I’m not going to be able to achieve my dream here.”

While various clubs have been mentioned so far this summer, it seems that Real Madrid may be moving into pole position and some parts of the media are claiming that the player has already agreed personal terms with the Spanish club.

Tottenham will obviously need to replace Modric but who could step into his boots? The proposed hijack of the Gylfi Sigurdsson deal looks a good option while most of the current reports also suggest that Daniel Levy is determined to get a player back from Madrid as part of any transfer. That could mean that midfielder Nuri Sahin comes to the Lane for the start of the season.

Other stories claim that Levy is looking at Ricardo Carvalho too so overall, would it be a disaster if Luka walks and could either of these midfield players do an equal or better job in 2012-13?



  1. Carvallho is a no, hasn’t got the legs for the prem anymore.
    Luka will most likely go, and if we can get £30mil for him, then i say let him go.
    He’s class, but if he doesn’t want to be here, then whats the point in keeping him?

  2. I have a good feeling that Rafa will leave should we bring is Sigurdsson as we had to bend things around a bit too much with him under Harry – Gylfi looks less maintenance and a better prospect for his age. Bale wont leave 100% sure as a source has confirmed that he’s excited about our new plans.

    I hope we can lure Sahin from Madrid – a great talent and a like for like replacement for Modric as well as giving us £25m which we will need to compensate from Harrys inevident f*** up.

  3. no one, you doom and gloom merchant, we dont have to sell any players if we dont want to, even modric, we could make him sit on the bench if we wanted to, as a last resort, if he gets funny with us, we are the ones in control, levy knows what is going on, chill out dude.

      • Leaving Modric to rot on the bench would be the stupidest thing this club could do. It would deplete his value, moral, give the club a horrible reputation and cost us deadwood wages when we already have so many players already like that. Don’t worry their are other players that can be a Modric trust in Levy.

  4. Sahin is incredible a bit more Paul Scholes than Modric in that he doesnt dribble round people and is more pass and move but is also more direct like Scholes he scored and assisted loads at Dortmund.

    If we get AVB its going to be a central 3 and then 2 wingers and a poacher up top, no more hold up play the new aim will be for the 3 in the middle to control the games, Modric would have been able to do this but with him going Sahin and Gylfi with 15million plus left over is perfect.

    A system similar to this

    (Role: Break up play + release)
    (Deep Playmaker) (Attacking Roamer)

    • So with 2 wingers, 4 defenders and a goalkeeper that would make 11 and we don’t play with any forwards? or do you suggest dropping Bale or Lennon making us lop sided to accomodate one?

      • Oliver, your math is a bit off…
        1 keeper, 4 defenders, 3 mids, 2 wings, 1 forward = 11

        Jay — looks good plus we have Livermore and Gio (who should FINALLY be given a look since he should do well in this style) as backup.

        Everyone talks about needing forwards — which we do (Damiao/Huntelaar/… with Castaignos or similar as a backup and JD as in impact sub) but we also need cover on the wings — ideally someone who could play either side.

        • Assumed you were playing both Sandro and Parker. Sturridge could play on the wing and score goals and give us interchangability, plus if AVB is our new manager then he likes him, played him in preference to Torres.

  5. I think we are lucky to some degree that the almost inevitable sale of Luka Modric will coincide with a new manager and almost certainly a new system.

    This way we won’t actually need to purchase a direct replacement for Luka – which is great news as there simply isn’t a direct replacement for the little magician (hence some of the biggest and wealthiest clubs in football wanting to buy him).

    Sigurdsson seems a decent player to have around,certainly i would see him as a VdV understudy at present,while Sahin from Real Madrid does appear on paper to potentially be as close to a Modric type as we could hope for.

    I’ll be sad to see Luka go but the new manager will no doubt have ideas about players to fit his style of play and in 6 months time i doubt we will be too upset over the loss of Modric (as long as he does end up in Spain!).

    • Agree 100% mate. I’ll def be sad to see him go (as one of the best players in the world, I understand his demand for Champions League football though) but getting Sahin in return would certainly help take the sting out of it. Playing a new system will also make his absence less blatantly painful. As good as he his, we have (and should add) enough class to absorb his loss and still finish top four.

  6. And which paper was Modric’s so called quote in? Why do the low class press, namely the Daily Fail and assorted Red Tops always make up stories on the hoof? little by little drip feeding misinformation which eventually will become a full blown story filled with a pack of lies. Last year it was Modric this Modric is going to do that fuelled by the Daily Fail until Daniel Levy had had enough of Modrics and the Fails antics and slapped him down like a little boy that he is.
    Not happy with that, The Fail is trying once again to cause problems, certain that it will succeed and will only be stopped once again by Daniel Levy.
    Daniel Levy is the only one that will decide Modric’s future, not the press or another club so stop trying to suggest that the player can do what he wants because HE CANT.
    It’s idiots like yourself who help prolong these stories and it wont take more than a couple of days for the clowns masquerading as journalists in the know who incidently know sweet FA, to start on Bale, despite the player stating that he’s not leaving Spurs this year and has a good few years remaining on his contract. The band wagon will then move on to Kyle Walker, already sniffs in the bloggs about Madrid should consider his services although he very recently signed a new improved long term contract. VDV is being lined up for a move back to Germany and I wont be at all surprised if the the arseholes in the press try to sell off Sandro to Milan once again, last time it was in exchange for the Arse hasbeen Flamini. Kaboul up next to PSG because he’s French and they are loaded at the moment. You prats must think that Spurs are Blackburn or Wigan in disguise. You do make me laugh. I guess it’s just write any shit and hope that some would stick.

    • Completely agree, its nothing but made up garbage by the papers.

      Not one direct quote from Luka himself, i have no doubt he might want to leave but until i see a story on the front page of the Tottenham website then i take every story in and out with fist fulls of salt.

      The press have had it in for us since Levy banned certain reporters from certain papers from coming into WHL a few years back, since then they have been relentless in the lies and shite they print in the hope it will make players want to leave and go elsewhere. Normally aimed at getting Manc Utd the player on the cheap, fuck knows what it is but is it just me that thinks Utd and Fergie should be banned and docked points for the blatant tapping up of players? every season Fergie comments on a player he likes and then the press go nuts for months trying to make a move happen.

    • This.
      What I think is ‘best’ in football, is when a manger can build a team to realise a vision.
      What the media think is ‘best’ in football, is for the very richest in football can just buy all of the acknowledged ‘best’ players and chuck them together.
      The media can’t stand a club like Spurs building a team, on a sustainable budget. They will systematically chip away at teams, unsettling players until they get what they want – and have, again, broken a team in the process of being built.
      In very quick succession, they went from “United are going to ‘take’ Lennon from Sprs” to Huddleston, then to Modric, then to Bale, then to Sandro, then to Van der Vaart, then back to Modric, and added that they should really have bought Parker, as well. Why not just say: “Spurs have a superior midfield to united, now let’s see if they can build on that to challenge them?
      Why? Because they are obsessed with money and power and that is all they can see in football.

      But remember this: if you buy their rubbish, you pay their wages!

  7. Im not bothered if Modric goes if he doesn’t want to play for us anymore then we should get rid!!! Just gutted as i don’t think we are going to get Vertonghen anymore! 🙁

    • Yeah we will.. just wait until Monday 🙂

      He is using the “Back at training with Ajax on 2nd July” as a tool to push through his transfer as he knows full well that Ajax will not let him stay another season and walk away on a free, they need the money from the deal too badly.

      Ajax will bend and agree the deal with him to go before Monday. your’ll see 🙂

      Another worrying rumour is that Bent might be on his way back from Villa for £20million. Apparently Sunderland still owe us over £8million from the deal and Villa owe Sunderland over £10 million.. is seen as a win win as we will pay out just over £10 up front which will in turn free up money for Villa to pay Sunderland and then Sunderland to pay us!

      Kind of hope not as i never rated him in the 1st place

      • Complete cobblers, Bent hasn’t a hope of coming back. We want to go forwards not backwards, he doesn’t fit our style of play at all.

      • How can that ever be a win win. Unless you talking from a Villa or Sunderland perspective.
        They owe us money. We will still have to pay 20m.??? for Bent (again). That is not in any way, shape or form a win win from where I/we(SPURS) stand.

  8. He doesn’t deserve champions league football, the team knew 3rd would guarantee it and they let it slip, he we was one of they main players to go off the boil during points drop at the end of the season so I dont see why he thinks he deserves it.

    • It is not about deserving it (although he does) it is about being good enough to play for a team that is forever in the tournament. Let it be.

      • Which he’s not, he wasn’t even our best player in the Champions League.

        I think Real forget the have Ozil who is pound for pound a better player and will play over him all day every day. If Luka leaves for Real then he will play 60% of the season at best

  9. Even though I think Modric is off, you should know better than relying on supposed quotes. Who the fuck really talks about “my dream” in real conversation? It’s journalese.

    Chill, it’s summer, there will be 38 league matches to enjoy next season whatever happens.

  10. Why does anybody else have to be off just because Luka Modric is? It’s pretty obvious the only possible other player to go is VDV with potentially Suhin and Sigurdsson coming in. Of course we don’t know about Ade yet.

  11. Walker,caulker,sandro,bale,kane 5 very good youngsters, plus hopefully gylfi the nucleus of an excellent team, I do think though our priority is an experienced striker as JD will be the only guy up front, I am looking forward to seeing Kane get a few chances as he is only 18 and had a very impressive scoring record during his loan spell at millwall

    • Wouldn’t mind seeing Souleymane Coulibaly given a chance in the 1st team for Carling, Sorry Capital One Cup games.

      The boy looks very good

      • Agree, give Coulibaly a run in the whatever Cup, Harry Kane isn’t ready for Premier League either so half a game for each of them..

  12. IF modric does go, he won’t be sold for less than £38+ (unless the rumors of a ‘cash plus player deal’ prove to be true). Now, whether a player who fails to get 10+ goals/assists (in ALL comps) is actually worth that, is another matter entirely.

    Would spurs be a stronger team/squad without him? Well that depends on how the money is spent, and with the calibre of player were currently getting linked with, I’m in NO doubt that it will be spent well. Levy is no idiot, and will intend on giving the new manager plenty of money for new additions.

    There is often a case for teams/squads improving once selling one of their better players (especially if they no longer want to be there) for large amounts of money IF the manager is shrewd enough to spend it wisely( look at newcastle after carrol, United after beckham or cantona….. EVEN US after berba). For me the signings of siggurdsson, vertonghen and hoilett would be a good start!!! IF we did get £38+ we would still have change out of that, whilst GREATLY improving the strength and quality of our squad. With the money we have left over, we can go and buy the strikers to fire us back into the top 4. (see bottom of this article for MY ‘realistic’ team for nxt season)
    Its true that Harry didnt get much, in terms of money, to spend in his last year at spurs but levy clearly didnt trust him anymore….. Would YOU trust a man, that if he had his way, would now have the likes of gareth barry, patrick vieira, phil neville, ben forster and etc, etc playing for spurs right now. The simple answer to that is NO!


    New goalkeeper (ns)
    walker kaboul vertonghen (ns) ekotto
    sandro Joao moutinho (ns)
    lennon vandervaart bale
    Remy/Adebayor (ns)

    Hoilett (ns)
    mandzukic (ns)
    Siggurdsson (ns)
    Udinese left bk (dont know how to spell his name)/ perreira -FC PORTO (ns)

    players leaving:

    Tottenham till the end of time. v*v

  13. I actually think Bent would score a hat full of goals if he came back, the problem was his link up play is not great,and is too lazy to be part of a 4-4-2, up top on his own in a 4-3-3 he would score 20+ goals a season, especially with bale supplying the crosses.
    Not saying it will happen, nor that i want it to, just that if it did, he would score plenty
    To be fair on the lad, he was our top scorer in the league the yr he was sold

  14. Good to see your aiming for the stars with avb and who are ya sigurdsson the little swan and my favourite my Sandra could have done better Darren bent. Get ready for the clown music avb and Levys TOTTANIC circus is coming to town.got to give it to ya you definatley are the entertainers. Look forward to picking up all six points instead of the four last time spuds. COYI!

    • At no point during your awful, grammatical error laden, repusilve, diatribe do you come anywhere near a sane thought! 6 points against us next season and we’re aiming for the stars?

    • When was the last time you took 6 points off us?! you will probably get 1 if not 2 draws against us as we have proven time and time again we can’t break down teams that have 11 behind the ball and never look to play.
      Was it not your lot that were desperate to sign Darren bent the year he joined us?!
      And you call us a joke? is this coming from a man that follows a team that wishes it was still 1966? Because thats the last time you were decent. Rio ferdinand, Joe Cole, Frank Lampard, Michael Carrick, Jermain Defoe (thanks for the last 2 by the way), are you getting my point? You’re a small club that will ALWAYS be in the shadows of us, Arsenal and Chelsea. The fact you have to come on here every day and comment on our club shows that you really do have nothing exciting going on at your place.
      The best you can hope for this year is a safe mid table finish.
      Having said that, if you keep signing players of the calibre of Jussi jaaskelainen, a goal keeper that can’t even make the starting 11 of a relegated team, then i may just start to worry.
      Apologies if i have used too many big words, or punctuation that you don’t quite understand in this post by the way.

      • Big clubs don’t winge about teams putting eleven men behind the ball,a bit like you done whn mourhinio wad at Chelsea.The first time the term park the bus was used you philistine. Big teams don’t have stadiums that hold only 36,000. Big teams win things consistentley.As for a London club borderline,more middlessex if you ask me.So get your head out your ARS a smell the coffee you deluded little spud. COYI!

        • West Ham, the club that has guaranteed their supporters they will be in the Premier League for 3 seasons…….Autumn, Winter and Spring!

        • I didn’t once whinge (with a H) about you or any other team putting 11 men behind the ball, I simply highlighted the fact that we struggle to break them down.
          Correct me if I am wrong, but Chelsea are a big team, Arsenal are a big team and they moan everytime teams put 11 behind the ball.
          As for winning trophies consistently, unless we are counting play-off trophies, then Birmingham City have won trophies consistently compared to you lot. In fact, our 3 trophies since 1991 looks glorious compared to your how many trophies (now remember i mean actual trophies here, not play-off final trophies)????
          And i never called you a London club, even though everyone who knows anything about football considers you to be a London club.
          If you want to be top dogs in Essex, well then, I guess I will have to let you have that one, as you are quite clearly bigger than Southend, Colchester, Billericay Town and Chelmsford City – well done!!
          Fact is, I actually quite like our rivalry with West Ham, I have a lot of friends that actually support West Ham, and on the whole, their fans are knowledgeable and passionate – you on the other hand, appear to know very little about football.
          Oh, one last thing, clubs with any sort of soul DO NOT, EVER, under ANY circumstances pimp themselves, their supporters and their ground out to some two-bit boxing match, that nobody else would sanction, in the hope of raising a few extra quid, you call us a joke? mate, come on, the whole of the football and boxing world is laughing at you pal.

          • What do you call the Bruno V bugner fight back in the 80’s then. Or was you still suckling your mums nipples,and that was another two bob fight that should never of happened. SO IF YOU KNOW YOUR HISTORY you’d know you was the first fucking whores to sell their souls. So jog on mr PHILISTINE and swot up on all your history.

        • Only just seen that you actually typed ‘middlessex’ not mid-essex (which i assume you meant??).
          Did harry redknapp teach you to read and write?!

          • No sorry never heard of mid- Essex,sounds like some pontsey middle class place where the university educated sheep like yourself come from. Tottenham as far as I’m concerned is a Middlesex club.

          • You got me there, what can i say, when you’re right, you’re right.
            Probably should have brushed up on my history as i’ve made myself look a bit of an idiot! I had no idea that fight ever took place.
            I wont lose too much sleep though, we still have the calibre of player at the Lane you lot can only dream of for now…COYS

          • Nice to see you’ve got a bit of class in defeat.hope your just as magnanimous when we take all six points off of you COYI!

          • Like i say, you’re right, i’m wrong!
            I don’t want to sound ‘pro West Ham’ or anything, but there are 2 possibilities that will see me worry for the safety of our 6 points against you next year.
            They both involve you getting off to an awful start and sacking Big Sam.
            If that happens, and you replace him with Harry, then yes, you’ll beat us.
            The other option would be Paulo Di Canio, i think he is destined to be manager for you one day.
            I also actually quite enjoyed the banter with you! as I always do with West Ham, as i said, I have alot of friends that support West Ham and I look forward to our games with you as much as i do anyone (excluding Arsenal)…See you on 24th November.. YID ARMY

  15. Fantastic news about Bale… £10 says The Sun still lead with the story that he wants to leave to play in the Champions League and join Man Utd before the start of the season!

    • Here here, great guy shame my nan was quicker across the pitch but a good player. So thats all our Croatians all but gone then.

      • I wouldn’t mind picking up Rakitic if we were going to have one still around. Younger and cheaper than Modric and operates in a similar role for Croatia.

  16. And bale has just signed a new 4 year deal, to take him to 2016, and his quote is, he can see we are building something good at spurs and he wants to be part of it, and he is very happy at spurs, thats different to what the rags said wasnt it, bale wants champions league, and wants to leave, absolute made up storys, to sell their rags, they should be done for it, anyway great news bale staying, never in doubt.

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