The name Dieumerci Mbokani may not be too familiar with Spurs supporters but the 26 year old Congo international is the latest name to be linked with a striking berth at White Hite Lane.

Mbokani is currently playing his football at Anderlecht where he is hitting the ratio of a goal every other game but other stages of his career have not been so prolific. At Monaco in 2010-11, Mbokani scored just once in ten league matches after leaving Standard Liege – he also has six goals in sixteen appearances for his country.

The player’s agent Fabio Baglio says that Spurs are interested but that his client is more likely to head for Serie A.

“Juventus is most concrete suitor for Mbokani,” Baglio said.

“Their interest is not new, because they followed ‘Dieu’ when he still played at Standard Liege.

There is Fiorentina, which is building a new team, and in England Tottenham is the most interested player,” Baglio continued.

Rumours of new strikers will start to build between now and January although with AVB playing one up front and JD hitting his best form, any form of centre forward purchase seems unlikely at this stage.



  1. we certainly need cover for the main striker.ade has been out with a leg injury?the look on his face at a recent game was that he was visibly upset.either way we need another striker.defoe is known to blow hot and cold.the cold spell could come at any time.

  2. His name means God Thank You, probably the words his mother spoke as he was born without meaning for it to be written straight onto her son’s birth certificate. Mind you, midwives in the Congo have got a terrible reputation for this sort of thing

    • That’s certainly the literal translation, though obviously given french’s penchant for reversing word order, I’d be more inclined to translate it as Thank You, God. No doubt words spoken by his mother, but it just sounds rather pathetic to me. She managed to create a person on her own merit, dammit. 🙁


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