The goalkeeping saga draws on and after a string of reports suggesting that Hugo Lloris was happy to bide his time at White Hart Lane, the media is claiming a different story this morning.

Andre Villas-Boas called in Hugo to the starting line up for our win over Aston Villa but after declaring that the Frenchman wasn’t number one choice just yet, AVB recalled Brad Friedel for the match with Chelsea at the weekend.

Predictably, the papers are suggesting that Lloris is now looking for an early exit.

It’s not my motivation to be on the bench,” Hugo told the media in France. “I do not worry but I feel powerless, I want to play and I think I was brought to Tottenham for this purpose. I’m ambitious and I want to be on the pitch.

“I have respect for all the people in the club, but things are clear, I’m not here to live this situation any longer.”

The question seems to split fans down the middle but for you, is it a case of trusting Lloris now because if the Frenchman does leave, the club will soon be looking to replace 41 year old Brad and the search will begin all over again?



  1. It has to be Lloris all day long, Friedel has been a terrific keeper not only for us but for Villa, Blackburn & USA, but now at 41 the time has come for him to take a bit of a back seat and let Lloris make a name for himself at Spurs.
    Lloris has started three games for us so far and in those games we’ve conceded only one goal, it is most definitely time to give him an extended run of games.

  2. It is a simple choice. The only footballing reason to keep Brad (who we all admire as a super professional) in the team is because he knows the defenders better.

    Lloris is a far superior individual player, who is younger, faster and better suited to the demands of an attacking team. I understand why AVB is finding it difficult, but there are plenty of games to go around this season to keep Brad busy, Lloris is the future and needs to be made first choice very, very soon. You cannot keep a world class player on the bench a week after conceding 4 goals at home.

  3. Lloris is the better keeper, I cant understand why he is on the bench so much. Friedal has been a good goalie but he is not the future Lloris is, we need to get Lloris playing more often.

  4. IF he’s going to throw his toys out of the cot because another player is clearly better then just let him go. What should AVB do now: let him play because he’s threatening to leave? That’s ridiculous.

  5. brad is a good number 2, lloris is number one, he commands his whole area better, brad is a good shotstopper, but mobilty is lacking, lloris comes out (sweeper keeper) and can use his feet better as well, and he will get better and better, and if andre doesnt see this, then he is a bad manager, as suggested.

  6. Oh, and I’m so tired of hearing these unsubstantiated opinions of how much better than Friedel Lloris is. AVB sees them every day and clearly he doesn’t think so. Neither do I, or any of my mates who do not support Spurs. If Lloris wants to go, there are other good keepers around and there will be more in the future. You stay you stay. You go Hugo!

  7. We’ve made big changes already in the team, I’m not sure why AVB didn’t just make them all together and include the keeper change in this? Time will tell just how good the guy is but for now let him prove himself to the spurs faithful. We’re gonna need him, particularly if gallas keeps giving the ball back to oppositions players. The same goes for Ade. We need him playing. He’s world class and must start the next game.

  8. Over the years Spurs have had 3 Keepers who couldn`t be dislodged—Pat Jennings,Ted Ditchburn,Bill Brown, a couple more might appeal to other Fans. Right Lloris is rated in Europe,wasn`t Captain of France for nothing,his Display v Spain was Cool,Expert & Showed his Class. Brad a role model,to good a person to Discard,Cup&Europe games only!! P.S. Moussa Sissoko a must signing in january !!

  9. My last thoughts on this. Remember Mancini had the Shay Given & Joe Hart scenario. Mancini had bad publicity just like we have now…. Mancini SORTED IT, and that was that – and he was proven to be 100% right given (no pun) that Hart has not looked back. AVB has to be careful not to let this fester and deal with it now. Friedel knows that whilst his performances are fine, he is merely clinging on to top 6 football – in terms of age. Schmiechel, Seaman all left at the top and had to go down a few places… Ironically both ended up and Man City… Friedel knew he was temporary too. Lloris can only be honest. But I doubt that many on this page have seen enough of Lloris to truely judge how well he will cope with English football. One app vs a toothless Villa was not much of a test so far. But he should start the leagues and Friedel should do the cups….as Harry would do it…he was right on some things….

  10. I cant even believe we should be siting here discussing who to choose: a 42 year old goal keeper who declared before start of season that he doesnt expect to play much and a international No 1 goal keeper for whom we paid a fortune (by club stadards! to sway to the lane. He is not a young and upcoming player who we think will be motivated by this stupid “friendly” competition. He is France’s first choice FG’sS. To me, this and the Ade/Defo handling by AVB proves that he sucks at man management and we will pay the price sooner than later. Two of our best aquisitions already looking for January exists. Well done!

  11. Lloris is a must

    Brad has been a fantastic signing for us and feel the way he has played in the early start to the season it has made it very difficult for AVB to get Lloris in.
    Its a tricky one really as AVB has to show loyalty to the in form players ( And that does not mean Gallas) but Lloris is world class and will be around for a good few years so lets get this issue out of the way as we bought him to be our no1

  12. Last word from me: Because of his short Premiership history, AVB’s whole career might depend on how well or badly he does at Spurs. And he chooses to put his faith in Friedel, not through favouritism or for any other reason, but because he believes the American is a more dependable option and will do the better job for him. It’s hard to argue, it’s his head on the line.

    • Fine, but if he chose to put his faith in BF, why did he buy HL? To test how long he can last on the bench? And please.. you and others like you…stop talking about AVB as if he is a proven thing.. a tactician..he is not and all what he has in his pocket is ONE good season at a league where two – three teams play semi decent belong to the 90s..we want to look to a much diffferent future for this great club.

    • I am not sure anyone knows what the reason is… I suspect that AVB is trying to encourage competition for places. But the GK position is a different kettle of fish compared to Defoe vs Ade for example. Either that or AVB is trying to ease him in. But you are right that what AVB has done so far in his career looks suspiciously like he was lucky to be in the right place at the right time at Porto (the team always wins the league, so when is it a bad time). he left Porto far too soon. He is now fighting for rep….

    • If he persists in this direction, AVB will soon be the laughing stock of the professional world in Europe… And your team also… Unfortunately for you.

  13. It’s only the media that are saying “he’s threatening to leave” – but he is the better of the two – I live in France and have been watching him for the last 5 years – he IS one of the best in Europe and Spurs can profit from his undoubted skills for many years to come – as soon as AVB stops messing around!

    • See. I can take your opinion – 5 years of watching him – as opposed to the average Spurs fan who did not know who he was 5 months ago….and have only watched him closely in the last 5 weeks….YET they seem to be convinced on such little exposure. One of the 5 best eh…? Then we better not waste him.

  14. All players are signed as squad members and expected to compete for a place in the First Team. Nobody is guaranteed a starting position at Tottenham Hotspur – if you know your history.

  15. Unlike previous comments on not only Brad but Ade&Jermaine who i feel are not good enough against top Teams should be replaced in January, Ade mentioned on signing it was a short term deal for him. Bring in Leandro/Llorente,Sissoko & a Midfield maestro.Take my word I am never wrong !! Do you all remember Robbie&Berba 40+ goals in one season. Ade&Jermaine ?

    • Mate. You cannot compare Berba + Keane to Ade + Defoe because the former pair played together and the latter mostly played instead of each other. Sure Berba and Keane scored 40 + in all apps, but that includes cups. Ade did not play in cups either. Berba + Keane got 41 and 45 goals in consecutive seasons but Ade and Defoe got 35 – in faaaar fewer games. The most that Keane or Berba got in the league was 15 goals, and Ade got 17…. etc…

  16. AVB after riling the senior players at Chelsea is maybe now bending over backwards to keep them on side. Defoe, Gallas and Friedel for exmple. He may have the right approach and once settled in will later make changes gradually!. Early days a long way ahead just support a young manager finding his feet at Tottenham.

  17. All i no is this no matter how fit you keep yourself no matter what you think of yourselves the one thing that fades is your youthful reactions.I no because i have past 40 20 years ago and Lloris would have tipped Cahills shot over the bar. No matter how fast the ball is travelling if your hands are not in the way you have no chance of saving it . This applied to Matas second goal Brad stood concrete legged because at 41 your brain wants to react but your body is behind it. What must 25 year old Lloris think when he watches Brad concede every week yet the blame is targeted at the defense and because we won its forgotten. With England’s admission energy drugs like Caffeine are being swallowed being 41 and 35 is to old to compete against 24 year old Matas legs. Our defence with these in the team are Walker 22 Brad 41 Gallas 35 Caulker 20 Vert 25. This would be my team Walker 22 Lloris 25 Dawson 28 ( Kaboul 25) Caulker 20 Vert25 . I will stake my reutation has an energy watchdog with three changes we would have beat Chelsea energized younger team Townsend for Bale Dawson for Gallas Lloris for Brad.

    • You really cannot blame Friedel for those goals. There were fundamental mistakes made by others beforehand…. You cannot rely on the keeper to mop up other’s mistakes all the time. ALL four of those goals had errors by Gallas, Livermore, Walker…. before you get to Friedel. Lloris woulda, coulda…mate you really do not know. Besides, Lloris WILL make mistakes coming from another league….just as De Gea did, as they acclimatize… I watched Friedel vs Norwich, and if it wasn’t for him, we would have lost by 2 goals. Chelsea were the better team, so why dwell on it??

      • So why did we make three of there goals having more poses-ion Tony and creating more chances means we was coping. And has for blaming Friedel you arenthere when your defence makes mistakes but its funny 35 and 41 failed in both counts. If you think Brads a good keeper he would still be at Liverpool he is a very nice man and a great club man but his main strengths are waist high shots across is goal comming of his line and commanding his are do me a favor and look at our games again. You will see Walker ended up over the advertising boards because Brad never came out to help him. You can defend him all you like but in the end like Robbo before him i will be proved right Gomes without his gaff and Cud are just has good if not better.

  18. Seen the form of the events, I recommend to Lloris to leave as quickly as possible in a BIG club which knows how to make the difference between a good player and a player of world class…
    You do not deserve him, it’s also simple as that.
    And your great 42-year-old GK, he would have better made integrate his team-mate into the team rather than put a spoke in the wheel to him.
    If you want to become a big of Europe, I wish you to be more lucid.

  19. We know Friedal is not going to be option in the long term. So time to get Lloris up and running, knowing that we have Friedal available. If Lloris does have a nightmare now, we have a backup. Also I think he is better goalie. Friedel standing still for Mata’s shot was quite irritating. No attempt even made. He tends to not do anything that will make him look bad. Common AVB – make the decision and move on. He cannot really lose by dropping Friedel. There are few other positions he will need to resolve soon viz Adebayor, Gallas, Dempsey

  20. Ants
    Perhaps you don`t understand I was compering Two forwards,what has Phil Neville got to do with it ? Champions league winners,
    Bye the way it brought Chelsea a lot of Dosh in,wish it had been Spurs,as for Kyle Walker,potential yes,top flight not yet,maybe one soon I hope !!

  21. silly questions should not be answered. Lloris is a world class keeper end of story. with the players we have, when there are no injuries I would like to see a team of Lloris,Walker,Caulker,Kaboul, BAE. Sandro,Dembele,Vertonghen.
    Lennon , Ade, Bale.

  22. lloris .. he is one of the best goalkeeper in the world but friedel he is 41.. and if you see for last game with him in the goal all of the goal go for left corner and he stand always in the middle of the goal and do not move from there .. for me hugo lloris is spurs no.1

  23. Consider Friedel a good goalkeeper has already an overrated statement. In fact, he’s just average (or even under average).

    He should take part of the responsibilities of the four goals (at least the first three goals) conceded to Chelsea. Take the second one as an example, do you expect a so-called “good go alkeeper” doing nothing but watching the ball rolling across the line. He didn’t try moving his steps or stretching his left leg.

    Unless AVB is an idiot or wants to lose intentionally, I don’t see any reasons

  24. Firstly, I just want to say that I think AVB is doing a great job in the early days of tenure as Spurs manager.

    However, I think that due to past errors in judgement, in terms of his man-management style, while at the helm of Chelsea, he is being a little over cautious when it comes to making bold decisions regarding team selection, for fear that it could impact greatly on the morale of the dressing room.

    For example, the first game after signing Dembele, against Norwich, he opted to choose Livermore who had played the previous two games, and in truth did very little wrong, instead of making the bolder (and yet more logical) decision in starting his more creative new signing. A decision which I believe was designed to establish a position of trust and faith amongst his new squad. In giving Livermore the nod ahead of his expensive new signing, AVB showed Jake, and the rest of the squad that he is prepared to give any player opportunities to play/ keep the spot, providing they perform well.

    AVB has since used the same trick with Defoe, Dempsey and now Friedel.

    The sentiment behind this theology may be noble, and the idea itself may even be wise in the early stages of his stint as Spurs manager, as many of the players would have been suspicious of his man-management style given what happened to him during his brief spell at Chelsea.

    However, there has to be a time when AVB stops trying so hard to win the approval of certain individuals within the squad, for the sake of results and the long-term benefit of the team.

    In my opinion, AVB played a blinder in giving Lloris the no1 shirt for the last two games before the international break, preventing the French media, and Deschamps from whipping up a storm about the keepers lack of first-team action and potentially unsettling Hugo further while he was away. He also sent Lloris on international duty with the belief/hope that he was finally making a real breakthrough at Spurs, allowing the Frenchman to go back to his native country with his head held high amongst his peers.

    AVB had finally given himself the perfect opportunity to install Lloris as his no1, now he had finally removed the American stopper from that position, halting Friedels incredible record in the process.
    A opportunity he surely missed when reinstating Brad to the line-up on the weekend.

    If AVB is continue to win the hearts and minds of the Spurs ‘faithful’, then its vital that he continues to place his long-term vision for the team/club ahead of any individual relationships with the players, as the way to maintain/develop a happy environment is to install a CLEAR long-term strategy, as well as providing results.

    I am sure that the more he feels he is established as the man in charge, the more he will be bold in his decision making.

    • Livermore is unbeleivably crap and Lloris needs to be number 1 and Avb needs to stop being a thick pussy and stop trying to defend leads when we are in the ascendensy.

  25. To me, this matter does not even need debating. Lloris is very clearly no. 1 and Friedel, no. 2. As simple as this. Cannot AVB realise this?


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