Having just missed out on Champions League qualification once again, Spurs head coach Andre Villas-Boas has called for squad strengthening at White Hart Lane in the summer. AVB believes that the Premiership is getting tougher and while some would argue against his assertion that Liverpool will be top four contenders next year, the need for a stronger squad at White Hart Lane is undeniable.

“We had to be aware, independent of making it or not – and we didn’t make it – that we would have to raise the bar again because our competitors will do the same,” Andre said.

“They will do their job in window and we must do ours, in the Tottenham way, scouting properly and looking for good grabs in summer window to make it a stronger squad.”

Meanwhile, Daniel Levy has promised new signings in his end of season message to the supporters.

“Looking ahead to the summer, we shall continue to seek to strengthen and improve the team and to retain key players,” Levy wrote on the club’s official website.

“We also look forward to the return of Sandro and Younes (Kaboul) who were missed this season but who are well on the road to full fitness.”

Hanging on to our best players is imperative but will fifth place mean we have to scour the bargain basements again or can we expect some real stellar signings in the close season?




  1. just make sure we sign 2 very good strikers to start with and that will be a very big improvement in the team.


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