The big news from a Tottenham point of view surrounds Moussa Dembele and the claim from Andre Villas-Boas that the player will be fully fit and ready to take his place in central midfield for this crucial game at the Britannia.

“Moussa will train tomorrow with the team and we expect him to come back fully fit and be ready for selection,” said AVB following Friday’s training session.

If that is the case, the Belgian is more than likely to come straight back into the side but who will gave way – Parker or Huddlestone?

Elsewhere, Andre finally seems to have decided on his first choice back four so should we expect to see Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen and BAE line up once again?

Up front, Emmanuel Adebayor’s goal against Chelsea is likely to see him keep his place ahead of Jermain Defoe so that leaves the only questions in midfield. Along with the Dembele conundrum, will AVB give Sigurdsson a start after his goal sealed a point at Stamford Bridge?

Here’s how we think it will start but what’s your opinion?



  1. 4-2-3-1
    loris, walker, dawson, caulker, vertonghen,
    parker dembele,
    siggy, lennon, bale
    Switching to 4-3-3
    Holtby for Parker

  2. …………………Lloris…………………..

    Walker,Dawson,Caulker, Vertonghen,

    Lennon, Huddlestone, Dembele, siggy



    After our defensive nightmare at chelsea i think we need to give caulker a start against a physical stoke team.. And hopefully we don`t start Parker who in my opinion his time is up at spurs.. COYS!

  3. ……………………………Lloris……………………
    Vertonghen… Vertonghen…Vertonghen..Vertonghan



    ………………..Ade …………………

  4. 4-4-2 for this one, lloris walker Dawson caulker verthongen, siggurdson dembele Carroll bale, Defoe ADE subs Friedal naughton BAE huddlestone holtby lennon dempsey

  5. lloris
    walker dawson caulker vertonghen
    huddlestone dembele
    lennon bale sigurdsson

    Perfect game for huddlefro, Stoke’s midfield is just as slow as him. He scored the winner the last time we won at the Britannia as well. If Dembele isn’t fit then Holtby to play instead.

  6. ……………………………LLORIS………………………………….WALKER………DAWSON…….CAULKER……..VERTONGHEN..LENNON…..HUDDLESTONE….DEMBELE…………B.A.E……………………………………BALE…………………………………………………………….SIGURDSSON……………………………. I think BAE is very skilful and needs to use that skill up front rather than taking chances with it at the back and I think its worth giving Sigurdsson a chance up front I think he would do a better job than Adebayor but if Siggy can’t score in the first half then we can bring on Defoe. COYS

  7. Lloris
    Walker – Dawson – Caulker – Vertonghen
    Huddlestone – Dembele
    Lennon – Sigurðsson – Bale

  8. 433 as I guess they will play 442 so extra man in midfield to pick passes! I’d go with….

    Walker caulker vert benny

    Holtby. …. Hudd. Dembele

    Siggy…. Ade…. Bale

  9. Lloris – the usual in goal. Solid as.

    Walker- Dawson Caulker – Vertoghen – Need height across the back to counter Stokes physicality.

    Dembele Huddolstone – Perfect combo of strength power and precision.

    Lennon Bale Sigurdsson – Siggy was great against Chelski and other two are certanties.

    Adebayor – Been good lately , especially on Wednesday.

  10. ………….Lloris…………….

    i like to see t.hudd sitting deep orchestrating with is range of passing, dembele driving the ball forward pushin stoke back with carrol recycling likes to give people a short option and always looks to move the ball forward with simple short passes, lennon and bale speak for themselves and ade although not great all season i dont expect to see him score but against a psychical team like stoke i think he got a better chance of holdin onto the ball to bring bale, dembele, and jan into range and if carrolls goal in training with england is something to go by get him in pace and you might see him at least give the keeper something to think about.

  11. I see 2-1 coming from a mile away. 1-1 going into the final 80 minutes, and then a wonder goal at the finish to continue this drama into the final week!!!

  12. Lloris; Walker, Dawson, Caulker, Vertonghen; Dembele, Sigurdsson, Holtby; Lennon, Adebayor, Bale.

    Height at the back, pace out on the wings. Confidence should be high for Adebayor right about now as he wonders whether he’s back or it’s just an unusual blip for him, so it’s rather pointless switching in Jermain Defoe yet. Let’s do this, COYS.


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