After a run of twelve league matches without defeat, Spurs have now lost two in a row with Chelsea re-claiming third place and Arsenal maintaining the pressure with a 2-0 win away to Swansea. Sunday games following a midweek Europa tie have often ended with a similar outcome for the club but head coach Andre Villas-Boas refused to blame fatigue in the wake of our 1-0 home defeat at the hands of Fulham.

“We played lots of players who were not involved recently and had a couple of fresh legs on the pitch – five at least,” AVB told Sky reporters after the match.

“It was difficult and it is two defeats in a row in the Premier League and we wanted to avoid that because we were on a good run,” Andre added.

“We had a decent game, but we couldn’t create as much as we normally create at home offensively.

“So our main chances were at the beginning in the first half and late in the second half, but we couldn’t create as much as wanted to take the win.

“It was one of those defeats we have to reflect on. The desire and effort was there, but things just didn’t go our way in terms of football.”

Spurs are now four points ahead of Arsenal who have a game in hand and following the international break, our next league games takes us to the Liberty Stadium where Swansea await.




  1. We’re looking fooked, again. Top 4 will not include us, again. We’ll be left to rue missed signings, again. We’re about to lose our best player, again. God this is getting boring, again.

      • I’m sick of this too. Backing my team? I come here, and thats pretty good eh? We all want out team to win, and everybody have a different way to go about it. Losing to Fulham at this juncture is not acceptable. Not if you want top 4. Arsenal go to Swans and they win, Fulham come to the Lane and we fall dead? I am already setting myself up for dissapointment. We do not know how to do this.

  2. Yes today was a poor display, but now is NOT the time for self-doubt. Now is the time to show our mettle and BELIEVE in the club we all profess to love.

    So we lost 2 games in the space of a week, IT HAPPENS!!!

    What is IMPORTANT now is HOW WE RESPOND, club and supporters alike.
    So give it a couple days if you need to. Dwell in the disappointment of a tough week if you CHOOSE, but then dust yourself’s off, stick two fingers up at the doubters and REFOCUS YOUR ENERGIES TOWARDS THE JOB AT HAND…reaching the CL!!!!

    There are 9/8 games left of the season, and everything is all to play for. Yes we’ve made it hard for ourselves,but when has Tottenham EVER taken the easy route????

    We CAN and WILL still finish in that top 4!


    • I’d love to agree with you.
      But…. This is looking like a classic SPURS end of season. W have a squad/manager/set-up to finish in the top 4 every year. Let’s get it togeher and support our boys.
      In Levy and AVB we trust

  3. “We wanted to avoid losing two league games in a row” (AVB) — Yeah, I’d say so. But Spurs always manages to pull the rabbit out of the hat at this stage of the season. A lot better opposition than Fulham coming up, and away games too — so plenty more where those two in a row came from. WOYS — Weep on you Spursfans

  4. don’t panic, were on track, spurs will turn this around. But 2 strikers are a must now, the service they will get will be second to none, shame that JD And ADE can’t covert.

  5. Hi

    Why do you think we will turn it around? How are we going to turn it around? It does not help when the gaffers makes coach makes odd selections and tactical decisions

    I am just hoping we get azza back in two week and maybe restore Bale to the left flank and give Tom Carroll a start

  6. Oh shut up you tart. We are still in 4th place and we have the international break for some of our players to rest up. It will ne like a fresh start. We will win at Swansea and beat Everton at home. Don’t forget that the rear gunners game in hand is Man City so no guarantees for them there. If we can get past Chelski and Man City with a couple of draws at least then we have 3 very winnable games to finish off what will be a far better season than anyone predicted ot thought we would have. Keep the faith. COYS !!!!!

  7. “Seismic shift in North London power”
    “Arsenal has-beens!”
    Lots of hostile comments about AFC by sudden surge in THFC fans!
    So forgive me for being slightly ecstatic at the results over the weekend.. Remember how much money SPUDS have spent!! Along with mighty LFC this season.. Interesting!!! COYG

  8. Shut up. You f……. seven sisters sluts……….
    We have been the best team in north London for some time. Ever since lasagne-gate and your 3-2 win with a very odd goalkeaping performance, everybody but the frenchies know that SPURS have overtaken the top dog spot………………..
    2 strikers and we are challenging for the title.

    • Well, try not to spend to much and be in Arsenal position. Can you? How many player you had signed last season? Dembele, Sigurdsson, Dempsey, Lloris, Holtby, Vertonghen, and so on and so on… We only buy Cazorla and Podolski, plus Monreal but can still compete for the Champions League spot. Spending a lot doesn’t guarantee class, dude. Different case for Real Madrid. Now you learn it mate, you are a one man team. When Bale is not around, you are clearly a joke.

  9. Avb needs to stop playing this high line it cost him his job at chelsea,he is totally to blame he picks the team been saying all season we will get found out we just do not score enough goals apart from bale should have bought berbertov back a bloke who can control the ball and score.
    Ade bad buy has to be one of the worst I have seen at the lane cant trap a bag of sand and as far defoe spends more time on the floor moaning.
    Freidel,gallas,livermore should never be anywhere near the 1st team also siggu holtby naughton subs bench at best another season in the europa league avb starting to sound like redknapp making excuses when things are going wrong you pick the team mug stand by the choices you make,if ade is still here next year my season ticket is going back cannot stomach this waste of space anymore


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