Transfer rumour will shortly turn into transfer fact with the imminent opening of the summer window and this could literally be the most critical pre-season ever from a Tottenham perspective. It’s hard to remember a more crucial time – certainly in the Premiership era – in terms of both comings and goings at the Lane.

Firstly there’s the Bale issue and whether our most important player will be at the club next season. The spectre of Real Madrid lurks in the background and really it just isn’t worth commenting on the ‘advice’ given by ex pros who feel he should make the move into La Liga.

However, Spurs fans have been voicing their opinions with some suggesting that the club should take a reported bid of £85m and invest it throughout the side. Would Spurs spend that wisely and would they have enough time to do so?

We’ve seen in previous high profile transfers – Rooney to Manchester United and our own Dimitar Berbatov to Old Trafford that these deals can often go down to the wire. So potentially we could have another three months of this speculation and finish with a war chest in late August and a closed transfer window.

Whether Bale stays or goes there is a desperate need for reinforcements up front – as there has been for at least three years now. Once again, talk of various strikers has materialised so will Spurs finally land some targets or will they see big names drift elsewhere in search of Champions League football – and more money?

It’s hard to recall a more crucial season, simply because this must surely be the time when Real, or possibly another side finally makes their move for Gareth Bale. How Spurs strengthen with or without him will be key, not just for next season but for many campaigns to come.



  1. yeah, yeah, most important pre season since the last one and until the next one. I hate the summer break, never have so many words been written about absoultely nothing.
    Stop fretting and just wait and see.

  2. Totally agree with jim. EVERY pre-season is the most important, until the next one. Ignore the press bullpoo. The only people who KNOW whats happening are Danny boy and any other club directors who have made a bid, and they ain’t telling. Just be patient and watch the rugby and cricket.

    • I just think that we open ourselves up to speculation due to the way we conduct our business.
      Obviously a club like ours needs to fly under the radar to get the best deals but leaving it to the last knockings of the window leaves too much room for speculation and there are several of us out there who want to know whats going on.
      A few clubs have already agreed deals to get people in when the window opens, we’ll have the customary 3 month wait fr the player we didn’t need.
      I am looking forward to the Rugby though

  3. Yeah we all know the papers have column inches to fill and until Bale signs a new deal or august 1st comes round that wont stop only Levy and Lewis know what is truly going on with that and its true we need a striker two if possible and we have done for some time we will be linked with every half decent striker in the world and his gran I expect but until deals are done and we see them holding up the lily white shirt its all just gossip so like the guys say find something to keep you busy and trust in Levy and AVB who knows they may yet surpise us all COYS

  4. Have to agree guys, the anti spurs media are trying their best to poison our club as always in order to create some headlines, best to just ignore the rubbish they spout and wait and see

  5. I just hope Daniel Levy has finally learnt his lessons in this coming transfer window. Make no mistake it was Daniel Levy’s fault we never made Champions League not only in the last window but several windows before that as well. Before we could always count on him to spend in the transfer windows and back the manager but over the last five windows the players of quality he has brought in since he took over the transfer window you could count on one hand…Vertonghen, Lloris, Van Der Vaart and maybe Dembele although the jury is still out.

    Ever since he signed Rafa Van Der Vaart his ego has gone through the roof and has been called a master in the transfer window. I beg to differ as he has made too m any mistakes and picked up some very bad habits. He thinks he is spot on with his valuations to such an extent that he was offered Higuain but refused to budge on his valuation of him. He did the same with Damiao in the last window, plus Mouthino, and ended up with nobody and left our team in dissarray up front with only two strikers who both had pretty poor seasons. It has cost Spurs a lot of money by failing to get into the Champions League and once again has made Spurs fans miserable because it was Arsenal that pipped us yet again. If this is an astute businessman he is giving a good impression of a fool with no real ambition and it also shows very little faith in the team by not backing them.

  6. You can’t be sure of signing anyone until they are pictured wearing the shirt or holding up a scarf. If we’re going to sell Bale, do it now, not at the end of August and give us a chance to re-invest in the squad!! If we’re going to buy players get them now, in June or the start of July, so that we can hit the ground running in August. We missed out on CL by a point last season and by a point the season before, but chucked at least 6 away at the start of each of those seasons because our business wasn’t done! OK some will argue that if we got £75M or more for Bale we’d be held to ransom on new players, but we’d be held to ransom whatever point of the window we were in!

    I think the best deal all round would be to do a deal with Madrid in that Bale stays for one more season, with the addition of some loan players, ensuring that we have the best chance of CL qualification next season. We get what we want by reaching top 4 and Bale then goes with our blessing. They can either have Bale now for £85 million if he signs by 1st July, or they can have him for £50 million in a year, if they loan us Contraeo, Modric and Higuain for next season, with an option to buy. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many million we end up getting for Bale, we want CL football and a title challenge and to do that we need to add quality and depth to what we already have. We have a major asset so we should use it to maximum advantage while he’s in demand!!

    • I like the way you’re thinking. This would work for both parties and considering we’re in some sort of friendly little “partnership” with Real, it’d be nice to see a little give on their end. Keep pushing that idea. Maybe old Danny boy might hear it.

  7. My only issue with the transfer windows is the timing of our signings. Levy pulled a rabbit out the hat with Rafa but it now seems that he wants to do this every time and his ‘brinkmanship’ is damaging the club and leaving us short during our most productive premiership seasons.
    It’s no surprise that during our stints with a director of football in charge our transfer business was done early, that left Levy to do his last minute stuff without fear of panic buying


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