Spurs head coach Andre Villas-Boas held a very interesting press conference ahead of tomorrow’s game with West Brom and he spoke at length about some of our proposed deals.

However, it was his comments surrounding our striking personnel that raised the most eyebrows as AVB suggested that the club had all it needed up front.

When asked specifically about Leandro Damiao, he answered,

”I don’t think so. With Adebayor, Defoe and Kane coming through, I think I have enough options.

”Damiao is obviously a fantastic player but he is not our prospect at the moment because we are closed with what we are trying to do on the striker situation.”

There could be some kidology with this of course but are three strikers really enough? AVB looks like he may well play just one up front at any time but is Kane up to leading the line just yet if injury and / or suspension strike?




  1. no he is wrong if ade gets injured then we have not got the back up we need for gods sake get another striker in even on loan with an option to buy if need be or we could end up with no european football at all i think gylfi could play as a striker but not as the lone one our play needs,hope i am wrong but doubt it ttid

    • Spot on, what happens if Adebayor gets injured then! I will hold back on a comment until Sept1st but if we dont get anyone Levy will think the abuse Sugar got was a picnic compared to what he would get. This is about the 6th or 7th window that Levy has dithered and gambled, costing us Champions League.

  2. AVB is wrong. Who would lead the attack if Ade loses form or is injured? Defoe cannot and Kane should be loaned out for at least another season.
    Another striker is a must before the window closes or else, we will blame ourselves.
    Get Dembele to replace Modric and sell VDV and get a top 3rd striker.

  3. Simply put, NO we need another striker who can play the lone front man. If Defoe could then it wouldn’t be so bad but with the system we will play, the doubts over Kanes ability we only have one striker as defoe can not play upfront alone! If ade, who missed some simple sitters last season and therfore was not the all round striker we needed, if he gets injured we are fooked! We need another striker and after almost 5 years we still haven’t replaced keane and berbatov its getting beyond a joke!

  4. Yes he is right, what’s the point of spending 10-25m on a back up who will get pissed off by not playing enough!! PAv and Defoe kept moaning last year!!

  5. I actually believe we have enough (in terms of numbers). Defoe and Adebayor play the lone front man with VDV and Sigurdsson playing as support strikers. The problem I have is that I simply do not believe Kane has the quality to be a back up. I would loan him out to the championship as he still has a lot to prove. I’d replace him with a striker bought in on loan.

  6. AVB realy want Mounthinio but Levy insists he will need to sell one more player, hence Daws. We had struck a deal with leandro but they keep changing the price and it now looks like this will not happen. Willian is also fancied by AVb but the price again scares the pants of levy hence Djemble been looked instead. We are still looking to bring in a striker despite what AVB said he was just been careful. There is much negotiating going on and will probably continue until the last minute next week. Thats how levy works and I beleiev AVB is frustrated at the in action but there are irons in the fire. You don’t really belieev a man of his experinec believes our strikers are all we need for an hectic season and a goal of top 4 finish.HHXX

  7. Shssshhh… The No. 9 shirt is reserved for Fernando Llorente on deadline day. No point letting Shitty know what we’re doing, otherwise they’ll spoil the party.

  8. Why can’t spurs play 2 strikers????Levy and avb are idiots,spurs must get relegated,levy is too stingy,start spending money!!!!!!!he sold a lot of players,damn.chelsea just bought another player!!!all the teams are spending £20mil on strikers,y can’t spurs?sick and tired of Levy’s attitude!spurs will never play CL again!!!get Falcao,Damiao,Lloris,Moutinho and a defender.Levy u making spurs supporters in south africa sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Why can’t spurs play 2 strikers????Levy and avb are idiots,spurs must get relegated,levy is too stingy,start spending money!!!!!!!he sold a lot of players,damn.chelsea just bought another player!!!all the teams are spending £20mil on strikers,y can’t spurs?sick and tired of Levy’s attitude!spurs will never play CL again!!!get Falcao,Damiao,Lloris,Moutinho, Willian and a defender.Levy u making spurs supporters in south africa sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Then I assume you won’t be moaning at Levy or AVB when Spurs do a lil worse than last year.
        The level Spurs can achieve is based on money spent and with what they have so far that is NOT top 4

  10. Very concerned by the way Levy continues to piss about in the transfer market. I have thought for the last two season that we needed top strikers and still we have only Ade and Defoe, W

  11. Roy of the Rovers to the rescue. Pipe smoking before the game. I say you chaps, do you think we’ll beat the blinking Albion this weekend? Who’s playing centre forward? All right if I play right half today, sir? If you’d like, but it’s goals, goals, goals everyone, spit spot. Where’s Jimmy? ..he’s playing number eight today. Oh, he’s just having a quick pint before the game sir, but him and Burly Bobby at number nine will team up beautifully as goalscorers. Well, get changed lads, put your pipes out, and have a cracking match and season. Have we all got our positions?

  12. Oh, just one quick thing! Where are the coat hangers?
    Er, I already told you sir, Jimmy’s having a swift one before the match. Not GOAL HANGERS you idiot, COAT HANGERS! Wires for hanging our AVB macs and other items of clothing on!

  13. I think Defoe goal was good, wingers were wasteful found it difficult getting ball to Defoe , just hope it wasn’t intentional, late goal always painful, defense&keeper must do everything to secure 3 points ,


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