The name of Christian Benteke has featured on these pages a few times now but the latest rumour of a player plus cash deal might just be tempting to some Spurs fans. The player thought to be making the reverse trip to Villa Park is Jermain Defoe but will Andre Villas-Boas feel that this is the right time to jettison the striker?

Jermain will remain as one of Tottenham’s all-time leading scorers and a member of an exclusive group of players who have notched more than 100 goals at the club. In two spells at the Lane, Defoe has an impressive 133 strikes to his name but at what point does the club consider that his best days are way behind him?

In 2012-13, JD scored some important goals but his overall record was a modest 15 from 43 appearances. Contrast that with Benteke who claimed 23 in 39 while playing in a side who were battling relegation for 9/10’s of the campaign.

At 22, Benteke is eight years younger than Defoe and according to these reports is valued at around £25m to Defoe’s £7m. So a balance in the region of £15m – £18m is required to land the deal but is it worth losing one of our main strikers in order to secure it?



  1. So we give £18m plus england international, proven goalscorer for over a decade who still spanks em in from distance and dedicated yiddo in return for 22 year old belgian noone had heard of a year ago who’s had one good season at villa.If Defoe’s fit next season he’ll play all the time and score tons of goals

    • We are ‘trying’ to get a player who in his first premiership season has bettered defoes best ever premiership return for a season.

      Defoe is a natural goal shooter, who scores off volume of shoots. Thats not clinical.

      Defoe is 30 years old, there is no more potential, he should be sold while we can get some value.

  2. Lambert is building with young hungry players. Not 30 odd yr old players. As good as Defoe is. Utter tosh. If Benteke goes, and it’s his career after all it will be for cash only.

  3. I doubt this will happen. Of much more concern is Pikey’s opinion. Is that honestly what you think of Defoe?!?!?! When has he ever proved that to be the case? If you’d watched Spurs at all you’d realise that all he actually does is spin and shoot or shift and shoot (from anywhere) straight at the goalkeeper. He never passes, he never sets anyone up, he never makes the correct decision. Why do you think AVB was happier to choose a disaffected, low on confidence, lazy man who literally and metaphorically didn’t turn up for over half the season!?!? Yes, Defoe’s a yiddo. So am I!! I wouldn’t want me playing for us either.

    • Spurls mate show JD a bit of respect – just look at his goal-scoring record for us over the years, only you’re coming across as a bit of a moaner.

  4. Tempted?! SO SPurs decide if Benteke is leaving Villa?!

    Benteke will be at Villa next season and Villa will not do any kind of deal until after the World cup by which time Benteke will be in the 30mill + bracket and will be looking to leave to a real giant and that excludes Spurs

  5. Zero chance of this happening. Defoe is a top player, but as a transfer it would be the opposite of what Lambert is trying to do.

    Lambert is looking to build a squad of dynamic, young, hungry players on low wages – which can be increased as a reward if they perform well. He’s looking for players that will give everything for the shirt and their shot at the premier league.

    Defoe is a very good player, but not exactly versatile, coming towards the end of his career and on big wages. He would also take a heavy transfer fee (or big chunk of a swap deal).

    I don’t think Benteke will end up at Spurs anyway, but this particular swap deal is definitely not going to happen.

    • I get the bit about low wages, just not so sure about the dynamic bit that’s all. Just think how many benteke could get with bale in the team (spurs that is not villa)!

  6. Not a chance in the world. At best a side-ish step for Benteke.
    If he goes it will be to a Champions League football team, and title chasing one at that.

    • What is it with this obsession with UCL? Most of the teams in it haven’t got a hope of winning the darn thing anyway. Surely it would make sense for players like benteke to start with europa league and build on that? He’s young enough for UCL later, one things for certain he won’t get either at villa. Don’t tell me benteke wouldn’t want some of that amsterdam glory that chelski experienced?

  7. You seem to have early sines of dementia all he does is spin and shoot i was a striker and trust me thats not all he does the goal against City showed he has more to is game, We have seen Strikers come to the Prem and have stellar seasons then go crap in fact make that other players as well. The saying one season wonder springs to mind. Lets go through some names Siggy 11 Goals second season harder Palacios 12 million for 2 Million player sole 8 Cant even get in Stokes team. Jermaine suffered from injury and so did Dembele Huddlestone Lennon we had players only 90 percent fi up against energized teams. This is what you have to hope the player you are buying was not at a club using what i call the W factor no not wow but work rate. This is easy to spot Villa had players including Benteke gaunt with all the extra running this supplement gives you. I warned about buying Palacios but it fell on deaf ears till his work rate fell to normal and he was sold. So my argument Defoe is proven year after year we had Bale who filled in for Defoe and Ady we had 8 clean sheets Arsenal had 15 what cost us was not Defoe Ady or Bale but our revolving Defense. We scored more than City and Arsenal Chelsea Per Game they had massive wins against Necastle Reading others our biggest win against Villa 4-0 this was down to playing 451 Ady lack form no Passer helped by Bales change to striker netted 28 points out of a record 72. The morel to our season was why have two strikers and Play 451 would any striker sit and watch no would Benteke get us fourth no because with our defense letting them in we had to score 2 or more goals to win some games 5th best scorers scored against every defense and worse defense in top 8 you cant finish top four with a weak foundation it affects the whole team. When you are playing in a team not winning and not in a top four fight against Utd City Chelsea Arsenal Everton scoring Goals is Harder and full of tension not the same Pressure has Benteke who played nearly every Game Defoe shared with Dempsey Bale Ady that’s the differents

    • The game against Arsenal showed he can’t control a ball and can’t pass, The two semi-finals against the might of Bradford City of league 2 show he can’t be trusted when presented with chance after chance after chance.

  8. Jermaine is a great player, hungry and loyal, especially good as an impact sub. Adebayour is the laziest, most expensive waste of space gooner ever to disgrace the shirt. Could we throw him in the mix please? Its been said already that Benteke is still unproven and it should be said again and again. If we resign Bale then David Villa is the answer. The push we need to get to the next level, Champions league football. Sandro and Kaboul back, Lennon at full fitness, Dembeke able to attack more, Walker a bit more mature, Rose back putting some pressure on BAE or maybe playing left midfield and letting Bale play number 10 behind Villa.
    We have a great squad and don’t need to spend 25 million on one unproven player and also don’t want to start selling great players who love our club with a passion.

  9. I don’t for one moment believe that Defoe would be offered in part exchange for Christian Benteke, it’s all made up paper talk bullshit designed to agitate, they only picked Defoe because he is probably on half the wages Ade is on and Villa cant afford that. If it’s going to happen, it will be straight cash. As a die hard Spurs fan, I would be delighted to see this boy join us because he could be sensational with the service he will get from playing with better players around him plus having two international colleagues in Dembele and Vertonghen at the club has got to be of great help to the lad whilst settle in. I do however, feel sorry for the Villa faithful because to lose such a prospect in Benteke would be dreadful. What he did for that club was amazing and I feel that perhaps he should have won young player of the year simply because he was playing in a struggling team with a gun to their heads yet he kept on fighting and dragged them to safety as a result.

  10. If Benteke leaves Villa it will be to a big club here or maybe abroad spurs have done well over the last 3 seasons but they are not one of the big clubs. The media hype spurs up but they are no bigger than Villa and Benteke would be mad to go there when clubs like Arsenal Dortmund and Atletico are interested.

  11. It was only a 3-4 seasons ago Villa were on the same scale as Spurs if not above them. Rednapp did wonders on a low budget and selling players above their value. Villa are now on the same path Spurs started on. Villa have some fantastic prospects and we seriously don’t need to sell for money.

    We have a billionaire owner who wants the club in the Champions League and said if he cannot achieve that he will step aside, The thing is he has made mistakes in giving Martin O’neill too much money and making the wage bill the 4th highest in the Premiership. Now we have reduced that dramatically.

    We have also spent very little over the last couple of seasons and we have already released Makoun, Warnock, Petrov, Dunne, Lichaj, Marshall and sent Dawkins back to Spurs, We are still going to offload Given, Hutton, Ireland, Bent, Perhaps see Albrighton, Bannan and Delfounseo offloaded too, all those players mentioned had no impact or very little to do with last season at all, You are talking well over 300k a week in wages.

    Villa are now being linked to the likes of Dragovic (Austrian International), Belhanda (Moroccan International), Ivelin Popov and Aleksandar Tonev both Bulgarian Internationals So it’s a very exciting time and these players are reportedly very interested in signing for us. Villa used to be a massive club and history wise we still are, although I can see us challenging for european football soon again and I cannot see Benteke leaving. If he does it will be 30m plus. We have sold on Barry, Milner, Cahill, Young and Downing. Lambert has made it quite clear he will not allow Villa to become a selling club under his leadership.

    Spurs are a good club but I cannot see them setting up to allow Benteke to work his magic, I also think Benteke will be much better off with us, and since we are about to get a hand full of Internationals along with the young prospects that survived last season I don’t see why he would miss out on the world cup anyway, plus he will be more of a legend in his career if he got Villa back up where we should be.

  12. As you said you’ve sold on so many good players – and to English clubs that are direct competition. That my friend is the difference; Levy for all his failings refused to sell Modric to chelski and he won’t be selling Bale either, not yet. One of us is bordering a breakthrough into the top 4 (we did it last year after all) and have played UCL to quarter final stages recently, currently we’re regarding regular top 4-5 finishes as failure! The other (Villa) is a selling club. Last season we attracted Jan Verthongen who chose us over Arse-anal along with the French no.1 keeper. Villa got Benteke because essentially he was an unknown.
    I hope Villa have a good season next year, but the gulf between our 2 clubs is currently immense.

  13. So you didn’t sell the likes of Bent, Keane and Carrick who were direct competition, like I said We are going down your path, although we aren’t going to sell our assets any more just like you have also stopped. Benteke is on a 3 year deal, we had to sell because Martin Oneill ran our wage bill 30m above what your was. We had to sell because our top 4 push didn’t quite get there, we had to go back to the drawing board, back to basics and start over.

    All it takes is a couple of signings to turn into very good players and the club becomes a nothing to champions league challengers, Who was Bale and Modric really ? They turned into exceptional players and you didn’t buy them like that, if it wasn’t for those two players you could of easily did a Newcastle.

    • Liverpool and United weren’t in direct competition at the time and we ended up buying Keane back for an 6 mil profit.
      Modric was already known across Europe when we bought him, Luckily we got him early in the window before his stock rose after a decent Euros. Bale was on the radar of quite a few clubs before we bought him, again, we got in early. Of course it only takes a couple of signings but you mentioned the cost cutting you’ve done and the players that will be offloaded, Bent @ 20 mil, no one will buy him for that so there will be a huge loss on him and I can’t see you getting any more than 2 mil for any of the other names you’ve mentioned, so unless RL going to open the cheque book again I see a difficult season for Villa, even with the young talent that is at the club you’re going to need more tan a couple of signings

        • We are not a poor club and still are in the top 20 richest clubs in the world.

          Bent paid for himself when he single handedly saved us from relegation last year, Randy has said he has no problem paying for players it’s the wage structure that was the problem. after the dead wood has gone we have saved over 500k a week in terms of wages that’s a massive amount and gives us room to bring in the players we need to keep challenging.

          40m is now the price tag on Benteke’s head because Villa do not need or want sell him, does that say we are in money worries seriously ? We are already being linked to 12m players to add to our squad.

          It’s not a sell to buy, it’s sell to get the wage bill lower and then buy with talent that will actually feature in the first 11.

          Given 65k
          Marshall 30k
          Dunne 60k
          Warnock 50k
          Hutton 45k
          Petrov 50k
          Makoun 50k
          Lichaj, Bannan, Albrighton combined 50k
          Ireland 65k
          Bent 75-80k

          These players have gone or will be going this summer, they didn’t feature last season and that isn’t even mentioning the likes of N.Zogbia who is on 65k as well who could also be leaving.

          We survived without them players and we are due to replace them, if you have a calculater to hand or good at maths you will know that is well over 500k we will be saving on wages never mind what fees we will get for them and closer to 600k if you take away the ineffective N.Zogbia.

          We’ll be saving over 30m a season, let alone last summers departures including…

          Heskey 60k
          Cuellar 50k
          Friedel 60k
          Beye 55k
          Davies 40k
          Collins 50k
          Downing 50k

          as you see we have chopped and changed, we now have a team capable of suriving the Premiership drop, we have a team who have now bonded and gelled as a team and we will add to that base, We have cash to spend and we do not need to sell Benteke, you will see Aston Villa trying to show him we have ambition and that he will not need to leave.

  14. Some deluded spuds cunts. What a fuck minded you guys. Please don’t stop play FIFA 2013, it’s good for your fucked up mind. Cheers!


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