With the clock ticking down to the start of the transfer window, the time has surely come for Spurs to offload some of the fringe players that stand no chance whatsoever of making an impact on the first team next season.

It is hoped that unsatisfactory loan deals will come to an end under the new manager and the first man set to depart could be reserve keeper Heurelho Gomes. The Brazilian impressed during a loan spell at Hoffenheim before injury forced a return to White Hart Lane but his performances in the Bundesliga should herald a move away from North London.

“Even though I only started playing in January, I showed I can play a high level,” Gomes is quoted by Radio Gazeta AM.

“I will only stay at Tottenham if I can play. If I can’t show my work, I will seek an organised team with a good project, be it in Brazil or abroad.”

A further likely departure is David Bentley who has been linked with West Ham and West Brom this week. The Hammers are among a growing list of clubs who the player has underwhelmed after a previous loan spell was cut short so this seems a strange suggestion, but maybe a link to the Hawthorns has legs.

Whatever happens in the coming weeks, it’s hoped that AVB will show a more ruthless approach to the deadwood than the previous regime.



  1. I hate the phrase “dead wood”, but I think you may have defined it perfectly there. It is NOT players that you think that we can improve upon, it is those players that have no chance of impacting the first team. Gomes & Bentley are certainly that.

    • Your right about deadwood. How about getting shot of those 35000 caravans that block the fucking north circ up on a Saturday. COYIS!

  2. I reckon the following sales could happen, though there are a few “possibles”!

    Adebayor (possibly)
    Assou-Ekotto (possibly)
    Huddlestone (possibly)

    I reckon that would free up enough wage bill and some transfer income to then get us 2 strikers (Villa, Damiao/Benteke) and maybe a winger to cover/push Lennon, and possibly a left-back (although we do have Rose coming back and Fryers in the reserves).

    What do people think?

    • Believe that Bentley and Gallas are out of contract. Personally would keep BAE, but make him fight for his place with Rose or A.N.Other. Would keep Parker, but he will be more a back up. Naughton must be under threat, and if better players than Siggy and Dempsey become available, they will be heading towards the exit.

      • Yeah they are out of contract – just figured them in as it would get their wages off the bill finally. I would like to keep BAE too but there have long been rumblings that a) AVB doesn’t fancy him all to much (not sure if I believe that, though) and b) he is a target for other clubs. And however much he loves Spurs, he puts his money first! Parker I’m not too fussed about as I have always rated Sandro as the superior player and so if Parker and Livermore both left, we would still have a roster of central midfield players of Sandro, Dembele, Holtby, Huddlestone, Carroll, Sigg (can play there) and remember Bale marauds across the centre now! Would probably need another experienced and creative player there though if possible – depends on money left after the strikers, who are the priorities. I agree that Naughton could be under threat (and Sigg and Dempsey too) but I think he is decent enough back-up to Walker to keep him around.

    • Personally I love Benni, but as I said in my reply above, I just wouldn’t be too surprised to see him go. I think he is pretty underrated and a solid defender who is good going forward, but a lot of people seem to be unconvinced – though that is generally by those who don’t watch Spurs regularly and just see his odd mistake replayed 50 times on MotD.

      • What didn’t help Benny’s cause was Hansen saying that “he was the worst player in the Prem”. Sadly this said more for Hansen’s declining powers of analysis, and lazy thought processes, than Benny (7 classy games in every 8, but game number 8 marked by the odd lapse). Benny may be Mr Marmite for Spurs fans, but I would keep him.

  3. According to the (spits on the ground) press, it looks like Gareth Bale may be leaving soon for silly money. Who would you spend the megabucks on? Or would you demand other players in part ex?

    • He won’t go till next year but in any event player exchange is better because Levy never properly re invests the money. He is essentially a con man who has perfected his business model for the eventual exit strategy, and been very clever at duping Spurs fans along the way. How many more last minute deals for big name players that fall through because of running out of time do we have to listen to before waking up to smell the coffee?!

  4. The following should be moved on
    Gallas, Bentley, Gomes, Huddlestone, Livermore, Naughton
    These players, possibly, so long as we can improve on them
    Parker, Assou Ekotto, Dempsey, Friedel, Adebayor,

  5. c’mon! u spurs ..feel mugged off we still need goals! class strikers fire power missing for years raise funds cash in old boys gomes fridel khumalo gallas parker bentley adebayor dempsey defoe £20.million ker-ching! prolific goal scorer…

  6. Spurs need to get rid of all their mediocre championship players:

    Livermore, Rose, Sigurdsson, Naughton, Dempsey.

    Get rid of players who have talent, but under performed this season:

    Adebayor, Dembele, Defoe.

    Get rid of players who have no chance to get in the first team:

    Bentley, Khumalo, Gomez

  7. We should use Vertonghen in the midfield alongside Sandro, as he is the BEST player after Bale in our side and is being totally wasted at centre half / left back. This guy has the potential to become the finest midfield player in the Premier League, as has vision, great first touch, good tackler, and loves to be involved at all times in the game.
    Whats more he can score goals, more than i can say for any of our other midfielders being used.
    My team for next season will be :
    Walker / Kaboul / Dawson / Baines
    Townsend / Sandro / Bale / Vertonghen / Rose
    Villa or Bendeke
    Goals win games, and this team will score PLENTY.
    Every player I’ve chosen can score, not like the present side that relies totally on Bale .
    If our present midfielders play for the next 5 years,they
    will only manage 5 goals between them. WEAK/ WEAK

      • Not interesting. Why put ur most intelligent defender out of position. Build the defence around him and Kabul. At the moment Jan lives in fear of Benni taking another risk and making another mistake which drags Jan out of the middle leaving us weak there. Benni should try his tricks at the other end of the pitch were it is good to see him try them.

      • IMHO Caulker is way too slow and gets turned so easy. I would sell Caulker….If you want a goal scoring central defender we will have to look elsewhere Im afraid

  8. Out: Gomes, BAE, Parker, Livermore, Huddlestone, Adebayor, Dempsey, Defoe (if we get Leandro)

    In: Rose (return), J McCarthy, Son, Townsend (return), Belhanda, Pierre Emerick Aug’, Leandro (if he really exists).

    £25-£30m net. Job done.

  9. Lets face it the ins and outs will never reach the sort of level people are saying.Managers don’t like changing things too much. Bentley and Gallas will leave and so I would think will Gomes and maybe two will be sold or replaced but I doubt with the way Levy works he could do that many deals in the last 30 seconds of the window.

  10. If Bale does decide to move then we should use the interest of City , United and PSG to make RM pay the 80ml.
    RM love to try and lure top players away from teams and Bale is the guy the fans want.Stick it to the DL and get the 80ml which I don’t think Bale is worth but he is our player so we can say what we want.If RM are silly enough to pay it so be it.The more important thing is how much of the money will DL then make available to buy new players.
    Do I think he will be sold? Yes as the club will not be in a place to turn that sort of money down. United took it and they have bigger gate receipts than us so yes DL and the board will sell.Just my view.

    • Of course we have to sell him if we are being offered 80 million! He might get injured and never play like this season again. If we can sell Hudd, Ade, Siggurdson, Livermore, Naughton, Gomes, Bentley and Defoe, we will have a 110 million transfer budget, enough to buy 5-6 quality players to make us really contenders. I would go for Damiao, Benteke, Dries Mertens, Atsu, the best playmaker we can get (it will not be Eriksen who will go to Dortmund, Belhanda more realistic?), Luke Shaw and a decent RB. It is also about time to give Townsend, Carroll, Ceballos and maybe some others some chances to grow in the first team.

    It is difficult to work out our buying strategy unless we know if Bale is staying or going…I think he will stay for another season and if we make CL then, who knows, maybe longer.
    However, we can improve right now in some aspects but we have to get rid of the players that will rarely add to the strength of the team.
    Players to go include, Ade, Bongani, Livermore, Parker, Huddlestone, Gallas, Bentley, Naughton, Kane.
    Atsu is a squad player, Townsend will be great, a quality young striker, Aubemayang/Benteke would fit the bill, whereas Villa does not (too old for the money)….and did I mention too old…Better to have a player who is very good right from the start and than get better and have him for 5 years. We need to get Moussa toward the front more and with Sandro coming back that is possible.

  12. Problem is that they get good and then get poached. Carrick, Berbatov, Modric, Sherringham or whoever. We must keep Bale and we must give him some real goal scoring support. I disagree that Villa is too old. He could be just the type of player to take us to the next level and quite frankly next year is the chance of our lifetime to win the premiership. I think Levy, AVB and Bale (hopefully!) all see we’re close. I’d dump all the players you mention, so let’s buy Benteke and Villa, keep Bale and get on with really making a step up. There’s enough wage bill there to do both.

    • Tell me when you get your hours access to the computer on g wing do you always spend it trolling spurs sites?

  13. Agree with a lot of the above comments as its pretty obvious what needs to be done:
    Sell/Free wages:
    Gomes, Bentley, Gallas, Khomolo, Livermore, …Defoe & Dempsey (D&D to raise funds for new buys)
    2 top strikers out of Damaio, Hulk, Villa, Benteke, Soldado.
    1 top pacy winger
    1 creative midfielder
    Keep BAE, Rose, Siggy, Townsend & Naughton – Why sell them??
    Id also keep Adebayhor and give him till January to prove himself. He’s got it in him to be a top striker as he showed in the last few games but if its same as last season then sell him in Jan

    Most importantly – KEEP BALE & MAKE SURE (this one is for God) SANDRO & KABOUL STAY INJURY FREE


  14. keep lloris, caulker, dawson, kaboul, vertonghen, sandro, dembele, walker, bale and lennon. rest should go. love the sound of bernard and leandro and villa would be great additions, although will also need more quality to replace the deadwood as well. bring on the new dawn, be brave, be courageous!

  15. I think everyone is agreed that if a silly offer of 80 mil was to come in we’d all accept a bale sale ,the problem is when does the money become to late,ie 80 mil on aug 31st is useless,look at the midriff and berbatov deals we didn’t invest any of that and I can see the same happening here,personally if I was chairman I’d ask for 50 mil plus di Maria or higuian and nothing else first choice would be di Maria


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