Transfer talk had largely been put on hold ahead of Tottenham’s most important game of the season but the one rumour doing the rounds was sending Emmanuel Adebayor to Ligue 1 big spenders Monaco. Ade had frustrated us all with some lethargic performances, all of which seemed to culminate in that penalty miss and less than contrite reaction against Basel.

Last night, the striker showed the other side to his game – the one where he is one of the most dangerous strikers in the Premiership and he scored a brilliant first, before deftly setting up Gylfi Sigurdsson for the second equaliser.

The whole display drew deserved praise from his manager, Andre Villas-Boas.

“Adebayor’s performance was absolutely outstanding,” AVB said afterwards.

“He’s been struggling with knee pain and he put himself forward for the team with a great game and a great performance.”

Ade was a controversial choice ahead of Jermain Defoe but he justified that selection to leave fans asking why this type of performance only appears on such rare occasions. Two more similar displays could prevent a summer transfer away from the club but would you prefer not to take the chance and to sell Emmanuel Adebayor to the highest bidder – assuming there is one?



  1. Adebayor has only played well in two games this season. That is not enough to justify the risk of him staying at the club next season.

  2. Adebayor has been rubbish all season but was up for it last night and you cant help feeling that it was because he wanted to beat the Arse from 4th place. He is a petty man riddled with vendettas and paranoias. Its no surprise his only sending off was against the Arse because its all about him (look at his goal celebration when he scored against them at Man City). His penalty in the Europa Cup would’ve hit the top corner if it was Szezny in goal!

    He’s a one season player, has been at every club. No coincidence Wenger, Mancini, Mourinho couldn’t wait to get rid of him.

  3. Too little too late, i used to think he was lazy, i now feel he has various mental flaws which obviously hinder his game immensly. I want shot of ASAP.

  4. He must be bonkers. He fought hard last night and looked a different player from the off. His touch was good and he had both feet moving in the directions he intended ( not always the case ). Where has he been all bloody season? I can’t understand it. If he drags us through the next 2 games with goals and assists would we consider keeping him?

  5. I believe Ade has failed to get going for a number of the following reasons:

    1. No pre-season.
    2. New manager, new tactics and style of play.
    3. Injury.
    4. ACON CUP
    5. New players/no Modric or VDV.
    6. No ‘Arry Love

    But despite all of these excuses/ potential reasons for Ade’s (over-hyped, in my view) dip in form this season, I think the main source behind his paltry goal tally of 4 league goals has been a LACK OF CONFIDENCE.

    It’s not rocket science. Confidence is the life-force of any player but especially with strikers. I DON’T think Adebayor has lacked commitment this season, I just think his confidence had been shot.

    Scoring the odd tap in is one thing, but scoring a worldie from outside the box, against top-class opposition is quite another. It’s no coincidence that as soon as he scored that goal he was a man transformed….After all, If you don’t feel confident after scoring a goal like that, you NEVER will.

    We all know of Ade’s potential, he’s scored enough goals against Spurs in the past to suggest he’s got quality. But in my opinion, Ade is a guy who responds to high-emotion, whether that is a certain managerial style, the adoration of the support or a big game environment.

    I expect to see a different Adebayor between now and the end of the season.

    Top 4 here we come.


  6. Same for me….2 or 3 good games in a season is not good enough. Cant stand seeing this useless ex-Gooner in a Spurs shirt anymore…hes been sh!t all season. The Fraudley Harrison of football!!!

  7. Bandy legged, no control, runs around with the ball until he gets his legs in a tangle or dispossessed, or just kicks the ball to the opposition….totally fukkin useless cun+!!!

  8. After the way he played last night it just goes to show he has been cheating the the club,fans and himself have not seen him play like that since he left arsenal, if he had applied himself like that earlier we would be in the top three now.
    Its too late now to start playing he has to be moved on you can;t have players just turning up when they feel like it.

  9. Ade as a rotational player would not be terrible. Far better than having to watch Parker provide nothing offensively and negative play defensively – for all his supposed work rate, he let Oscar free for the first goal and let Ramires prance down the pitch unmarked for the second. What’s the use of a defensive midfielder if he can’t play defense???

  10. sometimes,you guys comment in a goofy manner without pondering about the whole scenario! Take a look,went for AFC,returned lately,not too fit with thigh problem…No Modric,Change of position from 11 to 7 by Bale,no effective delivery,Gosh! What did you expect? What about the likes of Vanpersie,Suarex playing straight 8 & 6 games respectively without scoring? Before you criticise,scrutinise what’s to be talk about Ade very well..


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