Prior to Euro 2012, rumours started to surface linking Rafael van der Vaart with a move back to Germany. Initially, Schalke 04 were put in the frame before Rafa’s old team Hamburg stepped in and declared their interest.

The player was preparing for the Euros at the time but after Holland’s early exit, the stories started to gather momentum. It took a while for VDV to state that he wanted to stay at Spurs and this came amidst reports that transfer fees and wages were too high for either German side. Eventually, the stories just went away – or so it seemed.

Reports today claim that the move to Hamburg is still on and that it has been sanctioned by Andre Villas-Boas. Those same reports suggest that a fee of £9.5m is involved but that the Germans haven’t quite met it just yet.

Anything is possible including the theory that the press have reacted to the surprise news on Michael Dawson and decided that anyone could leave. However, with just over a week to the end of the transfer window, we’ll know soon enough.





  3. Hope he leaves. The we dont have to see him drop deep, take the ball off the centre half, look around as if he’s about to split the defense, then pass it back to the full-back and run away contendedly, again. Too slow, undynamic, and far less creative than people realise

  4. think he’s been great for us, always seems to pop up with a goal or assist when we’ve needed it, however I’ve always felt he might not fit in with avb’s system, and siggy has been signed as a more ‘dynamic’ replacement – plus willan (?) can also play there if signed.

  5. I hope most of these transfer stories are just newspaper bollocks. It’s good that AVB is moving on players that have no future at the club and could benefit from playing elsewhere. What I’m starting to worry about is the risk that we might also end up losing established and model professionals such as Dawson and in replacing them have too many new faces arriving that are new to football in England. Even excellent foreign players like Sandro will take time to settle in, by which time we might have lost a few games and be rubbing shoulders with the likes of West Ham at the bottom end of the table.

  6. The other thing is – not sure if everyone agrees but I like the idea of a slimmer, leaner squad where everyone gets a chance and where the youngsters will have to step up when needed (less of them will go on loan this season with the intergen cup and new u23 league to play.)

  7. Clearlt players without pace aren’t gonna be in AVB’s plans. Need to be technical and quick over 10 yards to play high pressing game. VdV, Hudd don’t fit the bill. But who are we gonna get in that are better and don’t care for CL football???

  8. We have had 2 good seasons out of VDV but he won’t suit the new system, can’t play for an hour now and is past his best, 8 years of Hamstring/Groin Strains have taken their toll. Still brilliant at times but alas only EPL sub now. Sell him now while resale is avail but thanks #11 for the memories. Youth is the way at WHL.

  9. akshayaalase. You and ur wanbe dreamteams you keep posting can fuckoff.there is nothing realistic about what you say. Stick to fifa u tosser. As for VDV, if we sell him I lose all faith in AVB, we need to sell fringe players, another fisrt team player exit apart from Modric will hurt us. And I’m annoyed with Levy’s reported £18 bid for Damiao as they want way more. Well have to offer at least £25 to stand any chance.
    But sory for being negative, we just better smash WBA


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