Head coach Andre Villas-Boas reports that there is an outside chance that Jermain Defoe could be fit to start tomorrow’s North London derby but Clint Dempsey remains sidelined with a calf problem.

“Jermain has trained with the team for the last two days and will train again tomorrow,” AVB said.

You feel that Andre would try to slot JD in if at all possible but is he fit enough to start a game of this magnitude?

The striking issue could be the only question in terms of personnel and in all other areas of the pitch, the starting XI may well be unchanged from that which began the West Ham game on Monday night.

AVB has a habit of switching the defence around but at the moment, BAE is struggling for form at left back. Jan Vertonghen has said that this isn’t his preferred position but the Belgian is currently part of a first choice back four that includes Walker, Dawson and Caulker.

It’s hard to see anyone making way in the midfield although Gylfi Sigurdsson may be pressing for a start following his first Premier League goal for the club.

Here’s how we think Spurs will line up with Defoe waiting on the bench but what’s your view?




  1. Hard choice in the defence to start caulker or vert in the center and who to play on the left, but everything else is fine, i think benny could cpoe with arsenal though 🙂 coys!

  2. You have Holtby and Bale is the wrong positions. Holtby is left-footed, that’s how Bale has been freed up. Meanwhile, I can’t decide who is the bigger weak link on present form, Ade or Dempsey. But certainly Dempsey isn’t up to it – at least Ade has the potential to be good.

    Looking forward to watching the Chelsea-West Brom game today to see if we can go into tomorrow’s game 3rd.

  3. …………….hugi lloris…………..
    …………………..ade(first half)defoe….

  4. First of all its great to see Andre with such selection head aches ahead of the biggest game of the season so far and I hope he gets them right iv no doubt he will.on the team I think it’s important to play a proper left back in Benny against wallcott cause in the past when jan came up against fast tricky wingers he has struggled and no fault cause his bit used to playing out there . Also you can’t drop holtby he has being great since coming in and his enthusiasm will suit this game down to a tee and he will give it everything he can for 60 mins them bring siggy on. Another thing is that I think ade should be up top to start cause he always brings his best against arsenal but Andre needs to tell him to be in his best behaviour cause going down to 10 men would be fatal for us all that into consideration here’s my team …..
    Walker Dawson verthonghan Benny
    Dembele Parker
    Lennon holtby bale
    I’m calling a 2-1 spurs wing or spurs with bale and ade with our goals … COME ON YOU SPURS

  5. All those wanting Vertonghen to start at LB are insane, he has no pace and was given the runaround by Joe Cole. Barring games against Shrek hoofball teams like Stoke and West Ham, he should be playing in the middle.

    Walker Dawson Vertonghen BAE
    Parker Dembele
    Lennon Bale Holtby

  6. On current form, I wouldn’t pick that team.

    Lennon, Dembele, Parker, Adebayor and Walker have all been generally off form in the last few games. Walker has been off form all season. Bring back Smith to challenge Walker or buy a new left back. In the meantime there is no one else as Naughton isn’t good enough, so Spurs will have to play Walker for the moment.

    This formation could work well:

    Walker Dawson Vertonghen B.A.E.
    Dembele Carroll
    Holtby Bale Sigurdsson

    • I like your team in an attacking sense, but this is a NLD…who’s going to do all the tackling? If Diaby plays, I think Arsenal would totally dominant this midfield….Also, why Holtby on the right when he’s a lefty, and Siggy vice versa?

  7. I meant bring in a new right back. Sell Walker and Naughton for loads of money and put it towards bringing in two new strikers.

  8. we have to play caulker for aerial threat in set-pieces n wil also need to attack dem fully in the 1st half so i wil go with
    bommer big thorgan caulker bae
    lennon dembele holtby bale
    sub to b made are defoe(65),parker(72) and caroll(80)

  9. Scott Parker is our weak link. While Adebayor is on an appalling run of form at the moment, against Arsenal, he will surely have a tad of motivation. Scott however is not the player he was. Awful against the Hammers targeted by the Lyon players. He hasnt had a single decent game since his return. Livermore would be no worse then Parker at the moment (and that says it all). My XI would be: Lloris, Walker, Vertonghen, Caulker, BAE, Dembele, Holtby, Bale, Siggurdson, Lennon, and by default Adebayor. Sig to play out left, but Holtby Bale and him to rotate as the match flows. A bit attacking with a midfield of Dembele, Holtby, Bale. But I cant stomach having Parker in the 11. Put Carroll in there and see what he does against Wilshere. just not the 32 yo jack russell. please.

  10. Agree with Declan that Parker has been our weak link of late, as much as I do like him as a player and competitor. We are missing Sandro greatly. I would start Hotlby in front of Parker/Dembele, but slightly deeper than usual to get the midfield domination early on. If Corzola is given too much space he will kill us. Start Bale wide on the left running at Jenkinson, and float in and out as he has been doing. Wenger, despite what he says, will set them up expecting Bale to start in the middle, so AVB could surprise him here. Siggy in for Holtby on halfway point second half. Ade to start (as much as I hate it) and Defoe on in second half. Dont agree that Caulker needs to play for aerial threat of Arsenal….its on the ground with Wilshere,Corzola,Walcott they are most dangerous so Vertonghen should partner Dawson with Walker/BAE the fullbacks. I like Vertongen,but he’s a liability at left FB, as shown by West Ham often getting in behind and beating his offside trap. COYS!!

  11. His name is Lewis Holtby
    He’s number 23
    I just cant get enough I just cant get enough
    He came from Gelsenkirchen when Sandro hurt his knee
    I just cant get enough I just cant get enough
    He scores a goal and the Yids go wild and I just cant seem to get enough of.. Da da da da da da da da da da da ….. LEWIS HOLTBY

  12. My Team for NLD would be
    Walker Caulker Vertonghen Benny
    Parker Dembele
    Lennon Bale Holtby

    Think we need Caulker for his areal threat on dead balls, hence why I have selected him in front of Dawson. Think Sigurdson really deserves a start but for this game I would still go for Lennon for his tracking back (even though he looks like he needs a rest after this game) and for Holtby for his pressing ability and busyness. Ade and Parker are starting due to lack of better

  13. A little late in answering, but I would say that the starting eleven should be: Lloris; Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, BAE; Lennon, Dembele, Sigurdsson, Bale; Holtby; Adebayor. Subs: Friedel; Caulker, Naughton; Parker, Livermore, Carroll; Defoe.
    Scotty Parker hasn’t been sharp enough to deserve to start such a big match. Also, I feel that we need pace which is why Assou-Ekotto and Bale must remain on the wing and make Jenkinson suffer. COYS! I’m predicting a three-one win for us today.


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