Pablo Osvaldo is a name that appeared in the transfer rumour columns about a year ago but as the season draws to a close, Spurs are being heavily linked with a summer move for the 27 year old striker.

Osvaldo has an impressive record since joining Roma from La Liga side Espanyol in 2011 and for the last three seasons, the Argentine born Italian international has comfortably averaged a goal every other game.

Tottenham have been linked with some big money strikers in the last few days and some of the names would generally be beyond our reach in terms of transfer fees and the wages involved. However, the key to the links could be Emmanuel Adebayor.

The Togolese has struggled badly in his first full season with the club and AVB’s patience may be set to run out. With Ade offered in part exchange, maybe the Osvaldo rumour – amongst others – isn’t so far fetched after all.



  1. By, “struggled badly,” you mean that Ade — when given a chance meanders slowly around the field and miss every chance served up to him (something must have gone awry for him when he scored against Inter). He must have a yellow card to match every shot he’s made on goal.

    As for Osvaldo, I’ve never seen him play, so can’t really comment — but 27 seems old. I’d much prefer younger players that can understudy Defoe next season while getting accustomed to AVB’s style.


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