This used to be so easy – 4-4-1-1 with VDV playing behind a lone striker and you could churn this stuff out every week. Under Andre Villas-Boas however, it’s a massive struggle even to call the formation, let alone the personnel.

That isn’t intended as a dig at AVB but the new head coach may have already used more formations than Harry did in four years and it makes any prediction so much harder. After using attacking options against Reading and in the second half at QPR, could we see a return to a more defensive 4-2-3-1 at Old Trafford?

That could be a logical move but if Jake Livermore is still injured, who can play alongside Sandro as the second holding midfielder? Will we switch to 4-5-1 and try not to complicate things too much.

Elsewhere, AVB will have to choose between Lloris and Friedel in goal and Defoe and possibly Adebayor (if fit) up front. It would probably be a surprise not to see Brad and JD but the questions then start in defence.

Vertonghen seems likely to cover BAE at left back but will Caulker or Dawson partner Gallas in the centre? Then, of course, comes the midfield.

An element of guesswork has therefore gone into this line-up but what’s your view?



  1. BBC claim that Naughton could return….and could simplify it back to Gallas + Vertonghen in central defence. We should stick to the 4-2-3-1 because Dembele will be needed far deeper. Lennon, Siggy, Bale will be deeper too, and alas Defoe will end up being starved – as per usual.

  2. That’s the line-up I’d pick (still debating over a Dempsey/Sigi swap though).

    This is the game where Defoe really gets to prove himself about leading the line.

    We’ve actually looked a little dodgier with 2 holding midfielders so I’d stick with just Sandro (Livermore scares me a little after his last performance).

    What is it we Spurs say about daring and doing? Let’s go for it! Better to lose trying than to sit back and lose anyway!

  3. All though friedel our number 1.i would put lloris in goal beacuse hes great on the attacking side of play fron kicks hes team lloris,walker.gallas. Caulker.vertinghan.bale.sandro.demeble.lennon.dempsey.defoe

  4. if naughton is fit id play him left back and jan in centre instead of gallas.
    the rest of the squad looks good

    but then again who else could realistically start any way?

  5. I would start Lloris, his distribution as he showed against Lazio is far better, and he takes a better command of his area, that’s why he’s the French captain

  6. Agree in the main. Dawson maybe hasn’t enough games yet to replace Gallas so may be a bit rusty still for this game? Would stick with Vertongen at left back rather than bring Naughton back yet. Also would toy with Dempsey instead of Siggy maybe. I would have gone with a fully fit Hudd perhaps but we know he is not quite there yet so bit of a gamble to start with him in this game.

  7. Why change the keeper and give Lloris his Premiership debut at Old Trafford? If it went pearshape he could have all his confidence knocked out of him in his first game? I agree his distribution looked very good but Lazio didn’t really apply any pressure on him.

  8. If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it. I think we can give United a run for their money this weekend, keep the same team as we did second half against QPR. Dawson is nowhere near fit enough.






    • …that was at home to QPR…this is Man U away…”slightly” different… Are we going to rely on them scoring a own goal too? I am less confident than many here because QPR looked like the home side for large parts of the game. Better performance is required.

    • That team looks spot on to me.
      I think we will struggle as usual though. We never get the rub of the green at old trafford.
      Still I think we will sneak a point.
      2-2. (They will probably get their second on a wrongly awarded penalty in the 93. or something sick like that……)
      You heard it here first.


  9. I know friedel playing well in goal I just think lloris would do better against united my team would be? Gk,lloris,rb walker, cb vertonghen,cb caulker,lb naughton,lw bale,rw Lennon/Townsend.for,Defoe and adebayor ?????

  10. The referee,whoever he is simply will not allow us to get a result.If the scoreline is a draw or Man u are losing (which I doubt coz of dodgy descions) at 90 min it’s simply a case of play till they draw or win.It’s a no win situation for Spurs.The Premiership/F.A is more crocked than the Mafia.

  11. Friedel
    Walker Gallas Caulker Vert
    Sandro Dembele
    Lennon Dempsey Bale

    Shocking to me that AVB didn’t play Lloris in the C.Cup. Don’t know why he wouldn’t give him as many games outside the league as he can so he can bring him up to speed. It’s not like Cudicini is ever going to be our keeper, but Lloris is world class. Need to bring him up to speed on English football asap imo.


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