Clint Dempsey may have been a surprise arrival at Spurs Lodge while we were all awaiting news on Joao Moutinho but his international boss is predicting that the former Fulham man will make a big impact at White Hart Lane.

Jurgen Klinsmann, boss of the United States national side for whom Dempsey has 87 caps believes that it’s a good signing for his former club.

He has that type of character and personality. He was admired and loved at Fulham and now it’s another level to step up to for him,” Klinsmann said.

“As long as you work hard, as long as you give everything that you have, he has all the technical ability and talent, the people will love him,” he added.

Dempsey is also relieved to have put the last few weeks behind him and is looking forward to getting on with the job at The Lane.

“I think it’s the perfect fit for me –  To play with some of the players there, to challenge myself, I know I’ve got my work cut out for me to try to break into that line-up but I am just looking forward that challenge and seeing if I can rise to it,” he said.

It will be interesting to see where AVB plays him and with a record of around a goal every 3.5 games, will be continue that in front of goal where we may need it most?



  1. Adebayor has always looked a little dodgy, albeit with the occasional moment of absolute brilliance or a great match. For a large portion of last season we were the best playing team in the Premier League with by far the best midfield… we just lacked the striker needed and missed chance after chance after chance… Adebayor simply isn’t good enough but is a great substitute for £5m. Defoe isn’t great at leading the line and with the lack of physicality in the box already due to Lennon being even shorter is too much a loss to make Defoe anything more than a substitute, but what a great substitute he can be. Dempsey is the exact sort of Striker we need, positionally intelligent, technically able, physically strong, a clinical finish, good heading technique (so someone can finally fucking get on the end of our millions of crosses…) and very importantly, a keen eye for a pass as well, something which is also a positive with Adebayor. I hope AVB starts Dempsey, along with Sigurdsson as an attacking midfielder/playmaker and Dembele as a central midfielder/deep-lying playmaker. With Parker behind the two as a holding midfielder, he can add that stability into our midfielder that we’ve been craving so much in the past 3 matches. This season we actually have a better team than last season no matter what the skeptics who don’t really know about football say. I hope AVB can offer his tactical brilliance (no matter how shit he is at man managing, his football brain is second only to the likes of Mourinho) to piece it together and then we can make a real run for the likes of 2nd place (very optimistic) or at least get into that top 4, no matter how difficult a task that seems with the likes of Chelsea, City and United almost certain members of the top 4.

    • Julian, I totally agree with you. We’ve got a good team and need to be patient with AVB. When Parker comes back (our captain) then we will perform much better. Dempsey will surely be a hit. We have youth on our side.

  2. Look, he isn’t the player that we were all hoping for, but Clint Dempsey has always been a player that I have admired. Technically gifted and a excellent reader of the game, Dempsey WILL offer a greater goal threat than the man he replaced in the number 10 role, Van Der Vaart.

    We all know that Dempsey wasn’t our first choice target, and probably wasn’t even our second, and while he will add a more consistent presence in the box (and on the field), he is NOT a better overall player than the departed VDV. But maybe he doesn’t have to be, especially if as I suspect we try to sign Moutinho again in the Jan window.

    The plus points of this transfer definitely outweigh negatives. What Clint will bring is a genuine goal threat, someone who is likely to be amongst the highest scoring midfield players in the EPL, this season.Confident and composed in front of goal,Dempsey is just as capable of scoring a ‘worldie’ from outside the box as he is to get a tap-in. see link.(

    Our new signing will also bring good leadership skills and a real desire to FIGHT in-order to get the wins we all crave. His movement and self-belief will be a huge plus for a team, who at this moment in time appear to lack both. Clint also tends to have that ‘knack’ of consistently being in the right place at the right time, which in my opinion, has been something we have never really had in our team/squad. The timing of his runs into the box are second to none and his eagerness to get into positions to score should ensure that we have more bodies in the box when attacking the opposition.

    Your right in thinking that Dempsey is no Moutinho, Modric or even VDV but Fulham never had any of those players and look what he did there. Once the team get that all important first win (which I believe is just around the corner) and the confidence starts growing again within the team, I think we can all begin to get excited about a player, who at £8m-10m, could prove to be a real coup!

  3. Nice to read so much optimism and well founded too I agree. Getting the ready made partnership of Dempsey/Dembele was a stroke of genius: they will even continue to wear white shirts! Looking forward to the next few weeks and gradual improvment. Plus a slow climb up the league. Cant wait to see Lloris in goal either. COYS

  4. i dont know if this is true but from what i have heard we didn’t even put in a bid for moutinho and i believe this because Mr Levy has chosen not to deny it , He’s taking the piss out of us Spurs supporters once again. Why can’t AVB see that he can’t play Defoe on his own up front he just is not strong enough. It looks like Man U are putting together a package to sign Leandro Damiao in January now why can’t we do that and get there before them , He’s worth waiting for but if you look at the players we signed you will see that they are all cheaper options of the big players we originally wanted to sign its A MR LEVY COST CUTTING SCAM PLAN we are fooled once again LEVY OUT DONT LET HIM FOOL YOU AGAIN.


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