Spurs may have set their sights high in this summer’s transfer window but with four days left before the start of the season, our squad is far more depleted now than it was at the end of 2011-12.

Gylfi Sigurdsson and Jan Vertonghen quickly followed new boss Andre Villas-Boas into the Lane but since then it’s been nothing but rumour along with a trail of failed bids.

Confirmation has now arrived stating that Spurs fell short of the fee required in respect of French international goalkeeper Hugo Lloris – a name that has appeared in the press quite frequently this summer.

‘Hugo wants to play in one of the best clubs in Europe,’ said Lyon Chairman Jean-Michel Aulas.

‘This year there was an approach from Tottenham that was quickly rejected.

‘If he absolutely wants to leave, we will look at the proposals but they must be consistent with what we want. If not, he will stay.’

A new era for Spurs was expected to have new personnel on the pitch and those early arrivals gave us hope that our deals would be done ahead of time for once. Now, it’s looking increasingly likely that a number of transfers might have to wait until the 31st of August – if they even happen.




  1. Same old Tottenham. Same old Levy. Im getting bored of all this. We identify the players we need, we struggle to get them in the Summer and then we finally snap up a couple of “bargains” in the the final hours (only problem is they are possitions we dont need). We have needed 2 new strikers for god knows how long. Hasnt Levy learnt from last year? We got tonked in the 1st 2 games as we didnt get Parker and Adebayor until late. Levy make be a hard negotiator but hes also a knob.

  2. Why are you so frustrated, cast your mind back a few weeks, this news was drip fed to us when Lyon Chairman Jean-Michel Aulas told us more or less the same thing back then except this time, a few extra lines were added to the report like “concrete offer rejected”.
    Who gave us all this information, none other than the Daily Fail, regurgitated to get Spurs fans at it and to paint Daniel Levy in a bad light as Ebenezer Scrooge.
    If Spurs really wanted Hugo Lloris, they would have him by now. Everyone knows that we need new goalkeeping blood at the club.

  3. Agree with you. All the talk was we were going to hit the transfer window big time. Levy made a controversial appointment in AVB but needs to back him with funds. Vertonghan an Siggerson were almost done deals before AVB arrived so basically there has been nothing but rumour – ‘we’re not going to pay that much….’ or ‘we want more than that…..’ I think fans were coming round to the appointment but niow I for one am a bit disallusioned and as you say we’re in a worse position than at the end of last season. For goodness sake Levy we need 2 world class strikers if we’re to have any chance.

  4. Paul u are spot on with your first comment.We had speculations the whole summer,but nothing has materialized.I said from the time with H.R. that if we want to win the league we will have to buy quality.Yes, we got 2 excellent players,but their positions were never a huge problem.We need at least a top striker that can get u 20 goals a season,and that has’nt happen for a long time.In my opinion this goalie that we chasing is not that great if u look at his record of late.So for me DL & AVB must get their act together before its to late.Let Luka go and get quality from that money.(who knows they might even get Kaka as part of the deal)


  6. Jesus people manage your expectations FFS. Winning the league ? These are long term goals not for this season. Obviously we need 2 strikers but obviously we do not have 50 million to spend. Simple as that . I’m as frustrated as most here about possibly starting badly and lack of strikers and same old story etc etc but we have an actual coach, a world class centre half at last to replace Led. Bale can play the Ronaldo role and townsend can play on the left. We,re fine for now and we will sign players before the end of the window. Enough drama.

  7. Ross I partially agree, your right about the expectations however there is some serious questions being raised about our failure to attract ANY STRIKERS, we NEED 2, 1 IF Bale were to play up front & then 1 Winger too, we have failed EPICALLY in this regard.

    There is so many good Strikers who have been sold since we have been in need, Cise, Ba are just too, heck some have even moved twice in the last 2-3 years and we have still to get 1.

    Getting more and more obvious to me that Levy is not really interested in ‘competing’ though it would be a nice bonus for him, first and foremost is clearly profit, we still haven’t spent the Berba money some would say, total bullshit, Gifi is Luka’s replacement I’ll put money on that, Kane is Pavs & it’s looking more and more likely we won’t get Ade.

    £100 Says we are in bottom 5 come December and we do something silly like buy Carrol for £20m.

  8. 0-0 is the best you can hope for this week.think yourself lucky your not playin the gunners.cazorla.podolski and giroud look shit hot.
    cheer up spuds you got sumthingson.

  9. Yes, it’s the same old Levy brinksmanship. Still, I see Modric going to Real and Ade coming back, regardless. Whether or not we get more top-drawer players will depend entirely on how much we get for Modric — and the sale of peripherals like Jens and Bentlyey –, which brings us straight back to Levy’s brinksmanship. As for a repeat of last season, it wasn’t losing the first two games that cost us the 2 points that would have secured it, it was Harry’s inept management in the 8 losses in Feb/March/April, coupled with the England manager’s job debacle and the insecure dressing-room it caused. Levy will think this, I suspect, and so not feel under any pressure to deal before the end of the month. In fact, I suspect he feels even more cocky about pulling something out of the hat late precisely because it seems to him to have worked last year. On another topic, knowing Azza needs cover, why did we let Hoillet go to QPR ffs?

  10. I get the feeling the market is waiting for a few things to happen and kickstart the activity. Like selling modric, man city cutting their losses on surplus players. Seriously, without PSG and a bit from Chelsea and Arsenal, this has been an unbelievably slow window. With the pound being strong and the recession still being a big factor, I’m sure there will be plently of last minute swoops out of nowhere, there’s plently of time. Getting value is a game of patience…

  11. Maybe the answers lie right under AVB’s nose in Dos Santos, Kane, Townsend, etc. Take lumps for half season, and then watch them go. Means AVB needs to change his game plan to match the skills of his players. Is he trying to find players that fit his scheme, or can he be flexible enough to design a scheme that will let his boys be creative. Our young guys have plenty of experience either from loans or playing for England. What better way to save few pounds.

  12. Lukas Podolski when he joined Arsenal : “tottenham were also interested in me, but I didn’t know who they were”



  13. why the f k would any decent player join tottenham? shit manager.shit players.shitty europa team.no hope of top 4 this season
    thats the reality spuds.
    cazorla looks good doesnt he………

  14. Come on daddy give me a break you’ve smashed my gary glitter in 7 times already today oh fuck it one more wont hurt. taking one for the team lads come on you sexy gunners. Im waiting daddy x


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