Things finally seem to be moving in the ongoing Luka Modric saga with reports that the player is in Madrid putting the finishing touches to this long running transfer. The press still can’t seem to decide on the fee however, with reports starting at £23m and going to £30m plus add-ons but the final sum may be a fair way short of the £40m being punted around at the start of the summer.

Whatever the figure may be, the deal could finally precipitate the kind of spending spree that most of us had been looking forward to in this transfer window.

The Guardian claims that the new arrivals will be on their way as soon as the ink is dry on Luka’s contract but the reports that pick up on the story seem to concentrate on three players – Gaston Ramirez, Yann M’Vila and Joao Moutinho.

While it’s obvious that Spurs are going to be linked with another midfielder as soon as Modric is on his way, surely a striker or two remains the first priority?




    • haha i doubt it!! i think what this means is we’ll get a surprise signing on deadline day. we obviously need a striker, i dont even think we need to replace modric as we already have a jam packed midfield in livermore, vdv, siggy, bale, lennon, sandro, parker, hudd with carroll and townsend coming through.
      damiao would be nice but internazionale arent gonna sell cheap….llorente maybe…..adebayor probably…….de rossi? dzeko? come on levy!!!!

      • How can you think Mod is worth £40m but not think you need to replace him.

        It doesn’t make sense, whatever his price is he is worth more than anyone you have left (inc Bale) so you either replace him or be a worse team this season vs last.

        You lot just change your views so that Spurs look like they are doing really well, never admitting when they are not.


        • If spurs buy a decent striker im pretty sure where better of than last year. A striker in the Berby mould that is not Ade. . We will have a strong young defence the midfield will be weaker the striker deparment will defin be stronger. We will be stronger in that department even if we play Kane.
          Teams loose there best players all the time and in most instances somebody steps up. In levy i trust

          • Thanks for proving the point
            No Ade, no replacement yet
            No Mod no replacement (well Sig lol)
            No King and young unproven (prem) def to replace who needs to adjust to prem & is not 1st choice CB for Belgium, Belgium!!!
            Gallas & Friedal older and slower
            Fringe squad players gone who were decent (Pienaar, Kras), but at least Jenas is playing lol
            And you think you have improved, In Levy you Trust – LOL, ROFL, LMAO etc

  2. can’t agree more. Surely we have centre midfield covered for the season. VDV, Huddlestone, Siggie, Sandro, Parker. Jenes still hanging on, Livermore knocking on the door. Not to mention all the wide men. What happened to remy? Did he say no, end of, or was it the club? Leo Damieo? Thought that was a done deal? This looks alot like last year, different manager, same old situation.

  3. Who was one of the only teams to beat Newcastle at home last season?? yes Chelsea under AVB…. believe we will get a good result there again this season!! COYS!!!


  5. We still need to offload a few players too. Assuming Adebayor is already coming, I would suggest we offer €8m + Dos Santos to CF Malaga for Isco. GDS gets his move to Spain + Champions League football, Malaga get needed funds and a replacement.
    I’d also offer €15m + Bassong to Marseille for Loic Remy, and £9.5m + Bentley to Fulham for Moussa Dembele.
    Would leave us with just the goalkeeper position to resolve.

    • Heck, I’d even chuck Bentley in on a deal for Isco, he’d prob want the move as his bar’s just down the road, and they need extra midfielders. Reckon Isco and Sigursson are sufficient reinforcements in midfield.

  6. well he,s gone?, if he has and selling the mod, was wot is to promote spending, wiv top players coming in. i,ll wait if u don,t mind . i,ll only believe it wen i see “em in a spurs shirt . to much of a pesimist me. mr. levy b4 it gets to late get spendin now. cos were already laggin behind our rivals.

  7. Anyone else think the Modric and RVP deals completing around the same time is more than coincidence??? I think we’re after the same targets and are both trying to free up funds first.

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  8. You didn’t get enough to get a top, top striker
    You waited too long to get a Mod replacement
    You should have sold Mod last year and got £40m
    You did not make a stand or prove you are not a selling club
    You are never top 4 anymore

    It’s okay though as Levy got the bit of transfer time fame he craves. Nice ego

    In Levy you trust – Mugs!

  9. To be honest I cant see that Levy would have sacked the previous manager, brought in a new manager and signed Gareth Bale without the promise of there being substantial improvements made to the current squad. Levy has already started clearing the decks for new arrivals with Pav, Kranjcar, Pienaar, Corluka, King, Nelsen, Saha, Adebayor and now Modric all leaving the club, thus freeing up funds in terms of transfer fees and wages.

    When the spending begins, its important that Spurs look at bringing QUALITY, AS WELL AS QUANTITY, to ensure the SQUAD IS STRONGER than last season.

    Having Huddlestone back will be like a new signing, as he missed most of the last campaign due to injury. Providing AVB can find a place for ‘Big Tom’ in his system, we can all look forward to having a high-quality, ball-playing midfielder, who’s forte is dictating play with great vision and clever passing. Whether he quite fits into the managers plans, especially the high tempo, pressing game likely to be utilised, is another question all together.

    The emergence in pre-season of Andros Townsend leads me to believe he IS ready to feature more for the senior team/squad. The boy is talented and needs games (with quality players). Add those two to the new arrivals, Vertonghen and Siggurdsson, and Spurs look like they’ve made a good START to bolstering the ranks.

    The truth is, if Levy and AVB are really serious about securing a Champions League place and some much needed silverware, then quite a few more changes will have to be made. Giovani does not have a long term future at the club, he has had his head turned by a lack of opportunities in the first team and now looks to be seeking a ‘fresh start’, elsewhere. Following him out of WHL looks like being Bassong, Bentley, Gomes and Jenas (hopefully).

    ALL the departures are all very well and good but that would leave our SQUAD looking very thin in Midfield and obviously in attack. Whilst the GK position isn’t of MAJOR importance, I do believe it is something we should look at. Friedle has NEVER been a world-class keeper and at 41, he ISN’T going to get any better! I say replace him now while there is apparently good quality keepers on the market.

    That being said, If we want to compete and challenge for four cups, we should look to bring in a:

    -GK- LLoris, Butland, Cesar
    -2X CM- Belhanda, M’VILA, Benega
    -LW and RW- Bakary Sako and Iturbe
    -2X STR- Remy/Rossi and Adebayor/LLorente

    Levy is NOT a fool. He has ‘stuck his neck out’ bringing in a new manager after three relatively successful years,…. especially when the new man has just come off the back of a sacking in his previous job. BOTH have a lot invested in the upcoming season being a real success. BOTH would have asked for assurances, from one another, to make certain that this was the right ‘next step’ for them and their careers. One of the MAJOR assurances likely to be requested is that of transfer funds available!!!

    Don’t be surprised to see a flurry of transfers,both in and out, at WHL. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT- THE FUTURE IS LILY WHITE!!!

    • Wakey Wakey time to get up mummys made you a cup of rosy you silly little spud. Your have to stop having those wet dreams, they will male you go blind. East East East London,COYI!

      • Time will tell, my friend, whether dreams ,as you so eloquently put it, really do come true!

        Hopefully you will be here come judgement day, so we can conclude our finds…. Im glad you enjoyed my article!

  10. there a rumours that we will get up to 3 players before deadline day – i think it will be – m,vila gaston ramirez and osvaldo from roma we are in talk over a move for him


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