With Steve Kean’s sacking came the rumours of an approach from Blackburn for our technical co-ordinator but Tim Sherwood has played down talks of a move away from Spurs.

“I’ve got a great job where I am. There isn’t anything to consider,” Sherwood said. “I’m happy at the football club.”

That seems to be as flat a refusal as they come and it followed reports that Daniel Levy had rejected an approach from Blackburn to speak to their former captain.

Tim seems to be thought of pretty highly at White Hart Lane and there are even calls to give him the director of football role. While that may be unlikely for now, it does seem that Blackburn are starting to look elsewhere for their new boss, although Sherwood remains joint favourite for the vacant post at 9/4 along with Alan Shearer.



  1. Sherwood is almost on his way to Ewood now. AVB’s decision to deny Tim the role of Director of Football at Spurs has hurt him a lot after all the good work he has done at the Lane over the last few years. Now to compound that Levy will not let him talk to Blackburn. Sherwood’s statement is him just following teh rule book so he cannot be accused of doing anything underhand or look like he is touting for the job. But in reality he would now (thanks to Spurs amazing ingratitude and inflexibility) probably walk all the way up North to the Rovers to take the job. You will be sure of a warm Lancashire welcome Tim and be at the lane again next season as manager of BRFC! Premiership Champions once with you in the squad….something Spurs will never be.

  2. Living in the past much?! I could say he’s at a a club that has wont he F.A cup 8 times, the UEFA cup, unlike you, but I won’t, because they’re all so long ago they are irrelevant!
    Fact is, we are an established, set, top 6 team in the Prem, you lot are not even guaranteed to make top 6 in the Championship!
    The Venkeys have made your club an absolute laughing stock, there are atleast 10 clubs in the Championship I would rather have in the Prem, gracing White Hart Lane, before having you back. You Lancashire clubs are a disgrace, you couldn’t even fill out your stadium when Sparky had you playing well! You don’t deserve to be in the Premier League.
    That being said, Tim Sherwood WILL become a good manager, I just hope he waits a little longer and takes over at another club, sure, he has ties to you, but Tim deserves better. FACT!

  3. Eudopa Cup for you lot, 6th in the prem eh, hurts does it that we WON the Premiership along with your much better fellow clubs in London, Arsenal and Chelsea.

    We may have our ups and downs for sure but we have a decent track record for small town club. In fact last time but one when you got to the LC final remember it was US that beat you in it! Ha! Mighty Spurs – sorry don’t think so not these days – just another name in the pack like Fulham or Stoke. See you next season!

  4. The league cup final you mention was 10 years ago!
    Look at the contrasting success since then.
    And no, it doesn’t ‘hurt’ that you won the league, i actually have fond memories of that day! My point is that now, you are nothing, and probably wont ever be a threat to ‘the big boys’ ever again, we on the other hand are right there, along with Everton, knocking on the door and have been for some time now.
    Lastly, we have made 2 league cup finals since you beat us, not one.

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