Towards the end of last season, taking positives from a game was an accompanying headline for much of our terrible run-in. It had become a by-word for we’ve lost again and where can we cover over the fact that we’re blowing third place?

Without wanting to moan after one game, it therefore brought back memories to see the club’s official Twitter feed announce that Brad Friedel was ‘taking positives’ out of a defeat.

Overall, 1-1 would have been fairer and Andre Villas-Boas believed that we were better on the day,

“I think we were the best team throughout the 90 minutes,” AVB said.

“We have to take the positives from this game. To come to Newcastle on the first game of the season and have a performance like that means we are on the right track, so our focus will be back on training this week and improving on the things we did poorly.”

Goal scorer Jermain Defoe echoed those thoughts,

“I thought we were unlucky and that we were the better team,” JD said.

“We were patient, organised and didn’t give them anything through the middle. They didn’t have any clear-cut chances, that’s why I think we did well and were unlucky to lose.”

So everyone’s taking positives from this match but what were they for you?




    • Positives? Well let me see. Nope! Afraid not. However a positive woulda been winning. When you are the better side you should win. The reason we didn’t is because they scored 2 goals and we scored 1. A problem much associated with teams that lose. A problem that spurs suffer from due to not converting opportunities. It doesn’t matter how well you play if you don’t win. Playing extremely well and not winning is no better than playing shit and losing.

  1. not ood enough to be honest… a defensive partnership of Birch and Taylor should have been ripped apart but we just didn’t produce. Bale switching to the right after Simpson had been booked and then chopped Bale down again made no sense we should have directed the next 20mins of play down our left to take advantage of his clear crapness!!
    happy to watch us ‘rebuild’ but unless we strengthen in next two weeks ill be looking at a finish between 5th – 8th this season.
    not sure why we are content to give up points in August but we should have sorted a striker transfers out before Saturday…. rehardless of the impact this has on Modric deal!

      • i dont think we did rip them apart in final 3rd… but we did totally dominate midfield.
        Kyle Walker looked a little slow to start (criminal getting lost under the cross for Ba goal)… hoping he manages to reach the level of last season!

  2. closing down in the middlke pf the park very very well. well organised. i cant remember newcastle having any real chances……but fair play they were ruthless when we made defensive errors. Considering the changes we have had….modric… ade…..transfer window still open. I thoght we did really well. Should of been 1-1 or 2-2. Much better performance than the one against city on the opening day last season . glad avb gave no excuses.; im starting to really love avb but as always im gonna hold off making judgements tille we are past christmas

  3. I think we were the better team for 60 minutes. Friedel looked slow. The players we haven’t bought yet were sorely missed. I don’t understand why Dawson and Huddlestone weren’t even on the bench or why Vertonghen and VDV didn’t start. The performance showed some promise, but also highlighted where we are lacking and I think who we buy before the transfer window closes will shape where we finish this year.

  4. I only saw the highlights on MoTD & by that time had a couple of beers too many but didn’t we hit the post & bar before they scored? If so, either of those go in & it’s a different story.

    I hope we beat WBA on Saturday as the press have it in for AVB & won’t waste a chance to put pressurise him. If we don’t win for 3 or 4 games, the headlines will be all about AVB & the player’s rebellion etc. We could be 2 points from 8 games before we know it …..

    On another matter, the polo shirt AVB was wearing – was the cockerel was on the right hand side & the under armour emblem on the left or had I had more to drink that I thought?!?!

  5. Bugger! another bloody defeat though, really sick of not being able to put these teams away, all due respect to toon but these are games we must be looking at winning if we are to challenge for top honors, it will be interesting to see what the other contenders do when they come to Newcastle, for every team that Newcastle fail to beat at home will increase my disappointment in this result!

  6. Positives:
    a) If Bale not producing the crosses, then Lennon can.
    b) Sigurdsson gets first run out
    c) Defoe looked sharp despite little summer rest and recent tragic news.
    d) We finally get to see what Sandro is made of
    e) We haven’t won up there for 8 years, so in reality no real points lost.

    a) Defoe ain’t it. Still at least a striker too few.
    b) Lacking midfield passing
    c) When a goal down, we weren’t able to get ball back for long periods
    d) 2-1 down with 10 mins to go, we did not go hell for leather to get equaliser.
    e) It looks like the full backs have a lot to adjust to
    f) Bale looking a little lost. He has nothing to aim for, so we lose his trademark crossing. Is he in the team to merely try and score?
    g) We only had 40% possession

  7. It’s all if’s & buts. Yes let’s take the positives hit the post twice etc, dominant in terms of play but ultimately we lost, & we have got to stop this “take the positive” crap. What if when it comes to the end of the season & we lose champs league place or even third on goal difference? We should be at least gettin a point & the striker debarcle should’ve been dealt with ages ago. Im starting to think DL is an idiot & nothing else.

    • CL was gone the moment we changed manager. New manager in top 4 usually requires heavy investment to have hope of maintaining place. We were never gonna do that. So transitional season. I am not sure why so many people are counting on top four so soon

  8. I know its still early days, but I must say I have been very impressed with our recently appointed mangers ‘new’ approach to handling the media, and players alike. Relaxed, open and positive, AVB appears to have learnt a lot from his ill-fated stint in the Chelsea hotseat.

    As Chelsea manager, AVB always came across as quite a guarded and suspicious individual when dealing with the English press. Despite the result his team had got, Villas Boas usually cut the figure of someone ill at ease in his position as a young manager in the EPL. Now, whether this was down to the pressure that comes with managing the huge expectations that Chelsea have as a club, dealing with an interfering Chairmen or handling the apparent egos amongst the dressing room, Andre rarely was seen to be HAPPY in West London richest club.

    The contrast between then and now couldn’t be greater, and the clearest indication of this was in defeat on Saturday. Although, the majority of us would have felt encouraged by the performance, if not frustrated with the result, the coaches approach to being interviewed post match was telling. If AVB was indeed frustrated he hid it well behind a warm smile and an approachable demeanour, fielding the reporters questions with well thought out, insightful answers. No longer was this the man that bristled with indignation at the idea that he was in some way culpable for the eventual result, or failing to offer praise to a particular individual.

    Infact, AVB’s handling of a range of issues, he has had to confront since being named as Tottenham Manager has been exemplary, to date. From dealing with the Modric saga, answering questions on Bales fitness and talking about his own evolution as a ‘Head Coach’ since being sacked from his previous post , Andre has spoken with an openness, confidence and humility that few might have expected considering what has happened in the past.

    I accept that it IS still very much early days, and that should Spurs suffer a run of bad results, we will find out just how reformed a character AVB is. But even the article above regarding the esteem in which he holds Defoe, a player that many of you will and have considered a mere ‘super sub’, is reason enough to believe that Villas Boas IS open to changing his methods. The ‘bad’ experience at Chelsea may just mean that Spurs have got the best Andre Villas Boas there has ever been, and providing that Levy backs his new man with a war chest to bring in 4/5 players of genuine quality/potential than Spurs and Spurs fans alike have every reason to be very optimistic about the direction the club is heading in. I BELIEVE THAT THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT…THE FUTURE IS LILYWHITE!!!!

  9. Can’t believe we start premier league with 1 senior striker do the people in charge have any clue laughing stock again not dissapointed pretty angry tho

  10. Bring back Dawson, he would have closed Ba down for his goal, Huddlestone is a better bet in midfield than Livermore at present.

    True we hit the woodwork, was that one of the Liverpool cop outs (sorry for the pun) last season?

    Football is about 3 points!


    • Chamakh (Loan) ….. You obviously know nothing about football other than what you read on the football websites. This guy is absolutely useless, leave him where he belongs – taking money off the Goons. Yes we need a striker but Gomes up front would cause more problems than this guy or Jimmy Greaves… now there’s a thought.

  12. Sandro and Jake are not good together need to drop Jake and replace him with a Siggy, Play Vdv behind striker. I am yet to be convinced Kyle is a RB, great pushing up but poor at times when push comes to shove at the back, a bit like my ex actually.

    Need Ade, Need Modders replacement of Modders back in the team. He is on a contract and should be palying his little heart out until he has been told he can leave.

  13. Agree that Huddlestone should have been in instead of Livermore. Thought he must still be injured, but apparently he tweeted that he was fully fit, and also that respect needs to be earned. I wonder if AVB and Huddlestone have had a bust up.

  14. That we haven´t won there for eight years it just shows that we didn’t have the right mentality.
    The real problem is that we continue to have the same mentality.
    Of course luck played a significant role on Saturday.
    Stupidity also.
    Not using Vertonghen either from the beginning or immediately after the equalizer it’s by all means a very stupid decision of AVB.
    A few days ago playing in midfield in the game Belgium-Holland, Vert was the best player on the field scoring also a goal.
    He has overshadowed Hazard and Schneider.
    Tremendous personality and will to win every personal duel.
    Able to move forward with the ball and to pass with accuracy short and long balls.
    He was involved in almost every defending or attacking effort of his team.
    And AVB kept him in the bench!!
    I agree with those who insist that we should have won against a weak Newcastle.
    It’s just like starting the competition with a three point disadvantage!

  15. No positives in defeat i’m affraid!

    Positively speaking Mr levy needs to get the players in so we do win matches, we need at least six if we are to be challenging for a CL place –
    GK for obvious reasons
    LB cover to put pressure on BAE
    Central midfielder, Modric replacement
    Wing cover as we haven’t got any!!!
    At least 2 new strikers (not Adebayor thank-you)

    That would be a positive way of doing things.

  16. Positives Taken From Newcastle Game:
    1. Defoe proves he can lead the line as a lone striker. Still a work in progress but early signs are encouraging.

    2.Aaron lennons performance was a definite highlight for me. Bright, busy and menacing, Lennon seems to have added more intelligence to his game, with his movement and vision, creating a number of promising situations for the team. Can count himself a little unlucky not to have 2 assists to his name with only the bar preventing him adding to his tally. The chest trap from VDV’s pass, before being deflected behind for a corner, was a thing of beauty! This kid has got it ALL for me as an out and out winger, and I’m looking forward to him having a BIG SEASON for us.

    3. The central defensive partnership looked rock solid. Marshalled by the impressive Gallas, our two centre backs kept arguably two of the better strikers in the EPL quiet, and restricted the opposition to long range shots. A piece of magic, and sloppy defending from a corner, by two attack-minded players, proved our undoing. But overall a very good display from our two Frenchmen.

    4. Sandro proved again,to those of you who doubt his credentials, that he is one of the BEST defensive midfielders in Europe. The Brazilian fits perfectly into AVB’s high-tempo, aggressive, pressing game and it showed on the weekend. At 22 the boy is an absolute beast, and will no doubt only get better. One of the first names on the teamsheet, imo.

    5. The tactics worked a treat. The High tempo, pressing strategy has been improving with each game it has been implemented in, and while there is still room for improvement, the early signs are very encouraging as we forced a number of errors from Newcastle players whilst in possession and dominated the midfield area. The better we become at it, the more we should see Spurs winning the ball further up the pitch and swarming in on the oppositions defence, as we did when Defoe hit the post in first half.


    1. Strength in depth in the attacking areas of the park meant we were restricted in the kind of substitutions we could make to effect the game once going 2-1 down. Having genuine quality to replace either wide man, defence minded central midfielders or strikers is a MUST. For me we need AT LEAST another four players to be considered contenders for two comps, let alone four. A winger (Adam Johnson would be perfect), two central playmakers and two strikers (one world class and the other a hot prospect) should see Spurs improve upon last years overall performance.

    2. Gyfil Siggurdson is STILL yet to produce anything other than glimpses of the form that makes him such a good signing. Infact, his overall performance to date have been nothing more than ordinary, even though I do expect this to improve after he registers a few goals for his new team.

    3. The absence of our most creative,current, central midfielder Tom Huddlestone. Tom Huddlestone for me IS a consistently good performer who is, on his day, capable of producing the kind magic, be it a pass or a shot, to illuminate the sky’s above whichever stadium he graces. An up grade on Micheal Carrick, in my opinion, Big T has everything to play the quarter back role now and in the future the Spurs. An excellent dictator of play and distrubutor, Huddlestone IS one of our few central midfielders who ALWAYS wants the ball and is able to collect it from the back four, then use it effectively to supply the more attacking players in our team in dangerous postions. Very much underrated, for me, Tom should be a fixture in the current Spurs And England teams as there are few better passers of the ball in his position. His mobility has NEVER been an issue for me personally, however, you would think that a three man midfield would cater for that even more, allowing him more time and space to do what he does the best! Clearly AVB at the moment does not see things the way I do, and probably doubts whether he can manage to commit to the pressing game he employs for a full ninety mins, but it is up to Tom to keep his head down and do his talking on the training ground, and NOT ON TWITTER!

    • Can agree with that – only thing that Tom Huddlestone needs to do more, in my opinion, is up the tempo in his short passing game. Modric would always get the ball, give it short, move and get it back to pass again. he could do this several times before giving the killer pass.
      Tom sometimes looks for the killer pass too early and will stand and admire a 40 yard pass rather than move to get the ball back again

  17. Is it me or was Friedel way off his line when Ba sent that shot in?
    Siggy was a bit wasteful when shooting and could have passed to set up JD.
    Still concerned about BAE and his role as right back. Think we need to look there for some cover.

    We also need to be positive when going forward and take on the back 4 of the sides we play.

    Only time will tell. But lets get a second striker quickly, surely we can find a top class striker who wants to play for us with an eye on a CL place next season!

  18. Well, last season we drew 2-2 at Sports Direct. Without Modric and Adebayor we’re a weaker side now, so no real surprise we lost.

    We need better players.

  19. I cant say a whole lot of positive things about the game. Sandro is a quality midfielder but can be reckless. Livermore was disappointing to say the least. Sig looks very average right now, I can’t really say I’m impressed with him at all. Freidel did look slow and old and I was embarrassed by some kicks from goal it almost seemed as if he was struggling to even get distance on some of them. Bringing harry kane out in the end of the game made me laugh.

    • Agree… Spurs cannot seriously expect to make a real impact on 2 comps, let alone 4 with Harry Kane as third choice striker. While the kid is decent, decent is no longer good enough for a club of our supposed ‘ambition’. Coloubaly (wrong spelling, I know) looks a MUCH better prospect, but slightly too lightweight to make a REAL impact on the EPL. I would like to see him get some game time at home in the Carling Cup and Europa League.

      On Saturday Kane didn’t threaten to get a touch, let a lone make any REAL impact. A loan move beckons!


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