With Julio Cesar part of Mark Hughes’ real life game of football manager, it seems that Tottenham’s goalkeeping options are now down to just one target. If the papers are to be believed, Lyon’s Hugo Lloris has been priority number one throughout the summer but with time running out, can Spurs afford to lose out on the signing?

Various reports started to emerge yesterday suggesting that a fee had been agreed and that this would be the next confirmed signing after the Dembele deal. However, according to our old friends over at the Daily Mail, the transfer has hit a snag.

The Mail suggest that Lloris himself is undecided on a move and that he is a little unhappy with the terms on offer. If this falls through, will we pay the penalty for having all our keeping eggs in one basket?

It seems certain that Brad Friedel would remain as first choice but are his speed and reflexes up to it? In any potential absence, 38 year old Carlo takes over while Heurelho Gomes continues to lurk at the back of the picture.

The Lloris deal may still be on but could this be our most important transfer chase this summer?



  1. Definitely need to get Lloris, didn’t we refuse the chance to buy Marteen Steltenburg (spelling) yesterday? New keeper needed as we’ve lost Kaboul for four months so more mobile keeper needed to act as sweeper behind the defence. Hurry up Danny Boy, tick tock tick tock.

  2. in a word, yes.

    in several words…. Friedel made a couple of great saves vs WBA so is yet to show any obvious signs that he’ll be worse than last season, when overall he was very good.

    If he does go a bit wobbly, I still have some faith in Gomes. Keepers do have bad patches and whilst his one was admittedly a rather long & spectacular, he was pure class the season before.

    Cudicini I’m sure is a nice chap but I have no time for as a keeper and really don’t understand why we gave him a new deal a year or 2 ago.

    If it was my money I’d hold off on Lloris and spend it elsewhere, then go for Butland this time next year

  3. Lloris is a must. i thought this deal was in the bag. plz sign him Levy – his young, has quality, has re-sale value. just get him to sign the dotted line plz

  4. Whatever you do and however you do it, you are condemned to forever dwelling in our shadow. Enjoy the protection you thick spuds. There will be still a gap to mind at the end of this season.

  5. This is vital we either reinstate Gomes or buy a new keeper Friedel is 41 and i dont care how fit you look your reactions slow down. With every passing year and i no because i have past 40 50 and now aged 60 look fit have legs has good has friedegg but my reflexes are not 30 years old in my head they are.

  6. The gaily fail claims to have the inside track on just about every transfer going but in reality the gaily fail is just an enormous waste of time and ink!

  7. I know alot of people will disagree with me but I think Spurs were foolish to pass on Stekelenburg. Spurs had the opportunity to sign him and he wanted to come.

  8. I personally reakon friedel has still a season left in him. It was him who gave avb his first point. But he is a bit slow off his line. This will prove a problem for avb’s new system. And as for killthespud, yes you are 100 % correct. There is a huge gap. And that is Arsenal trying to fill Robin Van Persie’s shoes as it evidently shows that Arsenal cannot score.


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