The big news is that Jermain Defoe is out of tonight’s game as he re-joins long term injury victims Sandro and Younes Kaboul on the sidelines. However, Hugo LLoris and Clint Dempsey return to the squad.

“Hugo is back in training, Clint is also fully involved after his international fixtures but Jermain is a new injury blow,” Andre said.

“Jermain is likely to miss the next two games against Basel and Everton but has a small chance for the second leg against Basel.”

With JD out, it seems almost certain that Adebayor will play as the lone striker but many fans are hoping that AVB leaves the lethargic looking Togolese on the bench with Gareth Bale as the lone striker. That move could also solve a problem of where to play Dempsey with Bale having occupied his usual central midfield slot in recent weeks.

As we reach the quarter final stages, it seems unlikely that the coach will make too many changes from the side that beat Swansea at the weekend. Here’s how we think Spurs will start – we may not necessarily agree with it – but what’s your view?



  1. I can’t see bale starting on the left. He will play central and either Dempsey or sig will start left. Neither fill me with much confidence , in particular Dempsey. We need players to hit form now in particular Ade, Lennon and Defoe. We need goals from the team. If we get them this could be a special season for us.

  2. Friedel; LB ekotto; RB Naughton CB Dawson & Caulker CM carroll & Livermore; LM holtby; CAM Siggy; RM Lennon; ST Adebayor.

    My team 🙂

  3. Walker is banned so it will be Naughton at RB. I personally never want to see Gallas in a Spurs shirt again so I would prefer Caulker. Maybe also THud to give Dembele or Parker a breather before Everton on Sunday.

    GK Friedel
    RB Naughton CB Caulker CB Vertonghen LB BAE
    RM Lennon CM THud CM Parker LM Siggy
    CAM Bale
    CF Cashabayor

  4. If he picks this side we will be kicked out of the competition.

    Walker is suspended – so I would expect Naughton to play right back.

  5. ——————–LLoris——————-

  6. Considering the opposition, the strength of our squad and the game on the weekend I would happily send this side out to fabsle in the first leg:


    Naughton Caulker Vertonghen BAE


    Parker Holtby

    Lennon Bale Dempsey


    Would be great opportunity to reintroduce Kaboul back into the depending on his fitness and score line (after 65mins)

  7. Walker is suspended for this one. And there’s need to keep the team fresh, as AVB stated after the Swansea win…

    Naughton; Gallas; Caulker; BAE
    Huddlestone; Parker
    Lennon; Holtby; Bale

  8. archer
    WORLD GREATEST….ceballos

    adebayor,gallas n friedel has pass their peak

  9. Drop the liabilities! Friedel and Gallas were simply awful against inter and should never play for tottenham again, this is a Europa League quarter final against a very good team and you’d be an ignoramus to say otherwise! Our strongest 11 should be out for this match GK:Lloris RB:Walker CB:Vertonghen and Dawson LB:Ekotto RM:Lennon CM:Dembele and Parker CAM:Bale LM:Siggy ST:Adebayor
    Bench: Friedel, Caulker, Carrol, Dempsey, Coulthirst/Ceballos (think either of these lads fully deserve a shot but are only to be used if we’re sailing through) excited for this match, just hope we are professional in both legs this time! COME ON YOU SPURS!

  10. Friedel – Needs some gametime and has been a constant figure in the Europa League all season.
    Naughton – Walker is banned so Naughts is only option.
    Gallas and Caulker – Daws and Vertoghen need a rest and I think saving them for Everton and return leg where we will be forced to defend more is key.
    Huddleston and Parker – Dembele is playing constantly and is a key player for top four charge. He needs a rest and to be fit for Sunday and away leg.
    Lennon Holtby Bale – Lennon and Bale pick themselves and as for Holtby, he needs a real chance to show what he can do. I think that night is tonight!
    Dempsey – Before he got injured Dempsey was on a decent run of form and i think he will at least work hard and be more influential on a European game than any of our other options.

    • Also BAE at left back and would bring on Coulthihurst or Cellabos as they have been great in the youth team all year.


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