Kyle Walker’s defending came under the spotlight again last night, particularly with the needless free kick that led to Lyon’s early goal. It’s been a difficult second season for the right back and a proportion of supporters have been suggesting that his place may come under pressure next season.

That pressure could come from another member of the squad – Adam Smith who has been impressing on loan at Millwall and with the England Under 21 squad in this campaign. Smith made a solitary appearance in the league cup for Spurs this season but his improvement suggested that he may be pushing Kyle next year.

However, there has been a change in fortunes at the New Den forcing Lions manager Kenny Jackett to suggest that recent mistakes have cost the Championship side. Smith was taken off at half time and blamed for two of Peterborough’s goals during a 5-1 defeat.

“Perhaps defensively [he’s made a few mistakes],” Jackett said. “It’s his longest spell of football in the Championship but Boyd got the better of him in the first half.

“Overall he’s done well for us. I’m sure he’ll come through it.”

Walker may well be retained as first choice right back for next season while those championing the case of Adam Smith may have to wait a little longer.



  1. would like to see Smith have a half season loan at a premier league club like Walker & Naughton did, but he does look very promising

  2. I rate Walker he is still an excellent player. The guy he was marking was dropping to the ground every time someone even looked at him and did so for that free kick. Without any action from the ref he continued diving and Walker was in an impossible situation.

  3. Walker is still learning his trade he is a threat coming forward and ightening pace gets him and the team out of trouble. He is a quality player and just needs to learn that if you touch some players they will hit the floor.
    I have to say that Lyon played more like the Gooners than the Arsenal do, playing for free kicks looking to score from set pieces not coming out of their own half.
    Sooooo pleased we bet those french tossers last night, Remmy Garde how do you feel ??????

  4. Sell Walker and Naughton for loads of money and use it to put towards the cost of two new strikers. Bring in Smith to replace them.

    Also sell Adebayor, Rose, Bentley, Dembele, Dempsey, Livermore and Sigurdsson.

    Give some first team game time to the best youngsters at the club.

    Buy Eriksen to compete with Holtby, Bale, Pritchard, Carroll and Cebellos for the creative midfield spots.

    • Andy – you sound like you’re a whisky away from telling AVB to simply play the youth team instead of our first team! What’s Dembele done to upset you? Why sell Rose – he’s been very good out at Sunderland? And Pritchard, Carroll and Ceballos, whilst good, are not Premier League starting players yet.

    • Can’t believe this is a serious comment!! Sell Dembele and Dempsey, sell Adebayor when he’s only just got back to playing a lone striker role that he excelled at last season? I know today is a throwaway society but that’s madness! Then bring in the youngsters that failed so miserably in last seasons europa league under ‘arry – yeah that makes sense… a fantasist.
      Cut Walker some slack – remember the last leg at WHL how he and Lennon combined on the right – do you think Smith could do that if he’s making mistakes in the C-ship? Like somebody said that negative french team fell over more than drunks at chucking out time. The ref was a mug and encouraged them. He even spotted the dive looking for a penalty but didn’t book the tosser, that would wind me up if I was a defender too.
      Some people are jumping on the band wagon, becoming obsessed with Walker’s every move, ignoring his many good touches but screaming like maniacs at his “mistakes” even when the opponent obviously went down looking for a free-kick.

  5. Can’t hurt to have the likes of Steven Caulker, Kyle Naughton, Jake Livermore, Tom Carroll, Andros Townsend and Adam Smith to call upon and offer some competition next season.

  6. Mainly a speed merchant who sometimes lacks defensive awareness. Compensates for this with his speed. Very rarely puts a decisive cross over for the striker, so his attacking ability is also lacking.

    Sell him for good money and bring in someone more reliable and with a better understanding of the game.

  7. Another stupid question from that idiot Matthew Harris.

    Smith has made mistakes lately which have cost Millwall points and their manager has said he has got to learn from it. Walker gets into England squads.


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