Spurs had been widely linked with a move for Hulk during his days at Porto and the arrival at White Hart Lane of his former boss Andre Villas-Boas only served to fuel those rumours for a time. However, the player’s transfer fee and wages always looked to be some way out of our league and so it proved when the Brazilian signed a multi, multi million pound deal to join Zenit St Petersburg.

But the striker has never settled in Russia – his fee wages sparked a revolt among existing players as soon as he arrived and the situation has barely improved. Just two months ago, a fall out with manager Luciano Spalletti prompted Hulk to speak about his desire to play in the Premiership.

“My future? I love the Premier League,” said Hulk at the time.

“The Premier League is a great competition with great clubs. If I have time, I watch the matches on television.”

Naturally this had led to isolated links with Spurs but it’s a suggestion that AVB has been quick to dismiss.

“He was my player and scored 36 goals in one season but it’s impossible he will make a move here because of the wages that he earns,” Andre says in the Guardian.

“He may have options in the summer but to a club like Tottenham his transfer fee is also impossible.”

So the proposition of Super Jan and the Hulk lining up is indeed an impossible one even if the player is likely to be made available after the 1st of June.



  1. Spure need hulk he is perfect partner with left sided winger gareth bale this both powerfull speedy winger break the lock defence and attaking abbility—–spures NEED TO BUY HULK—WITH–MEHNDI BENATIA, ALEX SONG, JOAO MOUNTINHO, NIKOLAS GAITAN, HIGUIN, LEANARDO DAMIAO, LUCK SHAW, RAFHINA


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