Tottenham and Chairman Daniel Levy will be rely on a rare factor in football – loyalty – if Head Coach Andre Villas-Boas is to stay at White Hart Lane next season. If the reported interest in the Portuguese is followed through by Paris Saint-Germain, Levy will be unable to compete with the financial package on offer, not to mention the wealth of world class talent at the manager’s disposal in Ligue 1.

In return for ignoring the lure of the French Euro, AVB will be looking to Levy to retain his best assets – i.e. Gareth Bale – and strengthen the squad with some high profile targets ahead of the new Premiership campaign.

Andre also wants to work closely with Franco Baldini who is set to finally join up as the new Director of Football and hopefully identify some world class talent to take the club forward. The initial report on this story seems to have originated from our old friends the Daily Mail who have gone overboard with the list of transfer targets – the Spanish pair of David Villa and Roberto Soldado together with Brazilian striker Leandro Damiao – but it’s a legitimate story if the AVB to PSG rumours have any substance.

Many fans are sick of reading about it but it is a nervous time and some positive moves on the Chairman’s part are needed in the coming weeks.



  1. Utter bullshit. He agreed a new contract while in the Bahamas. Why do you clowns fall for media invented stories. Don’t you have a brain cell of your own?

  2. Me: how do you know this? Also, the article is reporting the news and stating that we’re fed up of reading about it… Not ‘oh my god, this is 100% true, you should all believe this’… so back in your box you angry little man who must not have a brain cell of his own to actually read the story!

  3. If he has signed a new contract thats news to me what is your source ? plus it would probably be better if he hasn’t as he would be in a stronger position with Levy to negotiate for top players, as he hasn’t fully backed AVB yet. we dont need Levy’s players we want players AVB wants !!!!!

  4. Anyone who believes AVB or Bale (for that matter) will leave Spurs this summer are too busy listening to the scare mongers of this world to fully look objectively at the situation.

    Bale WILL only leave if he publicly announces he wants to leave Spurs, hands in a transfer request and then attempts to go on strike, in which case: Why would we want to keep a player like that???

    I for one CAN’T see Bale doing that, alla Modric/Berbatov , but should he try to I would pack his bags for him!!!

    Whilst AVB is simply using the PSG interest in an attempt to force Levy’s hand regarding transfers, in my opinion, (IF he is even aware of the so-called interest).
    AVB wants big-names,for big money and fast, so he is using this interest as leverage. Whether Levy is the right man to play these games with is another question entirely….Jus t ask Redknapp, whose continual flirtation
    with the England job ended with his head firmly placed beneath the guillotine!

    I ask myself, why would a manager as ‘ambitious’ as AVB leave England (the best/most competitive league in the world) after a year and a half without achieving anything with regards to tangible success, be it qualifying Spurs into the CL or winning a cup?

    PSG are a big/rich club, playing in a below-par league! If AVB DID leave I would suggest that we are better off without the Portuguese tactician, as I would question just how ambitious Villas-Boas really is.

    The fact that Levy would no doubt bring in a quality replacement, in the form of a Klopp or a Laudrup, to compensate for any managerial departure, is NOT why I remain so unfazed by all of this speculation. It is more because I believe that Levy will NOT allow both the manager and the star man both leave the club at a time when he will be determined to display his own intent after building a new state of the art training complex, attempting to construct a new stadium and sacking ‘arry!

    Levy knows the message selling AVB and/or Bale would send out, and would therefore go beyond the call of duty to keep them both. However, should either or both be sold by the chairmen, I have no doubt Levy would SERIOUSLY reinvest inorder to maintain a image of a club moving forward!

    In other words, ‘In Levy I trust!!!’

  5. Ramos43: I admire your faith in Levy but surely you must consider him at fault for a lack of investment during the last two winter transfer windows ! This has undoubtedly cost us CL qualification in the past two seasons. Furthermore qualification would have increased Spurs revenue, thus putting us on a better footing to realise the plans for the new stadium. Levy should back the manager with players AVB wants and not follow his own preference i.e. Sigurdson & Dempsey!

    • If Sigurdsson was a Levy signing than I am glad Daniel sees fit to buy players, as I believe Gyfil has the potential next season to save us £15m-£20m, provided he gets the opportunities.

      I am NOT saying that Levy is without faults, but one thing that cannot be put into question, in my opinion, is that he always acts with what he believes to be the clubs best interests at heart.

      People KEEP talking about a so-called lack of investment, but considering we have a 36,000 cap stadium, and have never been CL regulars, I think Levy (and co) has/have been very generous/ambitious with their investment.

      Just look at all the players we have acquired for in excess of £10m since Levy has been at the helm and then compare it to the previous regime.

      Wilson Palacios, Darren Bent, Peter Crouch, David Bentley, Luka Modric, Roman Pavlychenko, Moussa Dembele and Dimitar Berbatov (remind me if I’ve missed anyone) are all deals the chairmen has dug deep to sanction….Not to mention the many other shrewd transfers Levy has negotiated for this club, for much less…i.e. Lennon, Bale, VDV and Sandro, to name just a few.

      Blaming the clubs fortunes this season on the chairman is all to easy, in my opinion. After all, it is the players and managers responsibility to get results on the field.

      It wasn’t Levy fault when Spurs unbeaten 12/13 game run came to a shuddering halt at Anfield, with two catastrophic errors, despite playing Liverpool of the field for much of the game.

      It also wasn’t Levy fault the team/manager did their best to ruin a excellent first-leg display against Inter, once in the grand surroundings of the San Siro, for the 2nd leg.

      I could go on, but I think you catch my drift…

      Obviously, we would all like to see our club spend vast amounts of money in every transfer window, but that isn’t always possible if you wish to run a financially stable business.

      Anyone remember Leeds or Portsmouth? Two clubs who have yet to recover from the damage done by the incompetence of their respective chairmen.

      All I know is as long as Levy is at the helm of our club, Spurs will remain progressive/competitive WITHOUT having it’s long-term future into jeopardy!


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