If Spurs are to bring Joao Moutinho to White Hart Lane then it seems as if £31.5m is the price to reunite the Portuguese with Andre Villas-Boas and according to the press, the Porto midfielder is the man upon whom AVB wants to build his new team.

Other reports suggest that Real Madrid are about to stump up £40m for Luka Modric and hence, there’s the funding for the Moutinho deal.

Porto boss Vitor Pereira claims he knows that Spurs are interested in signing his player.

“I have not spoken with Villas-Boas but it is natural that he likes Moutinho. I like him, too,” he said.

“Clubs cannot just not sell. We really want him to stay but this is football and there are release clauses.

“The only thing we can do is achieve results with what we have got.”

The release clause in question is £31.5m but are the new Spurs really dealing in those sorts of sums?



  1. £31 million pounds for Joao Moutinho? I would be happy if we signed him for £20-25 million pounds anything below that would be a bargai (in my opinion) LOL!!!!!!…………. And as for Luka Modric he can leave. No point keeping a player (Modric) who’s showing NO commitment to the club end of. And £40 million pound sounds reasonable amount of offer to be honest…………… I was thinking spend that money on Adaybayor (£5 million pounds) and also Joao Moutinho (£31million pounds).

  2. if spurs are will to spend 30 million on a player maybe they should look at christian eriksen or javi martinez – mountinho is a great player too tho

  3. I don’t see Moutinho being worth it at that price. He is “BIG NAME” ™ now, and at spurs we simply cannot afford to buy them. We need to pick up the next Modric who has had a good season or two: just as we did with Berbatov, Modric, Bale, now Sigurdsson. Obviously theres a risk there, but any player can fail in a different league (aquilani is a good example in this position). Obviously if he’s actually going for 16-18m then that is a different matter…

  4. That’s alot of dough to spend on him. £40M for Modric, fair enough but £30M for Moutinho is a no go.
    Spend Modric kitty on Remy and Adebayor.

  5. JC and Jumbo Mills – NO!!!!
    Remy is not all that, never scored more than 20 goals in France!
    As for trying to find ‘the next Luka’, WHY????
    We don’t have to do that any more, that’s the thing.
    Moutinho would be a great signing, perfect for our new AVB system. I would rather spend 30million on him than I would someone that hasn’t proved themselves anywhere.
    Moutinho was a star at the Euro’s recently.
    As for Eriksen – we have Gylfi now, Eriksen doesn’t get stuck in enough for me, and if Man City can’t afford Javi Martinez, then we have no hope, he too is a no go.
    Moutinho for me is number 1 target, If we can get him and Adebayor for the Modric money, then that represents good business IMO.


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